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Be Prepared: Transitioning Certain OTC Antimicrobial Products to Rx June 2023

FDA published Guidance for Industry (GFI) #263 in June 2021 which outlined a plan for transitioning certain over-the-counter (OTC) antimicrobial products for animals to prescription (Rx) status. As outlined in FDA’s Guidance for Industry (GFI) #263, FDA expects approved animal drug products containing medically important antimicrobials that are currently available as OTC products to transition to Rx status beginning in June 2023. To help prepare for this transition, FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is conducting outreach to increase awareness about this expected change.

What’s a Swine Vet Worth? You Tell Us! AASV Salary Survey Now Under Way

What’s a swine veterinarian worth? Isn’t that what we all want to know? Are your salary and benefits comparable to those of your colleagues? Are you paying your associate veterinarians enough to keep them from searching for greener pastures? What do you need to offer an early career veterinarian to be competitive with other offers they are likely to receive? The answers to these questions start with YOUR participation in the 2023 AASV Salary Survey, now under way!