For the first time, a pig kidney has been transplanted into a human without triggering immediate rejection by the recipient’s immune system, a potentially major advance that could eventually help alleviate a dire shortage of human organs for transplant. [Source: Farm Journal’s Pork 21 October 2021]
Category Archives: Human Health
Wellness Wednesday – The Veterinarian’s Oath
Need a midweek pick-me-up? A reminder of why we do what we do? Watch your fellow swine vets recite the Veterinarian’s Oath in a video filmed for the AASV’s 50th Anniversary by AASV member Dr. Sarah Probst Miller. Warning – you might get goosebumps. Do you have an idea for Wellness Wednesday? Let us know! We’d love to share YOUR tip!
Agricultural Community QPR for Farmers and Farm Families
Over the last decade, farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressures resulting in high levels of stress, mental health issues and suicide. Join us September 29 12-1:30 pm CT for a live, FREE QPR virtual training event!What is QPR? QPR training teaches lay people and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. [Source: AgriSafe]
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday – Financial Wellbeing Tip: Invest in your community by making an effort to use the services of local businesses for various needs within your office or clinic. It will improve the local economy (which will come back to benefit you) and strengthen the camaraderie amongst the municipal chamber of commerce to which you belong.
FDA CVM Letter to Veterinarians and Retailers: Help Stop Misuse of Animal Ivermectin to Prevent or Treat COVID-19 in Humans
Dear Veterinarians and Retailers of Animal Health Products, The FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine has continued concerns that there are people using animal formulations of ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19 in humans. [Source: FDA CVM, 30 August 2021]
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday – Intellectual Wellbeing Tip: Explore other cultures, either by traveling or by diving into local history and visiting nearby museums.
Wellness Wednesday – 6 Ways to Keep Sexual Harassment Out of your Workplace
Workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, remains a persistent and often unreported problem across many professions, and veterinary medicine is no exception. Not only does it extract a steep cost from those who are harassed; it also harms our workplaces, creates toxic work environments, and leads to decreased productivity, increased turnover, and reputational harm for the workplace. The well-being of our veterinary colleagues depends on all of us working to address this issue. We can’t expect harassment to stop on its own, but we can all work to combat it. To learn about 6 concrete actions each of us can take to kick workplace harassment to the curb, read the full article in dvm360.[Source: dvm360 13 July 2021 by Jen Brandt]
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday – Environmental Wellbeing Tip: Create a work environment that is as clean, open, and light as possible.
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday – Emotional Wellbeing Tip: Debrief as a group after particularly taxing cases or challenging interactions. Work together to identify what about the situation was distressing and how you can mitigate that distress in the future.
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday – Creative Wellbeing Tip: Make a commitment to take the class you’ve always wanted: ceramics, photography, singing, learning a new instrument, painting, creative writing. Check out your library or other community resources for what may be available in your area.