The AASV Foundation awarded $5000 scholarships to each of five veterinary students at the 2017 AASV Annual Meeting in Denver. The AASVF-Merck Veterinary Student Scholarships were funded by a $25,000 contribution from Merck Animal Health in an effort to identify and assist future swine veterinarians with their educational expenses. This was the second year for the scholarship program.
The 2017 scholarship recipients are
- Kayla Blake, Auburn University
- Jordan Gebhardt, Kansas State University
- Allison Knox, University of Illinois
- Chelsea Ruston, Iowa State University
- Brent Sexton, Iowa State University
Second- and third-year veterinary students enrolled in AVMA-accredited or -recognized colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean islands were eligible to apply. A committee of four, consisting of two AASV Foundation Board members and two AASV members-at-large, reviewed the applications to select the five recipients from the pool of 46 applications submitted for consideration.
AASV Foundation accepting applications for ACAW scholarship
The AASV Foundation Board of Directors is now accepting applications from AASV members seeking board certification in the American College of Animal Welfare (ACAW). The applicant must have a DVM or VMD degree and at least 5 years of continuous membership in the AASV.
To apply, the applicant must submit a curriculum vitae, an ACAW-approved program plan, and three (3) letters of reference (one of which must come from the applicant’s mentor). There is no submission “due date,” but there is a limit to the amount of funding available each year. A selection committee will review applications as they are received.
The scholarship will provide annual reimbursements for actual expenses related to the ACAW program, including travel, course fees, and textbooks, with a maximum reimbursement amount of $20,000. Reimbursement will not cover lost income. An incentive payment of $10,000 will be issued upon successful and timely completion of the ACAW Board Certification.
For more information, contact the AASV office: Tel: 515-465-5255; E-mail:
Foundation endowment grows with addition of two Legacy Funds
During the recent AASV Foundation Luncheon in Denver, foundation chairman Dr John Waddell announced the establishment of two new Legacy Funds. The Legacy Fund represents the highest level of the foundation’s triad of endowed giving programs (Leman-Heritage-Legacy), with a minimum $50,000 contribution required to establish a named endowment.
The Pipestone Veterinary Services Practice Legacy Fund is the first Legacy Fund to be established by a veterinary practice. In designating the fund proceeds to support education and long-range issues of the profession, Pipestone Holdings Chair Dr Gordon Spronk noted that “The swine veterinary profession and US swine industry face many issues now and in the future. The AASV Foundation (and proceeds of this Practice Legacy Fund) will support finding long-term solutions to maintaining the US swine industry as the best in the world.” He added, “We hope that the small role we play encourages other practices to support the AASV Foundation via a swine practice Legacy Fund.”
A firm belief in the value of higher education and an admiration for the AASV Foundation’s work assisting veterinary student participation in AASV led Dr K. T. Wright to create the Dr Kenneth T. Wright Legacy Fund. When asked why he chose to participate in the Legacy program, he answered, “Over the years, I have asked many AASV members to participate in the foundation as Leman or Heritage Fellows, and I’m a firm believer in the old adage to ‘put your money where your mouth is.’ Veterinary medicine has been very good to me during my career, with the majority of the practice work being involved with swine, and I considered creating a Legacy Fund as a worthy way of giving back.” In addition to his participation as an AASV Foundation board member and donor, Dr Wright and his wife Betty have endowed numerous scholarships at Western Illinois University and the University of Illinois.
The foundation board created the Legacy program in 2014 to provide an opportunity to recognize a principal donor – or an honoree – through a significant contribution. The foundation’s first Legacy Fund was established in 2016 by Dr Nathan L. Winkelman.
A donor (or multiple donors) may establish and name a Legacy Fund with a gift of $50,000 or more. The fund may be named after the donor or another individual or group. As an endowed giving program, Legacy Fund contributions are invested to generate income in the form of interest, dividends, and capital gains. The income is used to fund foundation activities, while the original contribution is conserved, helping to assure the organization’s long-term stability and success. The Legacy Fund donor has the opportunity to designate which of three foundation mission categories the fund proceeds will support: 1) research, 2) education, or 3) long-range issues.
The AASV Foundation has set a goal to establish a $2 million endowment by the 2019 celebration of AASV’s 50th anniversary, while at the same time maintaining its ongoing commitment to fund research, scholarships, externships, tuition grants, and other programs and activities that benefit the profession of swine veterinary medicine. For more information about the AASV Foundation, see
PRRSV research selected for funding in 2017
Dr John Waddell, chairman of the AASV Foundation, announced the selection of two research proposals, both of which focus on the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), for funding in 2017. The announcement was made on February 26 during the foundation’s annual luncheon in Denver, Colorado.
A grant of $30,000 was awarded to Dr Jianqiang Zhang and co-investigators at Iowa State University to fund the project “Comparison of PRRSV isolation in different cell lines towards improving success of isolating PRRSV from clinical samples.” The study will use serum, lung, and oral-fluid samples to compare the use of two different cell lines for virus isolation. The project will also evaluate the correlation of PRRSV concentration, genetic lineage, and specimen type to virus isolation success. The goal is to improve the success of PRRSV isolation attempts when requested by swine practitioners for autogenous vaccine production or further characterization.
Dr Daniel Linhares at Iowa State University (ISU), along with co-investigators at ISU and Carthage Veterinary Service Ltd, was awarded a grant of $11,824 to investigate the effect of attenuated PRRSV on short-term and long-term whole-herd productivity. The primary objective of the study is to investigate and measure the impact of modified live vaccine (MLV) on key breeding-herd performance parameters, using natural experiments under field conditions. It is anticipated this information will be used with existing economic models to assist swine veterinarians in making informed decisions regarding the use of PRRSV MLV vaccine as a preventive tool.
Dr Nathan Winkelman chaired the scientific subcommittee responsible for reviewing and scoring the proposals received for consideration, and he joins the foundation in thanking Drs John Baker, Tim Blackwell, Peggy Anne Hawkins, Martin Mohr, and Jerry Torrison for their service on the subcommittee.
An overview of past and current projects funded by the foundation is available at The foundation will issue its next call for research proposals in the fall of 2017.
Foundation auction benefits Ethiopian charity as well as swine veterinarians
The 2017 American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) Foundation held its annual fundraising auction on February 27 during the 48th AASV Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. This year’s auction raised $112,666!
The funds raised during the auction support foundation programs, including student travel stipends, research projects, scholarships, student externships, awards, support for veterinarians pursuing board certification in the American College of Animal Welfare, and other opportunities to enhance the personal and professional aspects of swine veterinary medicine.
One of the highlights of the auction was the generosity of the AASV Foundation 2017 Consortium. This ad hoc group of 32 individuals and organizations raised $32,000 for the foundation. And, thanks to Pipestone Veterinary Services’ matching contribution, Adams Thermal Foundation-Ethiopia also received $32,000 to support the fight against hunger and promote childhood education in Ethiopia. Adams Thermal Foundation operates two schools in Ethiopia enrolling the “poorest of the poor” – children who are orphaned or HIV-positive or who struggle from the effects of extreme poverty. Adams Thermal Academies enroll 900 students from kindergarten through grade 10. Children receive an exceptional education, clothing, textbooks and school materials, food, medical attention, and transportation.
Auctioneers Dr Tom Burkgren (AASV Executive Director) and Dr Shamus Brown called the auction, assisted by Wes Johnson, who generously lent his capable clerking services to the dynamic duo. The spirited live auction raised $84,825. This was in addition to the $17,340 collected during the silent auction and $10,501 in generous cash donations. The foundation thanks all those who participated in the auction by bidding on or donating items, as well as those who served on the auction committee chaired by Dr Butch Baker. Visit to view auction results.
A special thanks goes to the bid-takers: Miranda Ayers, Dave Bomgaars, Joel Burkgren, Peggy Anne Hawkins, Howard Hill, Terry Metcalf, David Reeves, Max Rodibaugh, and John Waddell, who kept the bids coming while modeling blue grilling aprons that were later sold to the highest bidders. In addition, the following folks’ behind-the-scenes and front-end help was invaluable: Miranda Ayers, Joel Burkgren, Sue Kimpston, Kay Kimpston-Burkgren, David and Karen Menz, Karen Richardson, Lee and Sue Schulteis, Tina Smith, and Harry Snelson.
The AASV Foundation Auction Committee is grateful to everyone who made a contribution or bid on items in the live and silent auctions. Thanks to your support, the foundation raised $112,666! We are pleased to recognize the bidders listed below who purchased one or more items at the auction.
AASVF 2017 Consortium
Paul Armbrecht, Butch and Emma Baker, John and Andrea Baker and family (Warrick Veterinary Clinic), Bob Blomme, Dave Bomgaars, Ron Brodersen, Dyneah Classen, Joe Connor, Wayne Freese, GlobalVetLINK, Doug Groth, Pat Halbur, Steve Henry, Howard Hill, Tyler Holck, Bill Hollis, Kerry Keffaber, Hans Koehnk, Aaron Lower, NutriQuest, Daryl Olsen, Jodie Pettit, David Reeves, Max Rodibaugh, Hans Rotto, Steve Schmitz, Peter Schneider, Mike and Lisa Tokach, Veterinary Medical Center, John Waddell, Thomas Wetzell, Warren Wilson
Thanks to the consortium and Pipestone Veterinary Services for their generous donation!
AASV Foundation Auction buyers
Matt Anderson, Mike Apley, Paul Armbrecht, John and Andrea Baker, Brett Bonwell, Mark Brinkman, Laura Bruner, George Charbonneau, Scanlon Daniels, Mark Engesser, Phil Gauger, Christa Goodell, Doug Groth, Peggy Anne Hawkins, Dale Hendrickson, Bill Hollis, Clark Huinker, Kerry Keffaber, Paul Knoernschild, Chris Kuster, Duane Long, Rodger Main, Daniel McManus, Dale Mechler, Luke Minion, Bill Minton, Elizabeth Newton-Royer, Daryl Olsen, Brent Pepin, Michael Pierdon, Chad Pilcher, Doug Powers, Brian Roggow, Michael Schelkopf, Steve Schmitz, Peter Schneider, Kent Schwartz, Mike Senn, Katie Sinclair, Paul Sundberg, Debra Thompson, James Unwin, Dennis Villani, Drew Weir, Ron White, Warren and Marilyn Wilson, Nathan Winkelman, Barry Wiseman, Teddi Wolff, Katie Woodard