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AASV Foundation LogoAASV Foundation news
A hole lotta fun!

Under blue skies and sunshine, 45 golfers participated in the modified best-ball- format AASV Midwest Golf Outing held at the Ames (Iowa) Golf and Country Club on August 20. The golfers braved the hazards to benefit the AASV Foundation.

At the 19th hole, golfers enjoyed a grill of brats and burgers, with side talk about the round and some discussions about – you guessed it – the swine industry. Dr Ron White, event organizer, thanked sponsors and golfers for their support and announced team and individual contest winners.

1st place team (score 63)

Hosted by Elanco Animal Health

Tom Marsteller, Doug Sullivan, Doug Quam, Craig Boelling

2nd place team (score 64)

Hosted by Intervet/Schering-Plough

Dave Iverson, Dave Bomgaars, Brian Roggow, Dave Jordison

Individual contests

Longest drive: Jeff Kindwall (hole 10), Lynn Garrells (hole 6)

Closest to the pin: Chris Rademacher (hole 16), Brian Roggow (hole 3)

Longest putt (hole 18): Jim Peterson

Fore your information!

Without the generous support of our sponsors, the golf outing would not be possible. This year’s sponsors were Applied Biosystems (beverage cart), Elanco Animal Health (lunch sponsor), and Pfizer Animal Health and Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health (golf-hole sponsors).

Proceeds from the event support the AASV Foundation and its programs that benefit veterinary students and swine veterinarians. These programs include research grants, externship grants, veterinary-student scholarships and annual meeting travel stipends, the Heritage Award, and the Alex Hogg Memorial Scholarship.

The team of (L to R) Doug Sullivan, Craig Boelling, Doug Quam, and Tom Marsteller won first place in the team competition. The team was hosted by Elanco Animal Health.

Only one stroke behind the first place team, Intervet/Schering-Plough’s team of (L to R) Dave Jordison, Brian Roggow, Dave Iverson, and Dave Bomgaars claimed second place in the team competition. Team member Brian Roggow also received an individual award for hitting closest to the pin on hole 3.

AASV Midwest Golf outing was “a hole lotta fun!”

All photos courtesy of Tracy Ann Raef

AASV Foundation requests research proposals

As part of its mission to fund research with direct application to the profession, the AASV Foundation seeks research proposals for funding in 2009. Proposals are due January 31, 2009, and may request a maximum of $6000 (US$) per project. The selection and announcement of projects for funding will take place in March.

Proposed research must fit into one of the five action areas stated in the AASV Foundation mission (see sidebar).

Proposals must also contain the following:

1. Identification of the issue

2. Background information

3. Description of the project

4. Timeline

5. Budget

6. Plan to apply results for maximum return to swine veterinarians, veterinary students, or both

No project timeline is to exceed 12 months. A final report will be due within 60 days of stated project completion. For more information, or to submit a proposal, contact:

AASV Foundation
902 1st Avenue
Perry, IA 50220
Tel: 515-465-5255; Fax: 515-465-3832

AASV Foundation Mission

The mission of the AASV Foundation is to empower swine veterinarians to achieve a higher level of personal and professional effectiveness by:

Enhancing the image of the swine veterinary profession,

Supporting the development and scholarship of students and veterinarians interested in the swine industry,

Addressing long-range issues of the profession,

Supporting faculty and promoting excellence in the teaching of swine health and production, and

Funding research with direct application to the profession.

Auction action at AASV 40th Annual Meeting

Spurred on by the excitement and success of the AASV Foundation (AASVF) fundraising auction in San Diego, the AASV officers, the AASVF Board, and the AASV Program Planning Committee have come to a unanimous decision: they enthusiastically agree that the AASV 40th – that would be “XL” in Roman numerals – annual meeting in Dallas, Texas (where they say everything is bigger and better) is the perfect time and place to continue the AASVF auction tradition. As a result, plans are already underway to conduct the AASVF live and silent fundraising auctions on Monday, March 9, at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel.

The 2008 auction netted over $70,000, well beyond the original “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” of $50,000. Dr Warren Wilson, foundation president and chair of the 2009 AASVF Auction Committee, says he’d like to see the 2009 auction raise at least $80,000, and points out the goal is only $2000 per year of AASV’s existence.

The success of the 2008 auction is attributed not only to lively and generous bidding by auction participants at the annual meeting, but also to the donation of auction items by AASV members and industry sponsors. For the 2009 auction, the foundation is once again relying on item donations to populate the auction catalog and is looking to AASV members to lead the way.

Donate an auction item

YOU can be a part of the auction fun and take pride in supporting the foundation by donating an item for the 2009 auction! To do so, please visit the AASVF Web site at and complete the donation form to provide details about your auction item. Submit the form to the AASVF by December 1, 2008. Your contribution will be recognized in the printed auction catalog as well as on the auction Web site and in AASV e-Letter announcements about the auction.

Successful auction items in the past have included handcrafted items, hunting trips, sporting equipment, electronics, artwork, clothing items, and tickets to sporting events and other activities. Be creative and have fun! Remember, all donations to the AASVF are tax deductible. Proceeds from the auction enable funding for AASV programs designed to “ensure the future…create a legacy” for swine veterinarians. Check out the following list of recent activities.

Your AASV Foundation:

– Development of real-time PCR for Actinobacillus suis

– Creation of a swine disease field manual

– Exploration of PCV2 elimination using PCV2 vaccine