AASP Pork Producer Partners Activities – Sept Oct 2000
2000 World Pork Expo Highlights
This year’s World Pork Expo was held in Indianapolis, Indiana on June 8-10, and for the sixth straight year, the AASP exhibited at Expo where we had the opportunity to visit with swine producers and veterinarians from around the world. As in past years, our main focus for being there was to stimulate interest and awareness about our organization and about what services AASP members can provide. Expo also gives us an opportunity to educate producers and others on a variety of topics and issues.
As in past years, we had available at the booth a plentiful supply of educational materials, including back issues of Swine Health and Production, euthanasia brochures, boar stud guidelines, isolation and acclimation of incoming breeding swine recommendations, AASP membership and affiliate membership applications, Swine Health and Production subscription forms, IPVS 2002 brochures, and producer brochures with information about our organization. Newly available this year were Swine Health Fact Sheets which are coproduced by the NPPC and AASP. In cooperation with APHIS, we also distributed brochures detailing the benefits of producer participation in the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Swine 2000 study. AASP pencils promoting our organization’s phone number and website address were handed out to producers who visited our booth, and 12 PQA Level III producers won copies of the Dennis Avery book, Saving the Planet with Pesticides and Plastics.
As always, our participation in Expo is dependent on the AASP members who volunteer their time and effort to make this happen. Special thanks this year to AASP Administrative Assistant Sue Schulteis and to Dr. Mike Senn for organizing the literature and promotional materials for the booth. Special thanks also to Drs. Jim Bradford and Kerry Keffaber for coordinating the staffing for the booth. Kudos to Drs. Rodger Schneck and Paul Tillman for their capable assistance in booth setup. Extra special thanks to the AASP members who worked the booth this year, including Drs. Matt Ackerman, John Baker, Steve Bales, Neil Becker, Jim Bradford, Tony Forshey, Tom Gillespie, Jeff Harker, Kerry Keffaber, Jim Kober, John Kolb, Bruce Lamb, Karen Lehe, Bruce McClain, Michelle Michalak, Max Rodibaugh, Chris Rumsey, and Dennis Villani.
–contributed by Dr. Teddi Wolff
AASP Public Relations Committee