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The 2020 VIRTUAL Morrison Swine Innovator Prize for DVM Students

Veterinary student, are you shadowing a swine veterinarian this summer or involved in an interesting clinical case investigation? Are you working on your veterinary skills by designing a list of differentials or developing a treatment plan? Are you investigating a problem by analyzing production records? Then share your work at the 2020 Virtual Allen D. Leman Swine Conference to win the 2020 Morrison Swine Innovator Prize!

The 2020 VIRTUAL Morrison Swine Innovator Prize for DVM Students

Veterinary student, are you shadowing a swine veterinarian this summer or involved in an interesting clinical case investigation? Are you working on your veterinary skills by designing a list of differentials or developing a treatment plan? Are you investigating a problem by analyzing production records? Then share your work at the 2020 Virtual Allen D. Leman Swine Conference to win the 2020 Morrison Swine Innovator Prize!

Students – Make Sure You’re Ready for “Day-1” as a Swine Vet

Are you on an internship this summer? Heading back into clinical rotations? Planning for your next semester? Want to make sure you have the knowledge and skills needed to hit the ground running on day 1 of your career as a swine veterinarian for food-animal practitioner? Check yourself against the list of basic, intermediate, and advanced “Day-1” competencies available at

Student Resources

Hey students! Looking for resources to keep your swine medicine skills sharp? Want to dive deeper into a swine medicine topic? Look no further! A summary of resources can be found on the Student AASV Membership Benefits page.

Student Resources

Hey students! Looking for resources to keep your swine medicine skills sharp? Want to dive deeper into a swine medicine topic? Look no further! A summary of resources can be found on the Student AASV Membership Benefits page.

Student Resources

Hey students! Looking for resources to keep your swine medicine skills sharp? Want to dive deeper into a swine medicine topic? Look no further! A summary of resources can be found on the Student AASV Membership Benefits page.

Students, Are You Looking for FREE Online Swine Resources? SMEC is Here to Help!

In light of COVID-19 responses, which have eliminated on-farm clinical opportunities for many students, the Swine Medicine Education Center (SMEC) has consolidated all of its digital resources (clinical skills, virtual tours, case examples, hot topics, etc.) in a new online platform available to students FREE until the restoration of clinical training opportunities. To learn how to register click HERE.