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Annual Meeting Report — 2001

Annual Meeting Report

The AASV 2001 Annual Meeting convened at the Nashville Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee February 24-27, 2001. While the meeting represented the 32nd gathering of the association, it was the first under its new banner as the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. The 825 total attendees included 564 AASV members and 71 veterinary students. The growing international component of the AASV was clearly evident, as 24% of the attendees were from outside the US, and represented 23 different countries.

AASV Board of Directors

President Bob Morrison convened the meeting of the AASV officers and Board of Directors on Saturday, February 24, 2001. The actions taken by the Board included approval of the proposed AASV website initiative, to include enhancement of the current website and implementation of the AASV electronic newsletter. The initial phase of the website initiative is being funded with a $20,000 grant from Merial. The Board also approved proceeding with the development of boar stud guidelines under the direction of the AASV Boar Stud Committee led by Dr. Gary Althouse. Additionally, the Board selected Toronto, Canada, as the site for the AASV annual meeting in 2005.

AASV 2001 Officers left to right: Bob Morrison, Past President; David Madsen, President; Lisa Tokach, President Elect; Rick Sibbel, Vice President

Educational program

The meeting featured presentations by 173 speakers. Program chair Dr. David Madsen and his committee offered an educational program that centered around the theme "Science and Technology 2001 – Clear Goals or Black Holes?", emphasizing the need to rely on science when making veterinary decisions, while using care not to misinterpret the science and be misled in the process.

Pre-convention workshops

Saturday’s pre-conference program featured seminars on a variety of topics, including reproduction in gilts and sows, extra label drug use, sharpening your business mind, enteric diseases in nursery pigs, using computer information services, and "making friends with your shadow".

Sunday’s offerings included the AASV’s first attempt to provide a workshop presented entirely in Spanish. "Erradicacion de enfermadades" offered information and discussion on the control and eradication of pseudorabies, classical swine fever, and PRRS, and generated strong interest from Spanish-speaking members. Sessions on reproductive pharmacology, pork food safety, financial risk management, PRRS diagnostics, average daily gain, and financial planning rounded out the morning pre-conference sessions.

Industrial Partners & Technical Tables

Sunday afternoon featured the Industrial Partners sessions, with 41 speakers making presentations on behalf of 27 companies. Meeting attendees had the opportunity to visit with a number of swine industry commercial representatives during the Technical Tables display on Monday and Tuesday, which showcased 50 companies and organizations, including several first-time participants.

Student seminar

Fifteen veterinary students shared research and case reports on a variety of topics. Alpharma Animal Health generously sponsored the seminar by providing each student participant with a gift and $500 travel stipend. The student speakers represented 11 universities: Iowa State, Purdue, Michigan State, Guelph, Minnesota, Virginia-Maryland, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Ohio State, and Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina.

Informational sessions

During a special forum led by AASV President Dr. Bob Morrison on Sunday afternoon, members explored and discussed the changes taking place in the food production process and the potential opportunities for veterinarians. In the ABVP Session, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners diplomate Dr. Tony Scheiber offered guidance and information to members interested in pursuing ABVP certification in Swine Health Management.

General session

During Monday’s general session, Dr. Max Rodibaugh of Frankfort, Indiana, presented the Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture, focusing on the meeting theme "Science and Technology 2001: Clear Goals or Black Holes". He encouraged attendees to "raise the bar" in terms of their scientific evaluation skills, and to hone their critical analysis techniques in order to better serve the swine industry. He also examined some of the new technologies on the horizon for potential use by swine veterinarians, and offered goals for veterinarians to consider when incorporating new technologies into their business.

The presentations that followed focused on a number of key issues confronting veterinarians in the swine industry. Dr. Jim McKean discussed the importance of Good Production Practices and the role of veterinarians in enhancing pork safety. Dr. Randy Bush outlined the practitioner’s role and responsibilities in autogenous bacterin use, and Dr. John Waddell examined AMDUCA’s implications for swine veterinarians. In his presentation "Foreign Animal Disease – We’re Not Ready", Dr. Harry Snelson addressed a topic that has taken on added significance since the recent outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the UK The final presentation of the morning featured Dr. Steve Henry speaking on the advances and the ever-present challenges in PRRS elimination.


Dr. Gary Bosch, Pharmacia Animal Health, welcomed the meeting attendees to the Pharmacia-sponsored luncheon. Dr. James Nave, AVMA President, greeted the AASV members and updated them on news from the AVMA. In addition, the members heard from Dr. Kent Ames, Vice President of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, and Donna Reifschneider, past president of the National Pork Producers Council. Dr. Hank Harris, president of the International Pig Veterinary Society 2002, reminded members of the congress scheduled for June 2-5, 2002 in Ames, Iowa. The AASV is teaming with NPPC and Iowa State University to sponsor the congress.

Dr. Hank Harris, International Pig Veterinary Society 2002 President, invites AASV attendees to make plans to attend the IPVS 2002 Congress is in Ames, Iowa

Concurrent sessions

Monday afternoon’s concurrent sessions focused on three facets of swine veterinary medicine: production, management, and enteric disease. Tuesday morning, attendees chose from topics on respiratory diseases, swine business, and research reports.

AASV Foundation auctions

Once again, the AASV Foundation sponsored live and silent auctions to raise money for the Foundation’s permanent endowment fund. The Foundation is indebted to the following "Foundation Friends" who underwrote the auctions with monetary contributions:

  • ImmTech Biologics
  • Newport Laboratories
  • Newsham Hybrids
  • Pharmacia Animal Health
  • Schering Plough Animal Health
  • Grand Laboratories

In addition, several organizations and members donated items for the auctions, including

  • AVMA Professional Liability Insurance Trust
  • National Pork Producers Council (NPPC)
  • Intervet
  • Dr. Tony Scheiber
  • Dr. Roy Schultz
  • Carol (Mrs Max) Rodibaugh

Executive Director Dr. Tom Burkgren and AASV member Dr. Jon Witt performed the auctioneering duties for the live auction during the banquet Monday evening, netting the foundation $14,850 – more than $10,000 for the second consecutive year.

AASV member Dr. Ron Brodersen proudly displays the Carol Rodibaugh painting he purchased at the AASV Foundation live auction


Dr. Rodger Schneck presented the Alpharma $5000 Veterinary Student Scholarship to the outstanding participant in the AASV student seminar, Sarah Probst from the University of Illinois. Her presentation was titled "A survey of the changing relationship between Midwest food animal veterinarians and the producers they serve." Five additional student seminar participants received $2000 scholarships sponsored by the Eli Lilly & Company Foundation on behalf of Elanco Animal Health. Dr. Greg Armbruster presented the scholarships to Beth Young, University of Guelph, Cameron Schmitt, Iowa State University, J. David Schneider, Iowa State University, Jan Kelly, University of Guelph, and Jason Kelly, Purdue University.

Dr. David Madsen presented the AASV $2000 Veterinary Graduate Student Scholarship to Dr. Satoshi Otake. Otake, a graduate student at the University of Minnesota, presented his paper "Transmission of PRRSV by mechanical vectors and the impact of biosecurity" during the research topics session at the meeting.


Awards committee chair Dr. Larry Rueff presented the Howard Dunne Memorial Award to Dr. William Mengeling for his contributions and service to the AASV and the swine industry. Mengeling, a virology researcher at the National Animal Disease Center and Iowa State University faculty member, was cited for his identification of parvovirus as the causative agent of SMEDI as well as for his continuing contributions to the study of the PRRS virus. Mengeling stated that he was especially honored to receive the award, as he had worked with Dr. Howard Dunne during his career.

Dr. Conrad Schmidt, AASV charter member and past president of the association, was honored with the Meritorious Service Award. As chair of the AASV Foundation, Schmidt has been tireless in his efforts to promote the Foundation and build its permanent endowment fund to help ensure the future for swine veterinarians.

Dr. Max Rodibaugh was named the 2001 Swine Practitioner of the Year. Since 1980, Rodibaugh has owned and operated Swine Health Services, a 100% swine veterinary practice and consultation service in Frankfort, Indiana. Rodibaugh received praise for his professionalism in dealing with both clients and fellow practitioners.

AASV Awardees left to right: Dr. William Mengeling, Howard Dunne Memorial Award; Dr. Max Rodibaugh, Swine Practitioner of the Year; Dr. Larry Rueff, AASV past president and awards committee chairperson; Dr. Conrad Schmidt, Meritorious Service Award

Industry support

Meeting attendees benefited from industry generosity throughout the meeting. Pfizer Animal Health teamed with Dekalb Choice Genetics to entertain AASV members at the Adelphia Coliseum clubhouse on Saturday evening.

Sunday evening, Schering Plough treated attendees to local flavor – both musical and culinary – at the Wildhorse Saloon in downtown Nashville. Later, at the Renaissance hotel, Intervet entertained members and students at a reception featuring the memorable magic of David Harris. Several onlookers – including AABP vice president Kent Ames – were surprised to discover their wristwatches had magically transferred to the arm of the magician during the course of his performance.

Pharmacia continued its long-time sponsorship of the luncheon on Monday, and Elanco Animal Health teamed with Pfizer to underwrite the Monday evening awards banquet. The AASV is grateful for the generous support provided by these industry sponsors!

Business breakfast

Dr. David Madsen, Shelby, Nebraska was installed as AASV president by outgoing president Dr. Robert Morrison. Dr. Lisa Tokach assumed the office of president-elect, and Dr. Rick Sibbel of Ankeny, Iowa was announced as the newly elected vice president.

Bob Morrison passes the gavel to newly installed AASV 2001 president Dr. David Madsen of Shelby, Nebraska

The 2002 AASV annual meeting will be held at the Crown Center Westin in Kansas City, Missouri, March 2-5, 2002. Dr. Lisa Tokach will serve as program chair. Mark your calendar and plan to attend!