AASV President’s Message — March and April 2001
Presidents’ messages
So much to do and so little time…
You know the feeling. As our indust-ry changes at this rapid pace, we try to stay abreast of these changes and perhaps even lead them. At the same time, we try to keep our work in balance. And then I tell you that if you have anything left and want to give back to your profession, AASV needs you. The public issues are many – welfare, antibiotic use, food safety, environmental impact. We have new professional opportunities, such as production management, quality assurance, and farm process auditing. There is also our ongoing CE that needs to be deliveredin a just-in-time fashion at a reasonablecost. And now with NPPC’s programs in jeopardy, who will fund applied research and be responsible for educating producers? These are big challenges for our association and future leaders. Are you up to the challenge?
There are rewards if you volunteer. You will have strong, experienced, and wise colleaguesworking with you. I am continually amazed at the energy and wisdomthat we have in our membership. You will have a new learning curve. For example, through AASV, I have becomeinvolved in FDA meetings on antibiotic use, McDonald’s concerns with pig welfare and housing, our web site plans for CE, and planning the annual meeting. Perhaps most rewarding is the feeling of accomplishment as you make progress. Our association and profession is strong and vibrant because of the work of our former leaders, committee members, and members. Step up and give back. We need you.
I have appreciated the opportunity to serve as your President. While I have not accomplished as much as I had hoped, there’s still tomorrow. I look forward to working with our new officers and committeemembers. We are fortunate to have Dave Madson, Lisa Tokach, and our new to-be-named officer at the helm in 2001. They will no doubt do good work and serve you well.
Over to you Dave…
— Bob Morrison