The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) held its 54th Annual Meeting in Aurora, Colorado, March 4-7, 2023, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center. The theme this year, “Be There!”, emphasized the importance of being present in each moment. Program Chair and AASV President-elect Dr William Hollis called on all members to be there. He said, “When we choose to ‘be there,’ we have made the decision to engage in the debate while also making the choice to respect the needs of others in our association.”
The meeting drew 956 total attendees, including 535 paid registrants and 75 veterinary students from 19 universities. The total attendance also included 241 exhibit representatives from 94 companies and organizations and 6 media representatives. Including the United States, 23 countries were represented.
The meeting participants enjoyed the opportunity to listen to 227 speakers and poster presenters by attending numerous educational sessions, including 11 preconference seminars, 2 general sessions, 3 break-out sessions, 1 Research Topics session, 3 Industrial Partners sessions, the Student Seminar, and a poster session featuring posters from students, researchers, and industrial partners.
Preconference seminars included topics about porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus monitoring and diagnostics, pen-housing in gestation, antibiotic stewardship and sustainability, pig survivability, boar stud health and biosecurity, data integration to support real-time decision making, new technologies, and understanding swine business. Several committees collaborated to offer professional development across the categories of physical, mental, financial, and social health. Saturday’s PRRS Monitoring and Diagnostics preconference seminar drew the most preregistered attendees. As always, the Swine Medicine for Students preconference seminar was well attended by veterinary students. Sunday afternoon, veterinary students highlighted their research and experience to a large crowd during the Student Seminar.
The ever-popular practice tips session, named in honor of the late Dr Max Rodi-baugh this year, was voluntarily judged by Drs Daniel Boykin, Lauren Nagel, and Tom Painter, and chaired by Dr Melissa Billing. Dr Jim Kober’s presentation titled, “Never say ‘Why me?’” received the top prize, followed by Dr Terri Specht-Benson’s “Teasing boars: Epididymectomy in farrowing house pigs” and Dr Brent Sexton’s “High-volume bronchoalveolar lavage: Long name, quick process for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae exposure.”
Dr Egan Brockhoff, independent contractor serving as the Veterinary Counselor for the Canadian Pork Council, opened the Monday general session with the Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture. During his presentation titled “Be there: Be the leader for the pig, the client, the customer,” he noted that while leaders come in all forms, they must be engaged. Those who show up make decisions and govern those who do not. “Now more than ever, veterinarians within the swine sector are needed to help shape and inform agriculture, food, and trade policy at all levels.” He closed with a challenge to the audience: do hard things.
Dr Attila Farkas, a veterinarian at Carthage Veterinary Service, Ltd, presented the Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture titled “Seizing opportunity within swine veterinary medicine.” After a tribute to Dr Hogg and the many mentors and experiences that shaped his life, Dr Farkas encouraged attendees to welcome collaboration, embrace change, influence developments, and adapt to what the future brings. He asked the audience, “What are you willing to do, learn, and try?”
Speakers during the second half of the Monday general session described next generation challenges for which swine veterinarians should be prepared, shared challenges experienced by the egg industry, and offered suggestions for the swine industry.
The Monday afternoon concurrent sessions challenged veterinarians to think critically about biosecurity, evaluate current disease challenges, and consider how to best be prepared for foreign animal diseases. The Tuesday general session facilitated important conversations in porcine epidemic diarrhea virus control and elimination and in nutrition and animal health.
Attendees saw an exciting change at the Monday luncheon. The AASV Foundation cosponsored the lunch with AASV. Recipients of AASV Foundation-funded programs, including veterinary student scholarships, Alex Hogg Memorial Scholarships, Dr Conrad and Judy Schmidt Family Student Debt Relief Scholarships, and research grants, were announced. The Foundation also honored its newest Heritage and Legacy donors. The recipients of the AASV Student Podcast Award and the practice tip winners were also announced.
For the second year in a row, the AASV Human Health, Safety, and Well-Being Committee prepared a member scavenger hunt to help attendees welcome new faces, get to know and appreciate their AASV colleagues, and promote well-being and inclusivity at the Annual Meeting. Participants walked away with AASV-logoed luggage tags and stocking caps. In addition, 15 AASV committees met during the annual meeting to discuss important issues in swine health, public health, animal well-being, and membership services.
The AASV Awards Reception was held Monday night, followed by the AASV Foundation’s annual fundraising auction. Dr Nathan Winkelman, 2019 AASV president and 2023 AASV Awards Selection Committee chair, introduced the recipients of the Swine Practitioner of the Year Award, the Howard Dunne Memorial Award, the Meritorious Service Award, the Outstanding Swine Academic of the Year Award, the Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year Award, and the Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award.
Swine Practitioner of the Year

Dr Tara Donovan was named the 2023 Swine Practitioner of the Year. The award is given to the swine practitioner who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of veterinary service to clients.
Growing up on a diversified livestock farm near Loup City, Nebraska, Tara never wavered in her desire to work with farm animals later in life. Her advocacy for agriculture started early as a member of 4-H, a Nebraska State FFA officer, and a recipient of the American FFA Degree.
Dr Donovan earned her BS from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and DVM from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine. She also completed a food-animal medicine internship at Kansas State University. She is currently enrolled in the master of veterinary science program at the University of Illinois.
Dr Donovan is the vice president of health and management for HANOR Company, where she oversees the veterinary management for 85,000 sows and 1.9 million grow-finish pigs. She is responsible for preventive health programs, pharmaceutical management and compliance, animal caregiver training, and on-farm swine health practices. She is appreciated for her ability to provide and communicate science-based and realistic recommendations for the animals under her care. She is well known for networking her peers for knowledge sharing about a disease or on-farm animal care practices.
Truly a devoted servant leader, Dr Donovan has dedicated countless volunteer hours to AASV. She has served on the Transboundary and Emerging and Infectious Diseases, Human Health and Safety, Pig Welfare, and Pharmaceutical Issues Committees, the PRRS Task Force, and the Center for Veterinary Biologics AASV working group. She represented AASV in the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates and is currently a state delegate for the Swine Health Improvement Plan. She served as AASV president in 2012.
Dr Donovan has been recognized for her service and dedication to swine medicine by other organizations. She is a recipient of the Iowa State University Science in Practice award, the Wisconsin Pork Association Agri-Communicator award, and the Wisconsin Pork Association Distinguished Service Award. She was the 2015 Alumni Fellow for the Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Asked to share her thoughts about receiving this award, Dr Donovan replied, “I am deeply honored to receive this award. I am grateful to all the wonderful people at The HANOR Company I have had the privilege to work with the past 24 years. Thank you to all my friends, colleagues, and mentors at the AASV for teaching me as I learned along the way and to my family for their love and support.”
While Dr Donovan’s list of professional achievements is impressive, she is most proud of her family. Tara and her husband, Dirk, who is also a large-animal veterinarian, have 2 children, Gus and Tekla. She considers seeing her children grow into adulthood to be her greatest accomplishment.
Howard Dunne Memorial Award

Dr Joseph Connor received the 2023 Howard Dunne Memorial Award. The award recognizes an AASV member who has made important contributions and provided outstanding service to the association and the swine industry.
The Carthage, Illinois native was always interested in livestock and farming and gravitated to swine because of an interest in population medicine and epidemiology. Dr Connor received his BS and DVM from the University of Illinois, and his MS from the University of Minnesota.
Dr Connor founded Carthage Veterinary Service, LTD after purchasing the CVS practice in 1980. A leading swine veterinarian in the world, he considered it a privilege to be involved in the swine industry during a time of significant transformation and assisted producers in other countries wanting to see similar transformations. He was recognized for his international efforts by being named the first honorary member of the Japanese Association of Swine in 2008.
A true leader in swine health, Dr Connor has led the AASV for decades. After serving on the AASV Board of Directors, he was elected president of the association in 1988. He continues to serve the association as a member of the Transboundary and Emerging Diseases Committee, and Foundation Investment Committee. Colleagues regard Dr Connor as an icon in the swine industry and are grateful for his tremendous contributions and outstanding service to the AASV.
Dr Connor has been recognized by his peers for his exemplary service to swine medicine as the AASV Swine Practitioner of the Year (1995) and as the recipient of the Allen D. Leman Science in Practice Award (2004). He was inducted into the PIC Hall of Fame in 2016 and more recently into the Swine Web Hall of Fame.
He has contributed to the greater knowledge of swine medicine for veterinarians and producers as a featured speaker and author of countless peer-reviewed journal articles, abstracts, educational manuals, and book chapters. He delivered both the Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture and Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture at past AASV Annual Meetings.
When asked to comment on what the award means to him, Dr Connor said, “I am incredibly humbled and honored to receive the Howard Dunne Memorial Award and have my name added to the list of AASV icons who have served and guided the swine veterinary community through the years. I am indebted to countless mentors, colleagues, and friends who have educated and challenged me along this journey. I would like to thank our clients and industry friends, my veterinary group, and above all my family for contributing support to me in countless ways.”
Meritorious Service Award

David Brown was named the 2023 recipient of the Meritorious Service Award. The award recognizes individuals who have provided outstanding service to the AASV.
Mr Brown serves as the association’s webmaster and information technology specialist. By chance, the New York native applied for a desktop publishing position at the University of Minnesota. The employer was Dr Bob Morrison seeking help to start a new journal for the American Association of Swine Practitioners (AASP). Over the years, he adapted his work for the AASV to focus on the increasing number of services offered online, including the Journal of Swine Health and Production.
As expected of a recipient of the Meritorious Service Award, Mr Brown has worked tirelessly for the AASV. He has been instrumental in many facets of the membership interface, including the JSHAP, weekly electronic newsletter, website, online commerce, the triennial salary survey, Annual Meeting proceedings, Annual Meeting recordings, student podcasts, and general communications. Every AASV member has benefited from his dedicated service.
Grateful for the association, Mr Brown stated, “It has been a pleasure to grow professionally along with the AASV’s changing needs for more than half my (and its) life.”
David’s wife, Rebecca, and daughter, Sophia, have also worked for AASP/AASV over the years.
Mr Brown earned his BA from St. Olaf College and later an MS from the University of Rhode Island. In addition to his work for AASV, Mr Brown is a part-time faculty member at the University of Rhode Island where he teaches software engineering. He also develops the hardware, electronics, software, documentation, and manufacturing process for the University of Rhode Island Laser Scarecrow, a component of Dr Rebecca Brown’s research program.
Outstanding Swine Academic of the Year

Dr Gary Althouse was named the 2023 Outstanding Swine Academic of the Year. The award is given annually to an AASV member employed in academia who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, and service to the swine veterinary profession.
Dr Althouse received his BS from Sul Ross State University, his MS from Texas A&M University, and his DVM and PhD from Iowa State University. He is a board-certified specialist in the American College of Theriogenologists.
Dr Althouse joined the School of Veterinary Medicine faculty at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn Vet) in 2001. In 2011, he was named the Marion Dilley and David George Jones Endowed Chair in Animal Reproduction. In 2019, Dr Alt-house was appointed Associate Dean of Sustainable Agriculture and Veterinary Practices.
With focused efforts on global food supply and food security, Dr Althouse is the founder and director of Penn Vet’s Reference Andrology Laboratory which provides both critical research and clinical services in large-animal production. He currently provides services to clientele throughout North America with a direct impact on about one-third of the US swine breeding herd. He is currently the attending veterinarian for the largest multi-genetics boar stud system in North America with health and production flow oversight of facilities located in 3 states. Globally, he provides veterinary consultation services in the remaining Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Collectively, these experiences are woven into Dr Althouse’s teaching, research, and outreach efforts in the areas of swine production medicine and theriogenology. Peers praise Dr Althouse for being exceptionally influential in advancements in assisted reproductive technologies and boar stud management. His initial work in establishing quality standards for boar semen led to advances in automated evaluation and quality control systems. He has also helped many swine veterinarians work through sow farm reproductive issues.
Dr Althouse has a long history of service to the AASV as a member of the Swine Health Management, Program Planning, Boar Stud, and Collegiate Activities Committees. In addition to his service to AASV, he has served on committees for the International Pig Veterinary Society and International Conference on Boar Semen Preservation. He is a past president of both the Society for Theriogenology and the American College of Theriogenologists.
Appreciative of his career in academia, Dr Althouse stated, “My work as a clinician scientist in academia has been personally fulfilling. Generating new knowledge, solving problems in the field, and developing and mentoring our future colleagues are the pillars of my career. The AASV’s recognition of these efforts reinforces my passion and commitment to the profession.”
Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year

Dr Lisa Becton was named the 2023 Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year. This award recognizes swine industry veterinarians who have demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in delivery of veterinary service to their companies and their clients, as well as given tirelessly in service to the AASV and the swine industry.
Dr Becton received her BS from Lenoir-Rhyne College, DVM from North Carolina State University, MS from Michigan State University, and a public health certificate in field epidemiology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine.
Even without a background in farming, Dr Becton never doubted her career path; from a young age, she was set on becoming a veterinarian. After connecting with veterinary mentors in the swine industry as a student, her path led her to swine internships and swine research projects. She has been involved in swine production since graduation.
Since 2008, Dr Becton has dedicated her career as a subject-matter expert in swine health and production. As the National Pork Board Director of Swine Health, she has oversight of the producer and veterinary task force for swine health research, which includes identifying and funding key project areas; developing and delivering resources related to domestic and foreign animal diseases of swine; coordinating and promoting surveillance activities, depopulation, and disposal techniques; and collaborating with external organizations on key areas identified by producers as priorities for swine health.
She is valued for her incredible historic knowledge of the National Pork Board- funded research projects and her ability to use those research results to lead the creation of key materials for producers and veterinarians.
Dr Becton’s extensive voluntary service and leadership on AASV committees began when she joined AASV over 20 years ago. She has served on the AASV Pharmaceutical Issues Committee and is a long-time member of the AASV Transboundary and Emerging Diseases Committee and PPRS Task Force. She serves the industry as a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee, the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program Consultation Board, the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Advanced Animal System Advisory Council, the US Animal Vaccinology Coordination Network Advisory Board, and the US Animal Health Association Committee on Swine.
Upon acceptance of the award, Dr Becton commented, “I am very humbled and honored by this award and by the support of the veterinary and producer community. Working in the agriculture sector fuels my passion for swine medicine and research. I am grateful every day to have the opportunity to assist producers and veterinarians as they manage pork production!”
Dr Becton lives in North Carolina where she enjoys the outdoors and riding motorcycles to sample BBQ and seafood with her husband, Gordon. They have two Labradors, Mongo and Charlie, and a Frenchie, Mick.
Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year

The Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award was presented to Dr Jessica Davenport. The award is given annually to an AASV member five or less years post veterinary graduation who has demonstrated the ideals of exemplary service and proficiency early in their career.
A Charleston, South Carolina native, Dr Davenport received her BS from Clemson University (2012) and DVM from the University of Georgia (2017). She first became interested in swine during a swine production internship while at Clemson. She further solidified her interest in swine through a veterinary internship with Smithfield, an internship with the Swine Medicine Education Center, and several swine veterinary rotations and preceptorships during her clinical year at the University of Georgia. Dr Davenport was recognized for her dedication to swine medicine with the Food Animal Production Medicine Clinical Proficiency Award.
Dr Davenport is currently a staff veterinarian for JBS Live Pork where she is responsible for the health of more than 60,000 sows, gilt multiplication, and nursery and grow-finish. Additionally, she oversees specialty health management programs and disease management strategies for her region.
Nominated for this award by many mentors, colleagues, and clients, all spoke to Dr Davenport’s innate qualities and abilities, especially in communication. She has a unique ability to interact with and read and understand individuals. She expresses empathy, humility, and sincerity in every situation.
Dr Davenport partners with the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine’s food-animal production rotation to expose veterinary students to swine medicine and production and provide on-farm experiential opportunities. Her passion for cultivating student interest in swine medicine will help recruit and retain the next generation of swine veterinarians.
Distinctive for someone early in their professional career is Dr Davenport’s commitment to servant leadership. She is a member of the AASV Pig Welfare Committee, chair of the AASV Communications Committee, and the Missouri delegate to the Swine Health Improvement Plan.
As stated in one of her nomination letters, she truly embodies the entire mission of the AASV.
Upon acceptance of the award, Dr Davenport commented, “I am extremely humbled and honored to have been selected as the 2023 AASV Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year. To be recognized for such an esteemed award is truly a privilege, as I work alongside some incredible individuals within this industry that I hold so much admiration and respect for. I would not be the person or the veterinarian that I am today without the support from my family, my peers, and the team within JBS Live Pork. To be successful with the pigs, you have to be passionate about the people, and JBS has truly allowed me the independence to cultivate those relationships with the producers and colleagues that I work with. This award is a direct reflection of the caliber of people that have mentored and guided me in my early years, and I am excited to see what the future holds.”
Dr Davenport resides in central Missouri with her fur and feathered children: two dogs, three cats, and five laying hens.

AASV annual business meeting
American Association of Swine Veterinarians President Dr Mike Senn reported on the association’s membership and activities during the annual business meeting on Tuesday, March 7. Current total membership was 1510, including 204 students from 36 universities, 961 members residing in the United States, 35 members residing in Mexico, 125 members residing in Canada, and 185 international members residing in 35 additional countries.
The 2023 AASV officers, Drs Bill Hollis, president; Angela Baysinger, president-elect; Locke Karriker, vice president; and Mike Senn, past president, were installed.
The board congratulated re-elected district directors Drs Sara Hough (District 2), Attila Farkas (District 5), and Susan Detmer (District 11) and welcomed newly elected district director Dr Alyssa Betlach (District 9). Dr Senn thanked outgoing District 9 Director Dr Chase Stahl for his service. Dr Senn also welcomed Alexis Berte (Iowa State University, class of 2025) as incoming alternate student delegate to the AASV Board of Directors and thanked outgoing Student Delegate Sydney Simmons (North Carolina State University, 2023). Hunter Everett (North Carolina State University, 2024) assumes the role of student delegate.

Honored guests at the business breakfast included Drs Lori Teller (American Veterinary Medical Association president), Dick Sullivan (AVMA executive board representative), and Paul Sundberg (Swine Health Information Center executive director).
Encouraging students to pursue life-long careers as swine veterinarians
The American Association of Swine Veterinarians encourages veterinary students to attend the AASV Annual Meeting and offers a variety of activities for student participation during the conference to help fulfill part of AASV’s mission to “mentor students, encouraging life-long careers as swine veterinarians.”
Once again, the AASV Annual Meeting offered excellent opportunities for students to learn about swine medicine, network with each other, connect with swine faculty, and meet veterinarians and mentors.
Registration to the Annual Meeting is free for student members and includes access to all educational sessions and activities, including the preconference seminars on Saturday and Sunday. As usual, AASV’s Student Engagement Committee offered several conference activities designed specifically for veterinary students, including the Swine Medicine for Students preconference seminar, a vet hunt, a speed networking opportunity for upper-class students, and the Swine Student Trivia event.
Student Trivia
Merck Animal Health hosted and sponsored prizes for a pub-style trivia event. Sixty students from 13 veterinary schools participated in the friendly competition. Prizes were awarded for the top 3 teams, with the winning team receiving Bluetooth speakers, tumblers, and Safe-Guard coolers. The AASV student delegates Hunter Everett and Alexis Berte coordinated the sign-ups, Dr Megan Inskeep welcomed the students and reviewed the benefits of AASV student membership, and AASV Student Engagement Committee Chairs Drs Chelsea Hamilton and Jamie Madigan emceed the event. While only student teams were eligible to participate, anyone attending the Annual Meeting was welcome to observe and cheer on the teams.
Vet Hunt
The Vet Hunt encouraged veterinary students to network with veterinarians. Students introduced themselves to and visited with at least 10 veterinarians who voluntarily participated in the Vet Hunt for a chance to win swine swag or other prizes sponsored by Merck Animal Health. Thank you to the 75 veterinarians that participated in the Vet Hunt and welcomed students to the annual meeting.
Speed Networking

Speed networking during the Annual Meeting provided a fun way to meet swine-savvy students and mentors, future interns, or even potential new employees or employers. Seventeen upper-class veterinary students met with 13 veterinarians, spending 3 minutes to visit with each other in speed-dating style.
Students made meaningful connections and appreciated the opportunity to practice their interviewing and networking skills even if participating veterinarians were not hiring. In addition to helping students become more proficient at discussions with potential employers, veterinarians also used the opportunity to screen potential candidates for jobs or preceptorships.
The AASV provided an opportunity for students to earn a $200 stipend by conducting a recorded interview of an AASV speaker for podcasting. Twenty-two students from 9 universities participated. Students selected a speaker, prepared questions in advance, and interviewed speakers during the Annual Meeting. The end products are 5- to 15-minute MP3 audio recordings available to members in the AASV Podcast Library at aasv.org/podcast.
Student Reception
Always a favorite, the Student Reception sponsored by Merck Animal Health, drew a large crowd on Sunday evening. Students, veterinarians, researchers, and industry representatives spent the evening interacting with each other in an informal setting. The reception was filled with plenty of snacks, beverages, and magical entertainment.
AASV Foundation announces Student Seminar awards and scholarships
$5000 student seminar winner

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation awarded scholarships totaling $25,000 to 15 veterinary students.
Jack Korenyi-Both, The Ohio State University, received the $5000 scholarship for top student presentation. His presentation was titled “Water-based foam depopulation in swine: Evaluating brain activity, animal behavior, and logistical aspects.” The Zoetis Foundation provided the financial support for the Top Student Presenter Award.
Additional scholarships totaling $20,000 were funded by Elanco Animal Health.

Four veterinary student presenters received $2500 scholarships: Carly Bates, Iowa State University; Hope Dohlman, Iowa State University; Taylor Jansen, Purdue University; and Rachel Kanefsky, Tufts University.

Five veterinary student presenters received $1500 scholarships: Ellen Gibbs, University of Missouri; Alyssa Ruston-Bray, University of Illinois; Gregory Shanks, University of Tennessee; Adam Tatnall, University of Illinois; and Amber Vegter, Iowa State University.

The student presenters receiving $500 scholarships were Erin Russell, Lincoln Memorial University; Kendall Sattler, Purdue University; Adam Steffensmeier, Iowa State University; Mallory Wilhelm, Iowa State University; and Dylan Wulfekuhle, Iowa State University.
Thirty-five veterinary students from 14 universities submitted abstracts for consideration by student abstract volunteer judges Drs Abigail Redalen, Bill Minton, Dwain Guggenbiller, Jordan Gebhardt, Katie Beckman, and Susan Detmer. From those submissions, 15 students were selected to present during the Annual Meeting. Drs Andrew Bowman and Justin Brown chaired the student seminar, which was judged by those individuals who judged the abstracts. The Zoetis Foundation funded a $750 award for each student selected to participate.

Student Poster Competition awardees announced
The American Association of Swine Veterinarians provided an opportunity for 15 veterinary students to compete for awards in the Veterinary Student Poster Competition. United Animal Health sponsored the competition, offering awards totaling $4000.
Thirty-five veterinary students from 14 universities submitted abstracts for consideration by student abstract volunteer judges Drs Abigail Redalen, Bill Minton, Dwain Guggenbiller, Jordan Gebhardt, Katie Beckman, and Susan Detmer. Based on scores received in the original judging of abstracts submitted for the AASV Student Seminar, the top 15 abstracts not selected for oral presentation at the Annual Meeting were eligible to compete in the poster competition. A panel of 3 AASV practitioner volunteers, Drs Jim Kober, Rachel Schulte, and Amy Woods, interviewed the competing students and scored their posters to determine the scholarship awards. Drs Andrew Bowman and Justin Brown chaired the competition.
Dr Joel Spencer, United Animal Health, announced the following awards during the AASV Luncheon on March 6:
$500 scholarship: Brenna Werner, University of Minnesota – Top Student Poster titled “An investigation of the number of pigs in gestation pens that will chew on a rope during oral fluid collection.”
$400 scholarships: Juan Hernandez Cuevas, The Ohio State University and Morgan Johnson, Iowa State University.

$300 scholarships: Sarah Albers, University of Wisconsin; Paul McDonald, Purdue University; and Kaci Way, The Ohio State University.

$200 scholarships: Alexis Berte, Iowa State University; Alexandra Bishop, Iowa State University; Bridget Cincotta, University of Pennsylvania; Austin Janssen, Iowa State University; Erin Larsen, Lincoln Memorial University; Amanda Patev, University of Pennsylvania; Elisha Snezek, University of Georgia; and Braden Steidley, Oklahoma State University.

In addition to the poster competition awards, each student poster presenter received a $250 award funded by the Zoetis Foundation.
Student Podcast Award

Sarah Albers, a third-year student at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, was awarded the Student Podcast Award for the most accessed podcast from the 2022 AASV Annual Meeting. Sarah interviewed Dr Tom Gillespie about his practice tip presentation titled “Ghost piglets.” Sarah was announced as the winner of the $500 award, sponsored by Huvepharma, during the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting.
Each year, up to 30 AASV student members select a speaker to interview during the AASV Annual Meeting for a podcast. The podcasts are then posted to the AASV website and promoted by the students in a friendly competition to gain the most traffic leading up to the following year’s Annual Meeting. This is a great networking opportunity for students that also helps develop a wonderful AASV member resource. We would like to thank AASV student members for their continued involvement and Huvepharma for their continued support of the Student Podcast Award.
These and other podcasts can be found in the AASV Podcast Library at aasv.org/podcast.

Thank You, Sponsors and Exhibitors!
Over the past year, AASV members have seen the cost of food, fuel, and other necessities – including veterinary continuing education – increase at a startling rate. While this year’s meeting attendees experienced higher rates for transportation, lodging, meals, and registration, the cost of attending the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting would have been even greater – or the quality of the meeting experience reduced – if it were not for the financial support provided by sponsors for refreshments, meals, and social activities, as well as for travel stipends, awards, and scholarships for veterinary students. Considerable financial support was also provided by the 94 companies and organizations in the 2023 Technical Tables exhibit.
Please join AASV staff in expressing your personal appreciation to representatives of the following companies for their generous support of the 2023 AASV Annual Meeting:
Scholarship and event sponsors
- AASV Foundation (Monday Luncheon, Praise Breakfast, Debt Relief Scholarships, Research Grants)
- DSM Animal Nutrition & Health (Yoga Class)
- Elanco Animal Health (AASV Foundation Veterinary Student Scholarships)
- Hog Slat (Refreshment Break Cosponsor)
- Huvepharma (Student Podcaster Award)
- Merck Animal Health (AASV Awards Reception, Student Reception, Veterinary Student Trivia Event, AASVF-Merck Veterinary Student Scholarships)
- Newport Laboratories (Veterinary Student Travel Stipends)
- Stuart Products (Praise Breakfast)
- United Animal Health (Veterinary Student Poster Awards)
- Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions (Refreshment Break Cosponsor)
- Zoetis Foundation (AASV Student Seminar and Poster Session, AASV Foundation Top Student Presenter Scholarship)
Technical Table Exhibitors
Acuity/Fast Genetics
AgCreate Solutions/Pork Avenue Training Portal
Allflex Livestock Intelligence
American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
Animal Health International
ARKO Laboratories
Arm & Hammer
Aurora Pharmaceutical
Automated Production
Boehringer Ingelheim
Cambridge Technologies
Central Life Sciences/ClariFly
Ceva Animal Health
Chr Hansen
Christian Veterinary Mission
CID Lines, an EcoLab Company
Clipper Distributing
DNA Genetics
DPI Global
DSM Animal Nutrition & Health
Endovac Animal Health
Essential Ag Solutions
Feedworks USA
FERA Diagnostics and Biologics
Furst-McNess Company
Gallant Custom Laboratories
Genesus Genetics
Heritage Vet Partners
Hog Slat
IMV Technologies USA
Innovative Heating Technologies
Insight Wealth Group
ISU Office of Innovation Commercialization
Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health
LANXESS Corporation
Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics
MAI Animal Health
MB Swine Reproduction
Merck Animal Health
Minitube USA
MWI Animal Health
National Pork Board
Natural Biologics
NEOGEN Corporation
Newport Laboratories
Pharmgate Animal Health
Phibro Animal Health Corporation
PrairiE Systems
Precision Health Technologies
Purina Animal Nutrition
Stuart Products
Summit SmartFarms
Swine Health Information Center
Thermo Fisher
Topigs Norsvin USA
United Animal Health
Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions
Wilson’s Prairie View Farm
Zinpro Corporation