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Are You Registered for AASV? One Week Left to Register Online

Are you making a list and checking it twice? Hotel room – check! Travel plans – check! AASV meeting registration – check! Wait, are you sure? Take a moment to confirm, as there’s only one week remaining to register online — after February 16, registration will close entirely until we’re on site in Nashville February 24-27. Conference presentations will address the theme “Leading AASV into the Future.” If you haven’t already done so, register and review the conference program today at We hope to see you there!

Reminder: SHIC Continues to Accept Research Funding Proposals for Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program

The Swine Health Information Center leveraged a collaborative partnership with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and Pork Checkoff to fund the 2-year $2.3 million Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program currently underway. SHIC, FFAR and Pork Checkoff now remind researchers that proposals continue to be accepted for priorities not adequately addressed in funded projects to date. Proposals are invited for submission and funding consideration to investigate cost-effective, innovative technologies, protocols, or ideas to enhance biosecurity during the wean-to-harvest phase of production.

People on the Move: Dr. Meredith Petersen

Dr. Meredith Behr Petersen has been appointed Director of Swine Health for the National Pork Board, where she will be contributing to the organization’s Swine Health and Production Team and overseeing projects related to their foreign and endemic disease programs. Dr. Petersen received both her DVM degree from Iowa State University and MPH from the University of Iowa in 2021. She anticipates completion of her PhD from Iowa State University in 2024. Her updated contact information is available at Are you on the move? Let us know at