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SMEC to Hold CSSC Trainings

The Swine Medicine Education Center will hold four, two-day training sessions for the Certified Swine Sample Collector program. These trainings will be geared toward individuals with limited swine experience and will include visits to breeding and grow-finish facilities.

SMEC to Hold CSSC Trainings

The Swine Medicine Education Center will hold four, two-day training sessions for the Certified Swine Sample Collector program. These trainings will be geared toward individuals with limited swine experience and will include visits to breeding and grow-finish facilities.

SHIC-Funded JEV Risk Assessment Update in Progress

Following the outbreak of Japanese encephalitis virus in Australia in early 2022, the Swine Health Information Center funded a study to reassess the risk of JEV introduction and establishment in the US. Dr. Natalia Cernicchiaro, Kansas State University, is leading the efforts to build on a 2018 qualitative risk assessment to estimate the risk of emergence of JEV into the US. The updated risk assessment will add information regarding transmission, establishment, and spread by incorporating the latest scientific information, and elements contributing to the risk, to improve upon the previous work.

SMEC to Hold Four CSSC Trainings

The Swine Medicine Education Center will hold four, two-day training sessions for the Certified Swine Sample Collector program. These trainings will be geared toward individuals with limited swine experience and will include visits to breeding and grow-finish facilities.