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AASV Foundation news
AASV Foundation Auction – a real BHAG

The AASV Foundation’s Auction Committee is planning the largest fundraiser in its history during the 2008 AASV Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. Seizing on the lessons learned from the 2007 annual meeting, the committee has established a Big Hairy Audacious Goal of raising $50,000 during the 2008 auction. The funds raised support the foundation’s mission to ensure the future of swine veterinary medicine by funding research, scholarships, and educational programs and materials. A few examples of the programs the foundation has supported follow.

The Swine Externship Grant Program provides a grant of $200 to each veterinary student who completes an externship of at least 2 weeks in a swine practice or a mixed-animal practice with a considerable swine component.

Co-sponsoring with Newport Labs, the foundation provides travel stipends for veterinary students to attend the AASV annual meeting ($100 per student).

The foundation recently provided matching funds for member contributions to the Evergreen Project, a mission project to help small pork producers in the Shanxi region of China.

The foundation also funds research with direct application to the profession on an annual basis. The online Swine Curriculum is one of the projects funded in the past. The foundation is currently co-funding a project at the University of Minnesota to create a PRRSV biosecurity manual for use on commercial swine farms, as well as funding a project by AASV’s North American PRRS Eradication Task Force to conduct a survey of veterinarians and producers to determine obstacles to PRRS eradication.

The foundation has sponsored financial-planning seminars at the AASV annual meeting and oversees the administration of the Howard Dunne and Alex Hogg Memorial Lectures.

In addition, the AASV Foundation has provided funds to help offset the costs associated with participation in Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostician training at Plum Island for members who have been fortunate enough to undertake this unique educational opportunity.

Come to the auction with checkbook in hand and support your foundation. It’s up to you to make this auction the most successful ever!!

AASV Foundation Mission

The mission of the AASV Foundation is to empower swine veterinarians to achieve a higher level of personal and professional effectiveness by:

  • Enhancing the image of the swine veterinary profession,
  • Supporting the development and scholarship of students and veterinarians interested in the swine industry,
  • Addressing long-range issues of the profession,
  • Supporting faculty and promoting excellence in the teaching of swine health and production, and
  • Funding research with direct application to the profession.


Swine veterinarians invited to apply for Hogg Scholarship

The AASV Foundation is pleased to announce the formation of the Hogg Scholarship, established to honor the memory of longtime AASV member and swine industry leader Dr Alex Hogg. Applications for the scholarship will be accepted until February 1, 2008, and the first scholarship recipient will be announced on March 9 during the foundation luncheon at the AASV 2008 Annual Meeting in San Diego.

The intent of the scholarship is to assist a swine veterinarian in his or her efforts to return to school for graduate education (resulting in a master’s degree or higher) in an academic field of study related to swine health and production.

Dr Alex Hogg’s career serves as the ideal model for successful applicants. After 20 years in mixed-animal practice, Dr Hogg pursued a master’s degree in veterinary pathology. He subsequently became Nebraska swine extension veterinarian and professor at the University of Nebraska. Upon “retirement,” Dr Hogg capped off his career with his work for MVP Laboratories. Always an enthusiastic learner, at age 75 he graduated from the Executive Veterinary Program offered at the University of Illinois.

The scholarship application requirements are outlined below and on the AASV Web site at

Hogg Scholarship application requirements

Applicants for the Hogg Scholarship shall have 5 or more years of experience as swine veterinarians, either in a private practice or in an integrated production setting, and 5 or more years of continuous membership in the AASV.

Applicants are required to submit the following: current curriculum vitae, letter of intent detailing his or her plans for graduate education and future plans for participation and employment within the swine industry, and two letters of reference from AASV members attesting to the applicant’s qualifications to be a Hogg Scholar. Applications and requests for information may be addressed to the AASV Foundation, 902 1st Avenue, Perry, IA 50220-1703; Tel: 515-465-5255; E-mail:

AASV Foundation requests research proposals

As part of its planned annual schedule, the AASV Foundation seeks research proposals for funding in 2008. Up to $12,000 will be disbursed, with a maximum of $6000 awarded per project (all currency in $US). Proposals are due January 31, 2008. The selection and announcement of projects for funding will take place in March.

Proposed research must fit into one of the five action areas stated in the AASV Foundation mission (see sidebar).

Proposals must also contain the following:

1. Identification of the issue

2. Background information

3. Description of the project

4. Timeline

5. Budget

6. Plan to apply results for maximum return to swine veterinarians, veterinary students, or both.

No project timeline is to exceed 12 months. A final report will be due within 60 days of stated project completion. For more information, or to submit a proposal, contact the AASV Foundation, 902 1st Avenue, Perry, IA 50220-1703; Tel: 515-465-5255; Fax: 515-465-3832; E-mail: