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Classified Advertising — November and December, 2000


Assistant Professor

The College of Veterinary medicine at Michigan State University seeks to fill a tenure track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor in the area of swine disease management. This appointment will be in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. Responsibilities include extension and research activities aimed at improving swine health and increasing productivity. A DVM and training in the area of swine extension and research are required. A Masters or PhD degree is desirable. To apply, send a curriculum vitae and an outline of plans for the future career development. Arrange for at least three letters of reference to be sent to:

Dr. Barbara Straw
Chairperson, Swine Search Committee
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
D202 Veterinary Medical Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48823-1314

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2000.

Michigan State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Corporate Veterinarian

Corporate veterinarian required for Canadian swine operation targeting 50,000 sows, Ontario-based with units in Manitoba and Iowa.

Responsibilities cover all aspects of modern swine production plus barn personnel coordination. Local and international conference attendance encouraged. Three to sixth month probational salary of $6,000.00 Canadian per month leading to profit sharing. Benefits package, vehicle and relocation costs included.

All inquiries:

Dr. J. A. Sankey
2525 Commissioners Road West
London, ON N6K 4P1

Phone: 519-472-7351
Fax: 519-472-0321

Company Veterinarian – Carroll’s Foods

Carroll’s Foods, Inc., a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, is seeking a qualified veterinarian for a swine grow operation. Smithfield Foods is the world’s largest producer of pork products and offers a wide range of benefits and opportunities. The ideal candidate will have an understanding of swine grow-out operations and must be willing to be "hands on" in the field. If you are interested in being a part of a worldwide organization on the cutting edge of the industry, please forward your resume to Dr. Brian Bergman or Ed Shelton at Carroll’s Foods, Inc., PO Drawer 856, Warsaw NC 28398, or E-mail to or

Rate information: The basic rate for classified advertisements is $100 for up to 25 words plus $1 per word thereafter. Please inquire regarding rates for students or special needs, (contact the Swine Health and Production editorial office). Please do not send payment with your order; you will be invoiced on publication. The deadline is 6 weeks before the first of the month of publication. Send advertisements to the editorial address inside the front cover.