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SHIC/AASV H5N1 IAV Webinar (Part 2) Addresses Dairy Experience and Biosecurity on Swine Farms

The Swine Health Information Center, in collaboration with the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, hosted a webinar on influenza A viruses on Friday, April 19, 2024. The goal of the webinar was to understand the threat HPAI H5N1 poses to domestic livestock species and to inform producers of actions that can be taken to prevent infection on-farm. This article includes an overview of the clinical presentation and epidemiology of the multi-state dairy herd outbreak and a review of biosecurity considerations for swine farms to mitigate risks of HPAI H5N1. A separate article addresses global influenza surveillance and research outcomes for HPAI H5N1 experimental infection in swine. The webinar garnered high interest with 1341 registrants and 921 joining the webinar live from 30 countries.

SHIC/AASV H5N1 IAV Webinar (Part 1) Addresses Global Influenza Surveillance and Risk to Swine

The Swine Health Information Center, in collaboration with the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, hosted a webinar on influenza A viruses on Friday, April 19, 2024. The goal of the webinar was to understand the threat HPAI H5N1 poses to domestic livestock species and to inform producers of actions that can be taken to prevent infection on-farm. This article includes an overview of influenza A viruses, global and domestic distribution of the virus, IAV swine surveillance programs, and research outcomes for HPAI H5N1 experimental infection in swine. A separate article includes information regarding the clinical presentation and epidemiology of the multi-state dairy herd outbreak and a review of biosecurity considerations for swine farms to mitigate risks of HPAI H5N1. The webinar garnered high interest with 1341 registrants and 921 joining the webinar live from 30 countries.

Comment Now: FDA Proposes New Regulations for Animal Drug Labeling

Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is proposing new regulations to provide animal drug sponsors with predictable requirements for the labeling of prescription and over-the-counter new animal drugs, as well as new animal drugs for use in animal feeds. The proposed content and format of labeling would also benefit veterinarians, animal owners, and animal producers by providing a more consistent presentation of information on the safe and effective use of these new animal drugs.

SHIC-Funded MSHMP Project Fills PDCoV Epidemiologic Information Gap

In February 2014, porcine deltacoronavirus emerged in the US nearly one year after the initial detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, further impacting the US swine industry. Dr. Mariana Kikuti with the Morrison Swine Health Monitoring Project at the University of Minnesota, along with colleagues Drs. Catalina Picasso-Risso and Cesar Corzo, conducted a Swine Health Information Center-funded study to fill the gaps in current epidemiologic information regarding PDCoV post-introduction.

VMLRP Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report

Food animal veterinarians are critical to maintaining a healthy, secure, and safe food supply. Today, there is a critical shortage of food animal veterinarians in both private and public practice, particularly in rural communities in the U.S. and insular areas. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) provides approximately $9 million per year in funding to help eligible veterinarians offset a significant portion of debt incurred in pursuit of their veterinary medical degrees in return for their service in certain high-priority veterinary shortage situations.