Swine Health and Production — March and April, 1999
Volume 7, Number 2 |
Swine Health and Production
ContentsPresident’s messages (HTML only): From the Editor Effect of vaccination
against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on health, growth, and
pubertal status of gilts exposed to moderate ammonia concentrations
in all-in-all-out versus continuous-flow systems Use of commercially available ELISAs
to help determine estrous status in female swine Human chorionic gonadotropin
at parturition fails to consistently induce ovulation in sows Endemic transmissible gastroenteritis:
Difficulty in diagnosis and attempted confirmation Diagnosing endemic swine influenza
virus in nursery pigs using cross-sectional serologic profiling Diagnostic notes: AASP Pork PRODUCER PARTNERSSM activities Also in the print edition: