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Journal of Swine Health and Production

September and October, 2005

Cover Photo

Fall harvest on an Iowa swine operation
Photo courtesy of Tina Smith

 The Journal of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians

Table of contents

President’s message

From the Executive Director

Genomic homology of ORF 5 gene sequence between modified live vaccine virus and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus challenge isolates is not predictive of vaccine efficacy
Opriessnig T, Pallarés FJ, Nilubol D, et al

Effect of single or double insemination on fertility of sows bred at an induced estrus and ovulation
Cassar G, Kirkwood RN, Poljak Z, et al

Effects of weaning age on postweaning belly-nosing behavior and umbilical lesions in a multi-site production system
Main RG, Dritz SS, Tokach MD, et al

An outbreak of salmonellosis in a swine finishing barn
Alsop JE

Fecal shedding of a highly cell-culture-adapted porcine epidemic diarrhea virus after oral inoculation in pigs
Song DS, Oh JS, Kang BK, et al

Diagnostic notes:
Organic dust toxic syndrome: A noninfectious febrile illness after exposure to the hog barn environment

Von Essen SG, Andersen CI, Smith LM

News from the National Pork Board

Also in the print edition: