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American Association of Swine Veterinarians position statement on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza

American Association of Swine Veterinarians position statement on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza
AASV issues recommendations on A/H1N1 2009 pandemic influenza virus

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) Board of Directors has approved the adoption of a series of position statements regarding the A/H1N1 2009 pandemic influenza virus. The document was developed by the AASV H1N1 Influenza Working Group chaired by Dr Joe Connor.

While pork continues to be safe to eat, concerns have arisen regarding the potential cross-species transmission of the novel virus. Recognizing the necessity to protect both animal and human health, the AASV Executive Committee created the working group, which it charged with examining the influenza issue and developing recommendations based on the best available current knowledge and pertinent published literature.

In response, the working group developed a series of recommendations to address concerns in four broad topic areas: protection of swine workers, vaccination of swine herds, vaccine development, and movement of animals from herds infected with the novel virus. The specific recommendations are outlined below. The complete document containing additional details is available online at

The emergence of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus has reminded us of the potential for cross-species transmission of influenza viruses. As veterinarians, we believe that protecting human health is of primary importance, and all reasonable measures should be taken to avoid any unnecessary risk to human health. The “One Health Initiative” of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Medical Association recognizes the impact that animals have on human health and vice versa.1 An essential component of protecting human health is providing a safe, high quality, and affordable food supply.

Influenza recommendations for pork-production staff, veterinarians, and harvest-plant workers

To protect both human health and the food supply, the AASV strongly advises that all personnel working in the pork-production industry be vaccinated against seasonal influenza annually and against any novel human influenza A viruses as they emerge.2-5 Vaccination enhances protection for personnel while minimizing the likelihood of viral transmission from personnel to pigs.

Therefore the AASV recommends that:

Influenza vaccination recommendations for swine

While humans have taken the approach of annual vaccine strain updates in attempts to minimize influenza illness and death, control of influenza in swine herds has been less flexible. Vaccination of swine with killed virus vaccines has been employed with varying degrees of success since the mid-1990s. As more strains of SIV emerged, biological companies have added contemporary strains to their existing, commercially licensed vaccines, resulting in bivalent and trivalent vaccines carefully balanced to induce immunity to all subtypes of SIV in the vaccine. Alternatively, autogenous killed influenza virus vaccines have gained in popularity to better match the antigenic and genetic differences of new SIV strains when compared to the commercial vaccine virus strains. A change in vaccine strain is generally recommended when issues such as antigenic correctness, timing, adjuvant, and co-infections have been properly addressed. More often, the decision to use an autogenous vaccine is driven by a need to more immediately respond with a specific and rapid solution to the problems unsolved by the use of commercial vaccines.

The AASV recommends:

Development of a national influenza vaccine strain selection system for swine

To protect both human health and the food supply, the AASV recognizes that minimizing the risk of cross-species transmission of influenza A viruses is critically important. Vaccination has been a useful tool for control of clinical disease due to influenza in humans. However, there is conflicting data regarding the use of currently available killed influenza vaccines in swine to control shedding or transmission of influenza between pigs. The AASV believes that it would be useful to have a vaccine strain selection system for swine production that is similar to the World Health Organization (WHO) system used for human vaccines. However, there are several barriers preventing implementation of this system in animals.6-16

Therefore, the AASV recommends:

Swine movements in herds infected with novel type A influenza virus

To protect both human health and the food supply, the AASV recognizes that minimizing the risk of cross-species transmission of influenza A viruses is critically important. Slowing the rate at which swine herds are infected and the total number of herds infected with a novel type A influenza is an important “One World, One Health” control strategy. Historically, limiting movements between production sites early in an outbreak has been an accepted measure to contain a disease outbreak and minimize or stop introduction into new herds. Practically, these measures have been of limited value in situations where there is a high degree of mobility of potentially infected animals or people and where shedding of the organism occurs prior to significant clinical signs. This was the case in the recent introduction of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza infection in humans, where infection spread to multiple countries before it was detected and accurately diagnosed.

Therefore the AASV recommends that:


1. King LJ, Anderson LR, Blackmore CG, Blackwell MJ, Lautner EA, Marcus LC, Meyer TE, Monath TP, Nave JE, Ohle J, Pappaioanou M, Sobota J, Stokes WS, Davis RM, Glasser JH, Mahr RK. Executive Summary of the AVMA One Health Initiative Task Force report. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2008;233:2, 259–261.

2. Olsen CW, Brammer L, Easterday BC, Arden N, Belay E, Baker I, Cox NJ. Serologic evidence of H1 swine influenza virus infection in swine farm residents and employees. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002;8:814–819.

3. Gray GC, McCarthy T, Capuano AW, Setterquist SF, Olsen CW, Alavanja MC. Swine workers and swine influenza virus infections. Emerg Infect Dis. 2007;13:1871–1878.

4. Myers KP, Olsen CW, Setterquist SF, Capuano AW, Donham KJ, Thacker EL, Merchant JA, Gray GC. Are swine workers in the United States at increased risk of infection with zoonotic influenza virus? Clin Infect Dis. 2006;42:14–20.

5. Olsen CW, Carey S, Hinshaw L, Karasin AI. Virologic and serologic surveillance for human, swine and avian influenza virus infections among pigs in the north-central United States. Arch Virol. 2000;145:1399–1419.

6. Bikour MH, Cornaglia E, Elazhary Y. Evaluation of a protective immunity induced by an inactivated influenza H3N2 vaccine after an intratracheal challenge of pigs. Can J Vet Res. 1996;60:312–314.

7. de Jong JC, Heinen PP, Loeffen WL, van Nieuwstadt AP, Claas EC, Bestebroer TM, Bijlsma K, Verweij C, Osterhaus ADME, Rimmelzwaan GF, Fouchier RAM, Kimman TG. Antigenic and molecular heterogeneity in recent swine influenza A(H1N1) virus isolates with possible implications for vaccination policy. Vaccine. 2001;19:4452–4464.

8. de Jong JC, van Nieuwstadt AP, Kimman TG, Loeffen WL, Bestebroer TM, Bijlsma K, Verweij C, Osterhaus ADME, Claas ECJ. Antigenic drift in swine influenza H3 haemagglutinins with implications for vaccination policy. Vaccine. 1999;17:1321–1328.

*9. Ficken MD, Sornsen S. Evaluation of experimental vaccines containing H1N1 and H3N2 swine influenza viruses, parvovirus, erysipelas, and leptospira antigens. Proc Ann Meet Am Assoc Swine Vet. Orlando, Florida. 2003;221–225.

10. Heinen PP, van Nieuwstadt AP, de Boer-Luijtze EA, Bianchi AT. Analysis of the quality of protection induced by a porcine influenza A vaccine to challenge with an H3N2 virus. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2001;82:39–56.

11. Kitikoon P, Nilubol D, Erickson BJ, Janke BH, Hoover TC, Sornsen SA, Thacker EL. The immune response and maternal antibody interference to a heterologous H1N1 swine influenza virus infection following vaccination. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2006;112:117–128.

12. Larsen DL, Karasin A, Zuckermann F, Olsen CW. Systemic and mucosal immune responses to H1N1 influenza virus infection in pigs. Vet Microbiol. 2000;74:117–131.

*13. Lu W. Duration of immunity (DOI) studies of bivalent swine influenza vaccine EndFluence II®. Proc Ann Meet Am Assoc Swine Vet. Orlando, Florida. 2003;199–201.

14. Myers K, Olsen C, Gray G. Cases of swine influenza in humans: A review of the literature. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:1084–1088.

15. Van Reeth K, Gregory V, Hay A, Pensaert M. Protection against a European H1N2 swine influenza virus in pigs previously infected with H1N1 and/or H3N2 subtypes. Vaccine. 2003;21:1375–1381.

16. Van Reeth K, Labarque G, De Clercq S, Pensaert M. Efficacy of vaccination of pigs with different H1N1 swine influenza viruses using a recent challenge strain and different parameters of protection. Vaccine. 2001;19:4479–4486.

*Non-refereed references.