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AASP Vice Presidential candidate — January 1999


AASP Vice-Presidential candidate

January and February, 1999

David P. Madsen, DVM, Dipl. ABVP, SHP is a Nebraska native who grew up on a diverse livestock and grain farm in Indiana. He graduated from Purdue University in 1969 and entered general veterinary practice with a food animal emphasis, retaining this focus until 1994. He became a partner in Swine Pro Associates, LLC in Columbus, Nebraska at that time and is currently involved in swine-only veterinary practice and consultation.

Dr. Madsen is a charter member of the AASP and has served on the Conference Program Planning Committee, as District 3 Director, and chaired the PR Committee from 1992-1996. He is currently the alternate delegate representing the AASP in the AVMA House of Delegates, and sits on the AASP Foundation board of directors. He was a member of the first Executive Veterinary Program in Swine Health Management at the University of Illinois and became a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, certified in Swine Health Management, in 1995. Dr. Madsen and his wife, Sandie, have one daughter, Jenna, a student at University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

"The role of the veterinary practitioner in the production of wholesome food presents both a challenge and an opportunity for our membership. Significant groundwork has been laid by our leadership and I accept the chance to further that effort. Simultaneously, the need to solidify the positions and expand the horizons of our individual members to capture the rewards of a changing industry demands strong member services from your association. I welcome the opportunity to assist in that regard."

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