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Journal of Swine Health and Production

July and August 2007

Cover Photo

Colorful weaner in an Iowa nursery.

Photo courtesy of
Tina Smith

 The Journal of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians

President’s message

From the Executive Director

From the Editor

Ovulation induction protocol using equine chorionic gonadotropin and porcine luteinizing hormone in the weaned sow
Bennett-Steward K, Cassar G, Plante C, et al
(PDF PDF version available)

Effects of water-based antimicrobials on growth performance of weanling pigs
Gottlob RO, Dritz SS, Tokach MD, et al
(PDF PDF version available)

Palpable lingual cysts, a possible indicator of porcine cysticercosis, in Teso District, Western Kenya
Mutua FK, Randolph TF, Arimi SM, et al
(PDF PDF version available)

Effect of piglet birth weight on weights at weaning and 42 days post weaning
Smith AL, Stalder KJ, Serenius TV, et al
(PDF PDF version available)

Tonsilar crypt exudate to evaluate shedding and transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus after inoculation with live field virus or vaccination with modified live virus vaccine
Fangman TJ, Kleiboeker SB, Coleman M
(PDF PDF version available)

News from the National Pork Board

AASV news

AASV Foundation Midwest Golf Outing
(PDF PDF version available — registration form)

Advocacy in action

Straight talk


Also in the print edition:

The Journal of Swine Health and Production is published by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the endorsement, official attitude, or position of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, the Journal of Swine Health and Production, or any Industry Support Council member. The Journal of Swine Health and Production is a refereed publication and is a benefit of membership in the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.