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News — May and June, 1998



May and June, 1998

Des Moines hosts largest-ever 29th AASP Annual Meeting

A huge blizzard in Des Moines did not stop record attendance at the AASP Annual Meeting on March 7-10, 1998, with:

As program chairman, Dr. Rick Tubbs led the planning for this year’s educational program. He emphasized three critical areas in the changing world of pork production: "People, Knowledge, and Technology." This theme was addressed repeatedly throughout the 12 workshops, 15 student seminars, 42 individual presentations, four general sessions, and six concurrent sessions featuring 36 presenters.

AASP Board of Directors

President Larry Rueff convened a meeting of the officers and AASP Board of Directors on Saturday, March 7, 1998. AVMA President John Freemon (Franklinton, North Carolina) was welcomed and addressed the Board. Two newly elected Board members, Dr. R. C. Ebert (Pleaseant Hill, Missouri, District 3) and Dr. David Baumert (Clarksen, Nebraska, District 8) were introduced.

Dr. Steve Henry thoroughly explained many issues discussed in his representation on the AVMA Council on Biologics and Therapeutic Agents (COBTA) and the AVMA Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee (AALC).

The AASP Food Safety Committee chairman, Dr. James McKean, highlighted a report on Good Production Practices (GPP), which he divided into six general headings: pest control, biosecurity, age-segregated production, heard health, feed source and control procedures, and transportation. Dr. McKean hopes an audit form for GPP will be available in 1999.

The Trichinae Herd Certification project was explained by Dr. Dave Pyburn, Director, Veterinary Science, National Pork Producers Council (NPPC).

The AASP Board selected Kansas City for the 2002 AASP Annual Meeting. Dr. Robert Morrison announced his pending resignation as Executive Editor of Swine Health and Production.

Pre-Convention workshops

Saturday’s pre-convention workshops included "Swine Reproduction: Real-time Ultrasound," led by Dr. Charles J. Francisco, "Practical Economics of Pork Production," led by Dr. Brian Caldwell, and "PigCHAMP(R) Problem Solving," led by Dr. Cate Dewey. Dr. Tom Fangman chaired the workshop on "Building Technology and Equipment Decisions," which demonstrated alternative uses of equipment and facilities in providing healthy and economical pig environments.

Two workshops–a diagnostic pathology wet lab led by Dr. Kent Schwartz, and "Communications Technologies," led by Dr. Brad Thacker, were held at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Ames, Iowa.

Sunday morning workshops included "New Horizons in Nutrition," "Alternative Finishing concepts," "Applied Serology and Vaccinology," and "Societal Issues in Pork Production." Many AASP registrants and spouses participated in a special workshop, "Balancing Faith, Family, and Practice."

Student and Industrial Partners participation

The 15 student presentations were again sponsored by Roche Animal Nutrition and Health and each presenter was given a $500 honorarium and leather portfolio. Students from Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, North Carolina State University, Purdue University, the University of Illinois, the University of Minnesota, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Prince Edward Island, and the University of Wisconsin were participants.

The three concurrent Industrial Partners sessions on Sunday afternoon were chaired by Drs. Larry Firkin, John Waddell, and Craig Rowles. New technologies, services, biologics, drugs, and products were detailed and reviewed by 42 speakers.

Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture

Dr. Mike Daniel presented the 1998 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture, entitled "People, Knowledge, and Technology." Dr. Daniel challenged the audience by saying, "We must start imagining our own position in the future." He emphasized that his message would be more philosophical. Dr. Daniels suggested the concept of a "food chain system," which links basic genetics, production, food, distribution, and the consumer. He believes we are now in a revolution that moves the "supply-driven chain to the demand-driven chain." He concluded that we can enhance our lives as we find our place in the future through four principles:

General sessions

"People power" was the title of Mark Mayfield’s inspirational presentation as he described his golden rule: "do unto others they way they want to be done unto." This was followed by Dennis DiPietre’s reflections on our mission to create value. He concluded that "all of agriculture will be rediscovered in light of the consumer." Dr. Gordon Spronk concluded the general session with his address on "pork production technologies." He revealed that the adaptations of new technologies in the Pipestone System was a careful process of probing and suggesting with the "clients allowing us to try it."

Concurrent sessions and technical tables

Sunday afternoon and Monday technical tables drew extensive participant interests. Concurrent sessions, especially "Emerging diseases and foreign animal diseases," were highlighted because of international outbreaks of hog cholera and foot and mouth disease.


Dr. Pat Halbur, PhD, educator and diagnostician at Iowa State University, received the Howard Dunne Memorial Award. Dr. Halbur has made extensive contributions in PRRS research. Dr. Paul Yeske (Nicollet, Minnesota) was named 1998 Swine Practitioner of the Year in recognition of his outstanding service to his clients. His communication skills and expertise were complimented. The Meritorious Service Award recipient was Dr. John Waddell (Sutton, Nebraska). His outstanding service to the AASP and to the swine industry through the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) was recognized.

Business breakfast

Dr. Rick Tubbs (Bowling Green, Kentucky) was installed as President of the AASP on Tuesday, March 10 by outgoing President, Dr. Larry Rueff. Dr. Alan B. Scheidt (Raleigh, North Carolina) became President-Elect and Dr. Robert Morrison (St. Paul, Minnesota) was elected Vice President. The 30th AASP Annual Meeting will be held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri from February 27-March 2, 1999.

–Leonard Seda, DVM
AASP Historian

Affiliate member policies

For the last 3 years, the AASP has enjoyed an increased level of awareness within the swine industry. Along with this increased awareness has come an increased number of applications for affiliate membership in the AASP. A number of questions and concerns have arisen concerning the policies that govern membership in the AASP. An ad hoc committee was formed to address the issue of affiliate membership. Dr. Max Rodibaugh chaired this committee, which included Drs. Angela Baysinger, Lee Watkins, and David Reeves.

The bylaws of the Association describe affiliate membership as being for "nonveterinarians actively working in the swine industry. These members shall have made noteworthy and outstanding contributions to the practice of veterinary medicine and/or research. Applicants must be nominated by two active members, and be approved by the Executive Committee. These members shall pay dues but shall not vote or hold office."

The following are recommendations of the AASP Affiliate Member Committee, approved by the Board of Directors on October 7, 1997:

  1. New affiliate member applications must be received by January 1st in order for the applicant to be eligible to attend the annual meeting for that year. This is to allow adequate time to consider the affiliate member request.
  2. Affiliate membership will expire December 31 of each year. Re-application will be required if renewal dues are not received by this date. Affiliate member applications should indicate the company affiliation.
  3. The affiliate member application will include a brief summary of why the applicant should be considered for affiliate membership. This summary should clearly indicate the applicant’s contributions to the practice of swine veterinary medicine and/or research as indicated in the by-law requirements. The Committee opinion is that an advanced degree would be a prerequisite for affiliate membership in almost all cases. However, the committee does not recommend adding this to the by-laws as a requirement.
  4. It is the Committee’s opinion that affiliate members should be those individuals involved in Tech Service and/or Research rather than Sales and Marketing positions. It is understood that some members will change positions, but if a member had been accepted and maintains membership, this would not affect affiliate status.
  5. The Committee recommends that the AASP Office explain the economics of affiliate membership versus subscription to Swine Health and Production and/or the proceedings to potential affiliate members. If the prospective member does not wish to attend the AASP Annual Meeting, it is less expensive to purchase a subscription to Swine Health and Production or the proceedings individually.

For more information on affiliate membership, contact Dr. Tom Burkgren at 515-465-5255.

Illinois offers Executive Veterinary Program in Swine Health Management

In the Executive Veterinary Program (EVP), you learn what they didn’t teach you in vet school–about business, hog production, genetics, personal finance, and the complete pork chain.

A practical continuing education program beginning October 1998, EVP at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine covers all of the essential aspects of swine production and health maintenance. EVP strengthens the management, consultative, and problem-solving skills of swine veterinarians. Nationally and internationally known swine experts speak at the twelve interaction learning modules that are held every other month for 3 days each (Wednesday through Friday) over a 2-year period.

EVP coursework may be applied toward a Master’s degree. The program enables active swine veterinarians to participate in an MS program without establishing a full-time campus residency.

For more information about the Executive Veterinary Program in Swine Health Management, contact Dr. Lawrence Firkins at 2173332907.