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Journal of Swine Health and Production

Download a complete PDF of this issue (recommended for tablets) November and December, 2017

Cover Photo

Wintery morning in a Nebraska finishing site Photo courtesy of Dr John Waddell

 The Journal of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians

President’s message: End of science?
Alex Ramirez

Executive Director’s message: Creating value with gratitude
Tom Burkgren

Executive Editor’s message: JSHAP’s most wanted!
Terri O’Sullivan

Effects of social rank on welfare and performance of gestating sows housed in two group sizes
Li YZ, Wang LH, Johnston LJ
(PDF PDF version available)

Identification of Trueperella abortisuis contamination in extended boar semen
Bussalleu E, Althouse GC
(PDF PDF version available)

Influenza outbreak causes reduction in semen quality of boars
Lugar DW, Ragland D, Stewart KR
(PDF PDF version available)

Supplemental iron dextran injections: Influence on hemoglobin concentrations and piglet growth
Almond G, Byers E, Seate J, et al
(PDF PDF version available)

News from the National Pork Board

  • Last call for Checkoff’s Pig Welfare Symposium
  • Broken Needle Webinar available on demand
  • Pig Survivability Working Group established
  • Producer Services: Bulletin updated to help producers prepare for the Certified Swine Manager (CSM) exam
  • Domestic Marketing: Yummly Partnership

AASV news

  • AASV awards nominations due December 15
  • New information shared in 2017 salary survey
  • Swine veterinarians represented in AVMA House of Delegates
  • Position announcement: Associate Editor, Journal of Swine Health and Production (JSHAP)

Thank you, reviewers

AASV Meeting Program

AASV Foundation news

  • Rock the Boat — SEAL the Deal!
  • On your mark, get set, go!
  • Scholarships support welfare certification efforts
  • Vet Students: Ten $5000 scholarships to be awarded in 2018
  • Swine veterinarians invited to apply for Hogg Scholarship
  • Foundation to fund research in 2018: Submit proposals by January 16
  • Cool weather, hot golf at foundation fundraiser

Advocacy in action: Swine industry implements group to address emerging diseases
Harry Snelson

Also in the print edition:

The Journal of Swine Health and Production is published by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the endorsement, official attitude, or position of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, the Journal of Swine Health and Production, or any Industry Support Council member. The Journal of Swine Health and Production is a refereed publication and is a benefit of membership in the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.