Swine Health and Production — November and December 1997
Volume 5, Number 6 | November and December, 1997 |
Swine Health and Production
ContentsPresident’s message Transmission of PRRSV by direct,
close, or indirect contact A model to predict the numbers
of pigs weaned per week Testing antimicrobial susceptibility
against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in vitro An overview of production systems
designed to prepare naive replacement gilts for impending PRRSV challenge:
A global perspective Diagnostic notes: Porcine dermatitis
and nephropathy syndrome: A new condition to include in the differential
diagnosis list for skin discoloration in swine Computing tips: Literature searches
on the Worldwide Web Pork Quality Assurance News: Hepatitis E, etc. Abstracts What’s your interpretation? Also in the print edition: