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Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday – Physical Wellbeing Tip: Get moving! Find some way to move your body that is fun for you, and do it multiple times a week. There are so many options from walking or running to hiking to Zumba to barre class to pickle ball to lifting weights to yoga to riding mules to cycling to martial arts to kayaking to rock climbing to chopping wood-the possibilities are literally endless! It is up to YOU to find what works for YOU, and then DO IT.

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday – Emotional Wellbeing tip: Debrief as a group after particularly taxing cases or challenging interactions. Work together to identify what about the situation was distressing and how you can mitigate that distress in the future.

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday: Financial Wellbeing Tip – Consider hiring a financial planner to help you manage your finances. It may seem counter-productive to pay for a service when you’re already concerned about money, but a professional will be able to navigate what you simply don’t have the time or expertise to do, and that can be worth something.