The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) held its 52nd Annual Meeting in what turned out to be the best virtual meeting the AASV has ever had.
The meeting drew 945 total attendees, including 551 paid registrants and 121 veterinary students. Twenty-seven countries were represented. The total attendance also included 229 exhibit representatives from 63 companies and organizations. Registration for the meeting and all content, available on-demand after the meeting, continued until April 30th.
Meeting participants enjoyed interacting with each other in live chat sessions and were able to ask speakers questions throughout their presentations. Featured presentations during the Monday morning session, including the Howard Dunne and Alex Hogg Memorial Lectures, as well as the AASV Foundation meeting, the AASV scholarship and research awards presentations, the annual AASV business meeting, and the grand finale were presented live.
The virtual format offered special conference bonuses. A single-day preconference registration allowed access to all that day’s concurrent preconference seminar presentations, enabling access to the content of five seminars for the price of one. Because all educational sessions were recorded and available until April 30th, meeting participants had the first ever opportunity to attend all educational sessions, including 10 preconference seminars, 2 general sessions, 3 break-out sessions, 1 Research Topics session, 3 Industrial Partners sessions, the Student Seminar, and a poster session featuring posters from students, researchers, and industrial partners – for a total of 80 hours of on-demand continuing education!
Preconference seminars and concurrent sessions included topics about leadership, precision swine health, swine health and herd management through a pandemic, basics of swine production and breeding herd health, and special topics for students and early career veterinarians. The ever-popular practice tips session this year titled “We’re all in this together,” was judged by volunteers Drs Noel Garbes, Thomas Petznick, and Abby Vennekotter and chaired by Dr Melissa Billing. Dr Max Rodibaugh’s inspirational story, “Life upside down: Is it possible to be prepared for a personal crisis,” received the top prize, followed by Dr Pat Hoffmann, “Travel tips: A guide for the veterinary vagabond,” and Dr Kayla Henness, “Pain in the astrovirus: An overview of clinical PoAstV3.”
Dr Jerome Geiger, health assurance veterinarian with PIC and 2020 AASV Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year, opened the Monday general session with the Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture. During his presentation, titled “Navigating the future, together,” he reminded attendees of the many talented people in the AASV, shared some of AASV’s accomplishments, and assured everyone that we will get through these challenging times by working together. He encouraged everyone to recognize and embrace their “why” of being a swine veterinarian and acknowledged his own why as the team of people that surrounds him.
Dr Jeremy Pittman, a veterinarian with Smithfield Hog Production and 2021 AASV Swine Practitioner of the Year, presented the Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture titled “Enhancing your brand: The value of lifelong learning, continuing education, and teaching to the swine industry.” He urged attendees to be continual learners and better ourselves for the sake of the association and the swine industry, in remembrance of Dr Alex Hogg.
The Monday afternoon concurrent sessions challenged veterinarians to consider new tools to address persistent pathogens, animal welfare, and African swine fever. The Tuesday general session focused on lessons learned, and lessons we continue to learn, from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The virtual platform provided a quick view of #AASV2021 social media conversations on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The virtual setting also allowed attendees to compete in the Truffle Shuffle to earn badges for their profiles and a chance to win gift cards or a copy of the 5th edition of the Swine Disease Manual.
The meeting ended with a special grand finale where the AASV Board of Directors officers reflected on this year’s meeting. Dr Nathan Winkelman, 2019 AASV president, noted that this was his 39th consecutive year attending the AASV Annual Meeting, which may have been the best meeting yet.
During the grand finale, Dr Alex Ramirez, 2017 AASV president and 2021 AASV Awards Selection Committee chair, announced the recipients of AASV’s prestigious awards: Swine Practitioner of the Year Award (Dr Jeremy Pittman), the Howard Dunne Memorial Award (Dr John Deen), the Meritorious Service Award (Dr Angela Baysinger), the Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award (Dr Chris Sievers), and the Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year Award (Dr James Lehman).
The grand finale and meeting concluded with AASV Foundation Auction Chair Dr Chase Stahl’s announcement of the winning bidders for the 15 featured items in the 2021 Foundation Auction.

Swine Practitioner of the Year
Dr Jeremy Pittman was named the 2021 Swine Practitioner of the Year by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. The award is given to the swine practitioner who has demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of veterinary service to clients.
Dr Pittman is a staff veterinarian for Smithfield Hog Production – North Region, which manages 140,000 sows farrow-to-finish in Northeastern North Carolina and Virginia. He also serves as adjunct faculty at the North Carolina State University (NCSU) College of Veterinary Medicine.
A Southport, North Carolina native, Dr Pittman graduated from NCSU in 2000 with degrees in zoology and animal science, and minors in nutrition and genetics, followed by a DVM in 2004. Partially funded by the AASV Foundation’s Alex Hogg Memorial Scholarship, Dr Pittman received an MS from Iowa State University (ISU) in 2014. Dr Pittman is a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Swine Health Management).
Without a background in agriculture, Dr Pittman’s path to veterinary medicine was inspired by educational opportunities coupled with extraordinary mentorship. Recognizing the impact of others on his own career, Dr Pittman’s commitment to student mentorship is unprecedented. He has had a lasting and immense impact on students and early career veterinarians. Students have attributed their decisions to enter swine medicine to the mentorship Dr Pittman provided. Dr Pittman embodies the AASV values of science-based swine health and management, moving the industry forward while shaping future colleagues.
Highly respected and valued for expertise, Dr Pittman is frequently sought after as a volunteer. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Swine Health Information Center and the National Pork Producers Council. An active member of the AASV since joining as a student, Dr Pittman has served on several AASV committees, including program planning committee, and has co-chaired the student preconference session of the annual meeting for almost 10 years.
Dr Pittman has been recognized for his service and dedication by other organizations. He received the Science with Practice Award from ISU (2016), the Allen D Leman Science in Practice Award from the University of Minnesota (2015), the Virginia Pork Industry Service Award (2014), and the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine Ben Harrington Food Animal Student Mentorship Award (2012). In 2011, he was named one of Pfizer’s Top 10 Under 40 swine veterinarians.
Asked to comment about receiving this award, Dr Pittman replied, “I am honored to be recognized by my peers and colleagues in receiving the 2021 AASV Swine Practitioner of the Year Award. I am indebted to anyone and everyone who has mentored, supported, or even challenged me along the way in my career. My success has been largely due to all the people that I have interacted with along the way and the opportunities that I have been fortunate to have been provided by the swine industry and AASV. As I look at the list of past recipients, there are several who have directly had an influence on me, but all of which have had an impact through their contributions to the swine industry and the AASV. I can only hope that I can continue to have a positive influence on the industry, such as they have.”
Dr Pittman lives in Wakefield, Virginia, with his wife, Terri, and stepsons Thomas and Trenton.

Howard Dunne Memorial Award
Dr John Deen received the American Association of Swine Veterinarians’ 2021 Howard Dunne Memorial Award. The award recognizes an AASV member who has made important contributions and provided outstanding service to the association and the swine industry.
Growing up on a pig farm in southern Ontario near Drayton, Dr Deen was able to continue farming with his family and attend the nearby Ontario Veterinary College where he received a DVM, MS, and PhD. Early in his career as a mixed animal and swine practitioner, he fondly remembers the mentorship of his clients.
For the last 22 years, Dr Deen has been part of the swine group at the University of Minnesota, where he is currently a Distinguished Global Professor in the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine. A true teacher at heart, he dedicates his time to mentoring graduate students and sharing his knowledge through outreach to veterinarians and producers. With his own extensive publication list, Dr Deen has also served as a manuscript reviewer for multiple animal and veterinary science journals. He was recognized as a Diplomate in the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in 1994.
Dr Deen is respected as a pioneer in animal welfare. In 2012, he was recognized as a Diplomate in the American College of Animal Welfare (ACAW). He was a founding board member of ACAW and a board member of the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization. He dedicates time to promote pig welfare having served on the National Pork Board Animal Welfare Committee and the AASV Pig Welfare Committee.
With more than 30 years of dedicated service to the AASV, Dr Deen has served the association as a district director, AASV Foundation member, Program Planning Committee member, and member of the Education, Communications, Scholarship, and International Services Committees.
Dr Deen explained that his favorite quote is, “Originality is the ability to forget your sources (and I forget who told me that).” He continued, “Whatever I have done is a reflection of the extraordinary community that has and does make the AASV. The opportunities to explore and improve the ways that we serve the swine industry have always been rewarding.”
Dr Deen considers having met and married his wife, Denise, his greatest accomplishment. They are parents and parents-in-law to Tobin and Sia, Bronwyn and Joey, Aiden and Elizbeth, and grandparents to Lucy Deen.

Meritorious Service Award
Dr Angela Baysinger was named the 2021 recipient of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians’ Meritorious Service Award. The award recognizes individuals who have provided outstanding service to the AASV.
Baysinger grew up on a livestock and grain farm near Martinsburg, Missouri. Early life experiences, including raising livestock, FFA projects, and encouragement from her hometown veterinarian Dr Don Hudson, drove her passion for a career in veterinary medicine.
Dr Baysinger completed her undergraduate studies in animal science and her doctor of veterinary medicine degree (1992) at the University of Missouri. She received a master of science degree in epidemiology from the University of Nebraska. She is currently working toward a master of science in international animal welfare, ethics, and law at the University of Edinburgh, partially funded by the AASV Alex Hogg Memorial Scholarship she was awarded in 2018.
Outstanding appropriately describes Dr Baysinger’s service to the AASV. She has served the association as a committee member (Biologics Committee, Foreign Animal Disease Committee, Pharmaceutical Issues Committee, and Membership Committee), committee chair, and board member. She has represented the AASV on the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Clinical Practitioners Advisory Committee and the AVMA Council on Biologics and Therapeutic Agents.
With a special interest and expertise in animal welfare, Dr Baysinger is an active member of the AASV Pig Welfare Committee and was part of the volunteer group of experts who wrote the first edition of the On-Farm Euthanasia of Swine Recommendations for the Producer. She has represented AASV on the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization (PAACO) board since its inception in 2003, serving as the first PAACO board chair. Additionally, she currently represents the AASV and swine veterinarians on the AVMA Welfare Committee. Further, she has served as a member of the welfare committees for the National Pork Board and the North American Meat Institute.
AASV is not alone in recognizing Dr Baysinger’s service. Merck Animal Health presented Dr Baysinger with the inaugural “Unconditional Award” for her animal welfare work during 2020. Additionally, in January, she was awarded the “Feather in Her Cap” award by the non-profit Feather in Her Cap Association; this is a special recognition where women leaders in the animal health industry are recognized for their achievements and significant contributions to the industry and for mentoring and developing future women leaders.
Her peers describe her as “An incredibly driven person, who truly cares about the profession, the veterinarians, the producers, and most importantly, the pig.”
Grateful for the association, Baysinger stated, “I am extremely honored and humbled to receive this award. The AASV has given me much more than I believe I may have contributed. The AASV is more than a professional organization; it represents personal development, networking, and friends that are more like family. My involvement does not measure up to what I have gained from the organization.”
Dr Baysinger lives near Bruning, Nebraska, where she is the North American animal welfare lead for all species for Merck Animal Health.
Dr Baysinger said, “Family is everything.” In her spare time, she enjoys riding Harley Davidson touring motorcycles with her husband, Jerry, especially to rallies in Sturgis, South Dakota. They are active in supporting local, state, and national FFA, especially with sons Isaac and Samuel. She is also active in the American Legion Auxiliary (Unit 193) and Boy Scouts (Troop 175) as an assistant scoutmaster.

Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year
Dr James (Jamie) Lehman received the American Association of Swine Veterinarians’ Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year Award. Established in 2008, the award recognizes swine industry veterinarians who have demonstrated an unusual degree of proficiency and effectiveness in delivery of veterinary service to their companies and their clients, as well as given tirelessly in service to the AASV and the swine industry.
Lehman was introduced to veterinary medicine early by working as a janitor in his hometown veterinary clinic in Sullivan, Illinois, where he was eventually allowed to participate in large animal surgeries.
With a bachelor of science degree, doctor of veterinary medicine degree, and a master of science degree, all from the University of Illinois, Dr Lehman is currently a Technical Service Manager for the Swine Business Unit with Merck Animal Health.
Dr Lehman possesses one of the most important qualities of a technical services veterinarian: trustworthiness. He is respected for leadership and ability to bring people with conflicting opinions together. For example, his graduate research relied upon his ability to sort through science and technology while encouraging veterinarians and producers to collaborate on pseudorabies eradication efforts.
Described by peers and mentees as a fantastic listener, genuine, and “a really great guy,” Dr Lehman continues to serve the swine industry tirelessly. He is recognized as having the technical skills and knowledge to offer solutions to industry problems, yet always remains humble and kind.
While Dr Lehman acknowledges the influence of his parents, mentors, and clients, he continues to pay it forward by mentoring and recruiting students into swine veterinary medicine. His inspiration to others leaves a legacy within the swine health industry. One early-career veterinarian credits Dr Leman’s mentorship as her motivation to become a swine veterinarian.
Upon acceptance of the award, Dr Lehman commented, “I was stunned to hear that I was the 2021 recipient of the AASV Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian Award. I am humbled to receive this award.”
Dr Lehman lives in Sullivan, Illinois, with his wife Erica, daughter Ellie, and sons Rhett and Kent.

Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year
The American Association of Swine Veterinarian’s Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award was presented to Dr Chris Sievers. The award is given annually to an AASV member five or less years post graduation who has demonstrated the ideals of exemplary service and proficiency early in his or her career.
Chris grew up outside of Storm Lake, Iowa, on a crop, cattle, and hog farm where he gained his initial livestock experience. He also raised his own calves and pigs for 4-H and FFA projects. Following his passion for animal agriculture, he attended Iowa State University (ISU) where he received a BS in animal science (2012), DVM (2016), and MS in preventative animal medicine (2016).
His path into swine medicine was solidified by internships and the mentorship that accompanied them, especially through the Swine Veterinary Internship Program coordinated by ISU.
Dr Sievers realized during a summer internship at the Swine Vet Center that the clinic was where he wanted to practice after graduation. “I really enjoyed the veterinarians and how they worked with their progressive clients,” he recalled. “It was a good match for me and where I wanted to be after veterinary school.” Today, Chris continues to enjoy his work at the clinic. Most of his clients have medium-sized swine operations in Iowa. He also helps oversee research for the Swine Vet Center.
Dr Sievers is dedicated to the swine veterinary profession and to the AASV. Recognizing the AASV as a tight-knit community and its members as family, he embraced opportunities to become involved as a student through poster and oral presentations during the annual meeting. He served as the president of the AASV student chapter at ISU and represented all student members as the Student Delegate to the AASV Board of Directors. Currently, he is a member of the AASV Influenza Committee.
Nominated for this award by colleagues and clients, Dr Sievers was noted for his resourcefulness, his ability to make science-based recommendations, and his willingness to share what he has learned. Dr Sievers humbly credits his clients with much of his success as a veterinarian.
Upon acceptance of the award, Dr Sievers commented, “I am extremely honored and humbled in being selected for the 2021 AASV Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award. I would not be where I am today without all the support of my family and friends, especially my wife Brooke, two sons Gavin and Carter, my parents Todd and Laura Sievers, and the team at Swine Vet Center. I am also very fortunate for all the mentors I have had throughout my journey of becoming and growing as a swine veterinarian starting before vet school and continuing today. This also would not be possible without my amazing clients that push me to further my knowledge and improve my skills daily. I look forward to the many years ahead of consulting with my clients and serving the swine industry.”
AASV Annual Business Meeting
American Association of Swine Veterinarians President Dr Jeffrey Harker reported on the association’s membership and activities during the annual early morning business meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd. The 2021 AASV officers, Drs Mary Battrell, president; Mike Senn, president-elect; Bill Hollis, vice president; and Jeffrey Harker, past president, were installed. The board welcomed newly elected district directors Drs Megan Inskeep (District 4), Chris Rademacher (District 6), and Christine Mainquist-Whigham (District 8). The board congratulated re-elected district director Dr Melissa Billing (District 1). Dr Harker also welcomed Sydney Simmons (North Carolina State University, class of 2023) as incoming Alternate Student Delegate to the AASV Board of Directors, and thanked outgoing Student Delegate Jamie Madigan (North Carolina State University, class of 2021). Amanda Anderson (Iowa State University, class of 2022) assumes the role of Student Delegate. Honored guests at the business breakfast included Drs Douglas Kratt (AVMA president), Ronald Gill (AVMA Executive Board liaison to the AASV), Patrick Webb (National Pork Board), Liz Wagstrom (National Pork Producers Council), Paul Sundberg (Swine Health Information Center), Yannin Rivas (Asociación Mexicana de Veterinarios Especialistas en Cerdos president), Jessica Law (Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians president), and Fred Gingrich (American Association of Bovine Practitioners executive director).
Well-being efforts during AASV Annual Meeting
As AASV added additional focus to member well-being in recent years, Dr Elizabeth Strand, a licensed clinical social worker, resiliency coach, and Founding Director of Veterinary Social Work at the University of Tennessee, partnered with AASV to maximize efforts during the spring of 2020. She led several sessions during the AASV Annual Meeting. Thank you to Dr Strand for her partnership and commitment to swine veterinarians’ well-being.
General Session: Your Right and Responsibility to Be Well
During the Monday morning general session, Dr Strand offered advice on how we can take care of ourselves so that we can offer support and encouragement to others.
Wellness breaks
Dr Strand led three 15-minute breaks for attendees to learn a new skill to practice their right and responsibility to be well. The mindfulness break encouraged mindfulness by using the skill of counting breaths. The breath, body, mind break consisted of slow tai chi-like movements and paced breathing for finding a healthy pace in body and thinking. The coherent breathing break allowed participants to practice equal breaths in and out at 5.5 breaths per minute, pacing with the sound of bells.
Heard Vet: Swine Vet Peer Social Support Group
With Dr Strand as a moderator, participants used a structured six-question debrief protocol during this virtual peer support meeting. Participants benefited from and offered support by listening to others and answering the following questions honestly.
- What have you been thinking about while you are supposed to be relaxing, sleeping, or spending time in hobbies or with loved ones (ie, is there something you can’t quite shake or is bothering your peace of mind)?
- What did you do well in that situation or circumstance?
- What do you wish you had done differently?
- What did you learn from the experience?
- Is there any change you need to implement to your approach in the future based on this experience?
- Is there anything that you feel grateful for in this situation or generally?
Heard Vet is offered every Wednesday at 6:00 pm Central Time. Members of AASV can register at
Right to Be Well Tech Table
The AASV Right to Be Well Tech Table featured the AASV Golden Anniversary Well-being video and resources with additional information to promote well-being among all AASV members.
Find more well-being resources on the AASV Well-being webpage at
Student activities held during AASV Annual Meeting
Once again, the AASV Annual Meeting offered excellent opportunities for students to learn about swine medicine, network with each other, connect with swine faculty, and meet veterinarians and potential mentors.
Student member registration to the Annual Meeting is free with access to all educational sessions and activities, including the preconference seminars on Saturday and Sunday. As usual, AASV’s Student Recruitment Committee offered several conference activities designed especially for veterinary students, including the Swine Medicine for Students preconference seminar, a vet hunt, a speed networking opportunity for upper-class students, and the Swine Student Trivia event.
Student Trivia
Merck Animal Health creatively hosted and sponsored prizes for a “pub-style” trivia event via Webex breakout rooms. Thirty-one students from eight veterinary schools participated, and all teams competed extremely well! The team OSU#1, included The Ohio State University students Corvin Mull, Justin Moeller, Lucas Buehler, Rachel Patton, and Alex Amador, won the top prize: Merck logoed jackets, Bluetooth speakers, and tumblers. The second-place team, Full Boar, included Iowa State University students Amanda Anderson, Emily Pratt, Calie Burgart, Juli Henderson, and Maddi Herring, received Bluetooth speakers, and tumblers. The third-place team, Pig Eye USA, included University of Minnesota students Megan McMahon, Tyler Dick, Seth Melson, Lindsay Miller, and Leyton Becker, received tumblers. AASV student delegate Amanda Anderson coordinated the sign-ups, and AASV Student Recruitment Committee chair Dr Chelsea Hamilton and member Dr Corinne Bromfield emceed the event. While only student teams were eligible to participate, anyone attending the Annual Meeting was welcome to observe and cheer on the teams.
Vet Hunt
The virtual Vet Hunt encouraged veterinary students to participate in the educational sessions by asking a speaker a question in the chat box. Sharing the question and an explanation of what was learned provided each student a chance to win swine swag or other prizes, sponsored by Merck Animal Health.
Speed Networking
Students yearned to connect with mentors this year more than ever, and the AASV Student Recruitment Committee was able to offer an efficient networking activity for veterinarians and veterinary students. The one-hour interview session took place March 2nd via Zoom breakout rooms. It was a relaxed and enjoyable way to meet swine-savvy students and mentors, future interns, or even potential new employees or employers. Fourteen upper-class veterinary students met with fourteen veterinarians, spending 3 minutes to visit with each other in speed-dating style.
Students made meaningful connections and appreciated the opportunity to practice their interviewing and networking skills even if participating veterinarians were not hiring. In addition to helping students become more proficient at discussions with potential employers, veterinarians also used the opportunity to screen potential candidates for jobs or preceptorships.
AASV Foundation announces Student Seminar awards

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation awarded scholarships totaling $25,000 to 15 veterinary students.
Erin Kettelkamp, University of Illinois, received the $5000 scholarship for top student presentation. Her presentation was titled “Effect of particle size and H2O2/PAA concentration on the efficacy of an aerosol decontamination system for items entering swine farms.” Zoetis provided the financial support for the Top Student Presenter Award.
Additional scholarships totaling $20,000 were funded by Elanco Animal Health.
Four veterinary student presenters received $2500 scholarships: Mindi Bracy, Oklahoma State University; Sabra McCallister, North Carolina State University; Zack Talbert, University of Illinois; and Allyson Witt, Iowa State University.
Five veterinary student presenters received $1500 scholarships: Selena Clark, University of Illinois; Hunter Everett, North Carolina State University; Paige Haenig, University of Illinois; Kris Kovach, Iowa State University; and Andrew Shulman, University of Pennsylvania.
Those student presenters receiving $500 scholarships were: Sarah Botkin, University of Illinois; Brian Johnson, University of Illinois; Hannah Lathom, North Carolina State University; Rachel Patton, The Ohio State University; and Emily Pratt, Iowa State University.
Forty-two veterinary students from 10 universities submitted abstracts for consideration by student abstract volunteer judges Drs Darryl Ragland, Jordan Gebhardt, Bethany Heitkamp, Larry Rueff, Thomas Painter, and Patrick Hoffmann. From those submissions, 15 students were selected to present during the annual meeting. Zoetis, sponsor of the Student Seminar, provided a $750 stipend to each student selected to participate.
$2,500 Scholarship Winners

Mindi Bracy
Oklahoma State University

Sabra McCallister
North Carolina State University

Zack Talbert
University of Illinois

Allyson Witt
Iowa State University
$1,500 Scholarship Winners

Selena Clark
University of Illinois

Hunter Everett
North Carolina State University

Paige Haenig
University of Illinois

Kris Kovach
Iowa State University

Andrew Shulman
University of Pennsylvania
$500 Scholarship Winners

Sarah Botkin
University of Illinois

Brian Johnson
University of Illinois

Hannah Lathom
North Carolina State University

Rachel Patton
The Ohio State University

Emily Pratt
Iowa State University
Student Seminar sponsored by Zoetis Scholarships sponsored by Elanco Animal Health
Student Seminar session chairs: Drs Andrew Bowman and Perle Zhitnitskiy
Student Seminar judges: Drs Darryl Ragland, Jordan Gebhardt, Bethany Heitkamp, Thomas Petznick, Thomas Painter, and Patrick Hoffman
Student Podcast Award

Tyler Dick, a third-year student in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota, was awarded the Student Podcast Award for the most accessed podcast from the 2020 AASV Annual Meeting. Tyler interviewed Dr Craig Rowles about his presentation titled “Use of precision livestock farming (PLF) in poultry.” Tyler was announced as the winner of the $400 award, sponsored by Huvepharma, during the 2021 AASV Annual Meeting.
Each year, 30 AASV student members select a speaker to interview during the AASV Annual Meeting for a podcast. The podcasts are then posted to the AASV website and promoted by the students in a friendly competition to gain the most traffic leading up to the following year’s annual meeting. This is a great networking opportunity for students that also helps develop a wonderful AASV member resource. We would like to thank AASV student members for their continued involvement and Huvepharma for their continued support of the Student Podcast Award. We look forward to hosting more student podcasts in 2022.
These and other podcasts can be found in the AASV Podcast Library at
AASV announces student poster competition awardees

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) provided an opportunity for 15 veterinary students to compete for awards in the Veterinary Student Poster Competition. United Animal Health sponsored the competition, offering awards totaling $4000.
Forty-two veterinary students from 10 universities submitted abstracts for consideration by student abstract volunteer judges Drs Darryl Ragland, Jordan Gebhardt, Bethany Heitkamp, Larry Rueff, Thomas Painter, and Patrick Hoffmann. Based on scores received in the original judging of abstracts submitted for the AASV Student Seminar, the top 15 abstracts not selected for oral presentation at the annual meeting were eligible to compete in the poster competition.
United Animal Health announced the following awards during the AASV Annual Meeting March 1st.
$500 scholarship: Luke Daniels, University of Illinois – Top student poster titled “Use of computer-aided design to optimize swine facility airflow.”
$400 scholarships: Nicholas Benge, Iowa State University; and Melanie Boucher, University of Guelph.
$300 scholarships: Matthew Boulanger, University of Pennsylvania; Kyle Nisley, Iowa State University; and Sydney Simmons, North Carolina State University.
$200 scholarships: Lucas Buehler, The Ohio State University; Kate Edmunds, Michigan State University; Isaac Goldner, University of Illinois; Katyann Graham, Iowa State University; Ashley Hallowell, University of Pennsylvania; Kelly Hewitt, Iowa State University; Dayna Kinkade, University of Illinois; Brooke Kitting, University of Pennsylvania; and Rachel Weidmayer, University of Minnesota.
In addition to the poster competition awards, each student poster competition participant, along with the rest of the student poster presenters, received a $250 stipend from Zoetis, sponsor of the Student Poster Session.
$400 Scholarship Winners

Nicholas Benge
Iowa State University

Melanie Boucher
University of Guelph
$300 Scholarship Winners

Matthew Baulanger
University of Pennsylvania

Kyle Nisley
Iowa State University

Sydney Simmons
North Carolina State University
$200 Scholarship Winners

Lucas Buehler
The Ohio State University

Kate Edmunds
Michigan State University

Isaac Goldner
University of Illinois

Katyann Graham
Iowa State University

Ashley Hallowell
University of Pennsylvania

Kelly Hewitt
Iowa State University

Dayna Kinkade
University of Illinois

Brooke Kitting
University of Pennsylvania

Rachel Weidmayer
University of Minnesota
Student Poster Session sponsored by Zoetis Scholarships sponsored by United Animal Health
Student Poster Competition Chairs: Drs Andrew Bowman and Perle Zhitnitskiy
Student Poster Competition Judges: Drs Laura Batista, R.C. Ebert, and Clayton Johnson
Tech Tables add value to AASV Annual Meeting
The switch to the virtual conference format for this year’s AASV Annual Meeting posed challenges for everyone, including exhibitors. While several companies decided to bow out of this year’s Annual Meeting, many companies stayed the course by adjusting to the conditions and making the most of the new opportunities presented by the virtual meeting format. These resilient Tech Table exhibitors enhanced the educational value of the meeting, not only with their exhibit content, but also through their participation in the Industrial Partners sessions.
Inside each exhibit space, conference attendees were greeted with a brief welcome video and written description providing a quick overview of the products and services offered by the company, along with downloadable product literature and links to the company’s website, social media platforms, and email address. The virtual platform provided attendees with the perfect opportunity to explore the many innovative products and technologies available to swine practitioners and producers.
If you have not already done so, be sure to thank these faithful sponsors for their continued support of AASV!
AAF Flanders
AgCreate Solutions & Pork Avenue Training Portal
Allflex Livestock Intelligence/Destron Fearing
Alltech – Hubbard
American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Animal Biotech
Apiam Solutions
ARKO Laboratories
Aurora Pharmaceutical
Biomin America
Boehringer Ingelheim
Cambridge Technologies
Camfil Clean Air Solutions
Central Life Sciences
Choice Genetics
Chr Hansen
Christian Veterinary Mission
Diamond V
DNA Genetics
DSM Nutritional Products
Elanco Animal Health
Fast Genetics
Gallant Custom Laboratories
Insight Wealth Group
iSperm mCASA
Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health
LANXESS Corporation
Maximum Ag Technologies
Medgene Labs
Merck Animal Health
Minitube USA
National Pork Board
Newport Laboratories
NOVUS International
Pharmgate Animal Health
Phibro Animal Health Corporation
PIC (Pig Improvement Company)
PrairiE Systems
Swine Health Information Center
Topigs Norsvin USA
United Animal Health
Virox Animal Health
Zinpro Corporation