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2025 AASV Annual Meeting Program

Program Chair: Dr. Locke Karriker
AASV Program Committee
March 1-4, 2025
San Francisco, California

Program Book (pdf)

Preconference Program

AASV Committee Meetings
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Preconference Seminars
1:00 – 5:00 PM

Additional fees apply. You must be registered for the regular meeting sessions in order to register for seminars.
Click the blue heading bars to expand each seminar program.

Seminar #1: Practice Tips

Max Rodibaugh Memorial Practice Tips
Co-chairs: Jessica Risser and Melissa Billing
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 1-2

Are you looking for ideas that you can take home and implement today? Don’t miss this TED-talk-like seminar where AASV members offer their valuable insights and best advice that can be used immediately! These talks will feature innovative solutions to everyday problems.

1:00 Introduction

1:10 Reducing sow mortality: One pelvic organ prolapse (POP) at a time
Lauren Glowzenski

1:30 Having a BLAST with PRRSV sequences: How you can compare two sequences on your own quickly and easily
Neal Benjamin

1:50 Clinical evaluations of and managing swine dysentery and other grow-finish enteric diseases
Mark Hammer

2:10 He said, she said: Using immunology to uncover the truth
Tori Novak

2:30 Beyond the SOP: New perspectives on piglet euthanasia
Brooke Kitting

Co-sponsored by USDA APHIS – Protect Our Pigs

3:15 Effective vet-to-vet consultations
Brian Cerrito

3:35 “AnOtter” app for notes on the go
Amanda Reever

3:55 Epidurals and anesthesia: Don’t fear, I’ll make it clear
Aaron Slater

4:15 Blood collection from sows without a snare
Robyn Fleck

4:35 Watch the sneezing and wheezing go away
Evan Koep

5:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #2: Boar Stud Issues

Boar Stud Issues
Co-chairs: Kayla Blake and Megan Hood
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 3-4

The focus of this seminar is to provide attendees with practical information on the boar stud industry. It will address the ever-continuing issues of bacterial contamination and lameness along with a variety of other important topics.

The seminar will begin with an overview of semen traceability and where we are as an industry. In the spirit of the theme “Be the Pig’s Champion,” we will expand our knowledge and learn about boar studs in the show pig industry. Next, a series of presentations on semen contamination will include a current overview of reprotoxins and spermatotoxins, a field case of bacterial contamination, and a closer look at Ralstonia pickettii in a boar stud setting, followed by a panel discussion.

After the refreshment break, attendees will receive tips from diagnosticians on sampling boars and performing post-mortem lameness exams, followed by advice on how to improve animal welfare and staff safety when building or updating boar stud facilities. The seminar will conclude with presentations on managing boar lameness and feeding.

The information presented in this seminar will be valuable not only for practitioners who routinely work with boar studs, but also for those with sow farm clients, as these topics have impacts on downstream production.

1:00 Semen traceability: Where are we at?
Doug Groth

1:15 Dollars and “sense” of show pig boar studs
Daniel Hendrickson

1:30 Reprotoxins and spermatotoxins
Gary Althouse

1:50 Unveiling the unseen: Bacterial contamination in a boar stud (field case)
Kayla Blake

2:05 Understanding Ralstonia pickettii in the boar stud
Megan Hood

2:20 Semen contamination panel discussion
Althouse, Blake, Hood

Co-sponsored by USDA APHIS – Protect Our Pigs

3:15 Diagnostic sampling in boars
Darin Madson

3:35 Postmortem lameness exam
Stephanie Rossow

4:00 Building/updating the boar stud to improve animal welfare and staff safety
Darwin Reicks

4:20 Management of lameness in the boar stud
Megan Hood

4:40 Boar feeding management
Steve Dritz

5:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #3: Pork Safety

Transforming the Pork Industry: Optimizing the pork chain from farm to fork
Co-chairs: Jessica Seate and Rebecca Robbins
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 5-6

Join us as we delve into the multifaceted approaches that ensure pork products are safe from farm to fork. This dynamic seminar is designed for practitioners who are passionate about making a tangible impact on food safety and quality.

The seminar offers:
* Latest innovations: Learn about cutting-edge methods and technologies enhancing pork safety
* Comprehensive coverage: Understand the entire safety chain, from processing to distribution
* Practical takeaways: Get actionable strategies and best practices to implement immediately
* Expert insights: Gain knowledge from leading food safety authorities and industry experts

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of pork safety innovation and innovative post-harvest approaches. Join us and take the first step towards ensuring the highest standards of safety and quality in your pork products. Register now and be part of the change that safeguards our food chain!

1:00 Proposition 12 and the turbulent California pork market
Michael Lau

1:30 The hidden secret of collaborating with your packer
Grace Houston

2:00 Extracting the value of lung reviews as a tool to control respiratory problems in swine
Edgar Diaz Estrada

2:30 Harnessing slaughter plant data to optimize health decisions in pig production
Felipe Bedoya Lopez

Co-sponsored by USDA APHIS – Protect Our Pigs

3:20 USDA FSIS Salmonella framework: Poultry industry perspective
Elizabeth Krushinskie

3:40 Self-administration of vaccines by domestic pigs to improve biosecurity
John McGlone

4:00 Use of vaccination as a tool to reduce Salmonella levels at slaughter under field conditions
Fernando Leite

4:20 Surveillance for Trichinella infection in PQA Plus pigs documents absence of risk consistent with international food safety standards
Dave Pyburn

4:40 Updates on veterinary inquiry metrics to FARAD, withdrawal interval (WDI) determination, and estimating WDIs for foreign export
Ronald Baynes

5:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #4: Pig Welfare

Being the Pig’s Champion: Assessing, addressing, and reflecting on current issues in swine welfare
Chair: Monique Pairis-Garcia
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 10-11

The objective of this seminar is to identify tools and practical approaches for discussing pig welfare issues within the community, on the farm, and with the public. The seminar will bring real-world scenarios to life and allow participants to learn from experienced veterinarians and professionals in the field how to address, reflect, and assess current welfare issues. It will conclude with an interactive case study approach where participants will work together in groups to address a pig welfare issue and receive feedback from speakers participating in the seminar.

1:00 Current issues and the future direction of pig welfare in the United States
Monique Pairis-Garcia

1:30 Effectively communicating and championing pig welfare to the general public and law enforcement
Cindy Cunningham

2:15 Effectively communicating and championing pig welfare on the farm
Mary Battrell

Co-sponsored by USDA APHIS – Protect Our Pigs

3:15 Evaluating and addressing pig welfare concerns using an objective lens
Mallory Strickland

4:00 Lights, camera, action! Pig welfare under the microscope. A facilitated and interactive pig welfare scenario
Pairis-Garcia, Cunningham, Battrell, Yake-Strickland

5:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #5: ChatPIG

Co-chairs: Brent Sexton and Brandi Burton
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 12-13

Today, it is almost impossible to attend a swine meeting, whether producer- or veterinarian-focused, where someone doesn’t bring up how AI is being used across the industry. They’re not talking about traditional AI (artificial insemination) used in everyday swine operations. They’re talking about artificial intelligence!

This seminar will focus on what AI is, its capabilities, how we are or can use it today in everyday operations, and where it is going for future use. The speakers in this seminar will cover a wide variety of topics and help those who attend understand how they can take this information back home and implement it immediately. While we’re in the heart of Silicon Valley and the tech capital of the world, there is no better time to learn about AI and technology’s role in the swine industry!

1:00 Is artificial intelligence taking my job?
Jim Lowe

1:25 From chats to charts: How GenAI transforms communication into actionable data
Amos Petersen

2:00 Hog hacker: Artificial intelligence’s role in predicting and preventing microbial infections
Kyle Leistikow

2:25 Artificial intelligence question and answer panel
Lowe, Petersen, Leistikow

Co-sponsored by USDA APHIS – Protect Our Pigs

3:15 Artificial intelligence in swine practice: Enhancing care, reducing burden
Ben Blair

3:50 Revolutionizing swine health management: Harnessing artificial intelligence with EveryPig
Nathan Schaefer

4:15 Capabilities and limitations of telemedicine in swine
Meredith Petersen

4:40 Artificial intelligence question and answer panel
Blair, Schaefer, Petersen

5:00  Seminar concludes

Veterinary Student Trivia
6:00 – 8:00 PM in Foothill G (Marriott, 2nd floor)

Student Breakfast
6:30 – 8:00 AM
Golden Gate C3

Praise Breakfast
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Golden Gate C1-2

Preconference Seminars
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Additional fees apply. You must be registered for the regular meeting sessions in order to register for seminars.
Click the blue heading bars to expand each seminar program.

Seminar #6: Biosecurity

Co-chairs: Derald Holtkamp and Kate Dion
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 1-2

This seminar brings new perspectives on how to help producers improve biosecurity in the pork industry. The last four decades have witnessed a revolution in the way pigs are produced that has increased the consequences of outbreaks and created extraordinary challenges for preventing the introduction of pathogens into herds. With African swine fever virus knocking on our door, the importance of improving biosecurity has never been higher. Despite a large investment in time and money in biosecurity, the pork industry still struggles to reduce the frequency of outbreaks in sow herds and the lateral introduction of endemic pathogens into groups of growing pigs. The aim of this seminar is to introduce alternative perspectives and novel approaches for veterinarians to help producers improve biosecurity and make sustainable progress.

8:00 Welcome

8:05 Update on the SHIC-funded Standardized Outbreak Investigation Program (SOIP)
Derald Holtkamp

8:25 Lessons learned from outbreak investigations
Rebecca Robbins

8:45 Barn cleanup for disease elimination: Hospital clean
Alex Umbaugh

9:05 Factors affecting lateral introduction of PRRSV and coronaviruses in growing pigs
Kate Dion

9:25 Biosecurity question and answer panel
Holtkamp, Robbins, Umbaugh, Dion


10:10 Livestock transport biosecurity: A Manitoba perspective
Karine Talbot

10:30 Design and execution of staged loading
Nicholas Benge

10:50 The many layers of farm entry biosecurity
Chris Sievers

11:10 Factors affecting whether wean-to-market caretakers comply with biosecurity procedures: A survey of motivation, resources, and job demands
Joshua Holtkamp

11:25 Responding to the threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza: Wildlife biosecurity assessments and mitigation
David Marks

11:45 Biosecurity question and answer panel
Talbot, Benge, Sievers, Holtkamp, Marks

12:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #7: Swine Lameness

Swine Lameness
Co-chairs: Meghann Pierdon and Jamee Eggers
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 3-4

From sample collection to common causes, this seminar will cover hot topics in swine lameness. Speakers in this session will cover everything from diagnostics to nutrition and approaches on the farm. Whether you work with sows, boars, finishing pigs, or all of the above, if you want to learn more about lameness, this seminar has something for you!

8:00 Utilizing CT technology to reduce lameness
Maryn Ptaschinski

8:35 On-farm experiences with sow lameness
Chris Sievers

9:10 Nutritional perspective on swine lameness
Jordan Gebhardt


10:15 Mycoplasma hyosynoviae: What we know (and mostly what we don’t know)
Maria Pieters

10:50 Swine lameness at the diagnostic laboratory
Rachel Derscheid

11:25 Gross pathology and histopathology in lame pigs
Meghann Pierdon

12:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #8: Effective Herd Visits

Early Career Development Program: Be the pig’s champion with effective herd visits
Chair: Clayton Johnson
Fee: $110 (waived for participants in the USDA-NIFA-VSGP Early Career Development Program)
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 5-6

The seminar will review specific strategies to optimize the value of veterinary visits to pig farms. Specifically, we will review the pre-work visit process, executing visit observations, developing and negotiating health action plans, and follow-up communication strategies to ensure your visits create value for all stakeholders. Given that teaching is a critical component to many farm visits, we’ll explore the most effective teaching tools for farm employees. The Adult Learning Model and Situational Leadership will be explored with specific strategies covered to ensure that your training is effective and results in optimal health management implemented by farm employees following your visit.

8:00 Welcome, introduction, and agenda overview

8:10 Visit pre-work
Joe Connor

9:00 Executing a successful herd visit
Attila Farkas


10:15 Developing and negotiating health action plans
Deanne Hemker

11:00 The Adult Learning Model and Situational Leadership   
Scott Stehlik

11:30 Question and answer panel
Connor, Farkas, Hemker, Stehlik

12:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #9: Public Policy

NPPC Public Policy and Advocacy Update
Chair: Anna Forseth
Fee: $110
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 10-11

For several years, the National Pork Producers Council has successfully engaged with AASV members participating in the Swine Veterinarian Public Policy and Advocacy Program, covering policy issues impacting the swine industry. Through this AASV seminar, NPPC hopes to expose a broader audience of swine veterinarians to current topics and discuss opportunities to be involved. Whether our activities are focused on welfare, food safety, public health, international markets, business continuity, or foreign swine disease prevention, veterinarians have a very important voice.

8:00 Welcome and introduction

8:05 Policy in the swine industry: Why, how, when
Matt Grill

8:35 The farm bill and swine health
Matt Grill

8:50 California Proposition 12: Navigating certification in swine production
Jamee Eggers

9:15 2025 state legislative issues
Seth Krantz


10:15 Antibiotic policy update
Ashley Johnson

10:35 Swine health and trade
Maria Zieba

11:10 African swine fever update
Anna Forseth

11:25 World Organization for Animal Health: Why we engage
Marie Bucko (presented by Anna Forseth)

11:45 A veterinarian’s role in policy
Jeremy Pittman

12:00 Seminar concludes

Seminar #10: Swine Med for Students

Swine Medicine for Students
Co-chairs: Kimberlee Baker and Brandi Burton
Fee: $110 (waived for veterinary students and 2023 and 2024 DVM/VMD graduates)
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 12-13

Join us for an engaging seminar tailored especially for veterinary students who are eager to explore a career in swine medicine. The seminar will kick off with a question-and-answer panel featuring four exceptional swine veterinarians who will share their insights into the realities of early-career swine veterinary practice. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, hear about day-to-day challenges and successes, and gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to thrive in this specialized field.

Next, attendees will learn effective vet-to-vet communication techniques essential for collaboration and consultation in real-world veterinary practice. Then the seminar will delve into interactive case studies designed to enhance clinical skills. Participants will work though realistic scenarios, practicing clinical reasoning and developing treatment strategies under the guidance of seasoned swine vets.

This seminar aims to prepare attendees for the practical aspects of a swine veterinary career, ensuring that they leave with both knowledge and confidence.

8:00 Introductions and review of early-career veterinary statistics

8:15 Behind the barn doors: The real life of a swine vet (panel)
* Brianna Fredrich: Technical services
* Amanda Reever: Consulting/private practice
* Chelsea Stewart: Mixed-animal practice and production system
* Evan Koep: Consulting/private practice/international work


10:15 Vet to what? Performing efficient and effective vet-to-vet communications
Kimberlee Baker and Amanda Reever

10:45 Interactive case studies
Kimberlee Baker and Amanda Reever

12:00 Seminar concludes

AASV Annual Meeting

All sessions from this point forward are included in the conference registration fee.
Click the blue heading bars to expand each session program.

Research Topics
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Research Topics
Chair: Chris Rademacher
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 7

8:00 Establishing best practices for oral fluid collection
Grzegorz Tarasiuk

8:15 Assessing the effect of pooling commonly used samples in breeding herds on the probability of influenza A virus sequencing
Daniel Moraes

8:30 How many samples do you need for influenza A monitoring in farrowing rooms?
Daniel Moraes

8:45 Effect of oral meloxicam administration to sows on piglet colostrum intake based on immunocrit, birth weights, and infrared thermography
Kendra Blaschko

9:00 Evaluation of meloxicam residues in commercial sows/pigs utilizing a sensitive diagnostic assay
Brian Payne

9:15 Prevention of Streptococcus suis disease using avirulent strain inoculation
Samantha Hau

9:30 Mitigating economic losses from Streptococcus suis through data-driven decision making
Laszlo Gombos


10:15 Effect of stocking density on F1 gilt grow-finish and reproductive performance
Christine Mainquist-Whigham

10:30 PRRSV-2 variant classification: A dynamic nomenclature for enhanced monitoring and surveillance
Kimberly VanderWaal

10:45 Can air filtration systems truly reduce PRRS outbreaks? Estimating the effects of negative and positive pressure systems on PRRS occurrence
Xiaomei Yue

11:00 Impact of production and health management strategies on PRRSV outbreak recovery in breeding herds
Ana Paula Poeta Silva

11:15 Productivity losses due to PRRSV, PEDV, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in US breed-to-wean herds from 2016 to 2020
Onyekachukwu Henry Osemeke

11:30 The impact of the timing of PRRSV and swine enteric coronaviruses introduction on wean-to-market productivity
Kate Dion

11:45 Evaluating the efficacy of alternative livestock trailer wash methods on reducing the risk of PEDV introduction to farm site areas when loading market pigs
Edison Magalhaes

12:00 Session concludes

Poster Sessions
12:00 – 5:00 PM
(authors present with posters 12:00 – 1:00 PM)
Location: Yerba Buena Grand Assembly

POSTERS: Veterinary Students (#1 – #26)


* Posters #1-15 have been selected for judging in the Student Poster Competition sponsored by United Animal Health

* 1. Oral NSAID impact on production and additional treatments of grow-to-finish pigs challenged with respiratory viruses
Morgan Almeida, Iowa State University

* 2. Evaluation of the response to antibiotic treatment in newly placed finishing pigs
Bryn Anderson, University of Minnesota

* 3. Evaluation of intradermal vaccination in piglets to improve welfare and labor efficiency, reduce stress responses and pain, and minimize injuries to piglets and producers
Madeline Benedetti, University of Guelph

* 4. Evaluation of lameness and lesion scores when a crude fiber concentrate is applied at time of pen mixing in gestating females
Mallory Wilhelm, Iowa State University

* 5. Factors influencing flank, tail, and ear lesions in conventionally housed finishing pigs
Yasmeen Samar, University of Pennsylvania

* 6. Evaluation of PRRS modified live virus vaccination in combination with killed autogenous PRRS vaccination on performance of growing pigs challenged with 1-4-4 PRRS viru
Seth Boss, Iowa State University

* 7. A case study: Characterization of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae replacement gilt exposure program in commercial sow systems
Murray Perkins, Iowa State University

* 8. Correlation between velocity patterns of pig spermatozoa and phagocytosis by neutrophils
Yaneli Hernandez Flores, University of Guadalajara

* 9. Use of a progesterone test strip for management of replacement gilts and weaned P1 sows
Maeve Davis, Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM

* 10. Can swine transport trailers be used to evaluate the Salmonella status of a farm?
Casondra Snow, University of Minnesota

* 11. An evaluation of sow feeding behavior and stanchion preference in gestation pens with 48-inch stanchions
Benjamin Rogers, University of Illinois

* 12. Regulation of periweaning body temperature is improved in piglets given higher doses of injectable iron dextran during the suckling period
Molly Jones, North Carolina State University

* 13. An evaluation of the use of artificial intelligence in porcine lung lesion scoring
Sadie Sims, University of Tennessee

* 14. Effect of antioxidant supplementation in sows pre-farrow and during lactation on sow and piglet performance
Ayva Bohr, Iowa State University

* 15. Effect of antibiotic and stimbiotic interventions in the periparturient period on sow mortality
Annika Senn, Kansas State University

16. Evaluating the impact of postpartum prostaglandin administration on preweaning growth in modern swine production
Jameson Bell, Iowa State University

17. Evaluating porcine circovirus 2 maternal immunity decline via indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay titers in wean pigs to maximize a single dose vaccination regimen
Isabella Black, North Carolina State University

18. Sample type comparison for PRRSV detection in individually housed gestating populations
Cassidy Cordon, University of Minnesota

19. Transitioning to single tier vaccine label claims: General overview
Erin Larsen, Lincoln Memorial University

20. Could viral vaccines be used as alternatives for antimicrobials? Insights from US swine veterinarians
Danqin Li, Kansas State University

21. Transitioning to single tier vaccine label claims: Swine influenza vaccines
Erin Russell, Lincoln Memorial University

22. Mapping the environmental impacts of African swine fever outbreaks in the Philippines to support ASF preparedness in the US and globally
Mikayla Schlosser, University of Minnesota

23. Evaluation of the impact of a novel astrovirus 4 vaccine on antibody production, and the effects of maternally derived antibodies on piglet performance pre- and post-weaning
Cole Ulmer, Iowa State University

24. Developing a Lawsonia intracellularis surveillance program to define prevalence in a commercial swine operation
Hannah Walker, Oregon State University

25. Adjuvant evaluation of combining Streptococcus suis (S. suis) and influenza A virus (IAV-S) in pigs
Jinnan Xiao, Iowa State University

26. Challenges and opportunities of bacterial vaccines as alternatives to antimicrobials in swine health management: Insights from US veterinarians
Xirui Zhang, University of Missouri

POSTERS: Research Topics (#27 – #55)

27. Comprehensive evaluation of the economic and epidemiological benefits of market haul trailer decontamination in the US swine industry
Benjamin Blair

28. Comparative pathogenesis of a highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) strain from China to a contemporary 1-4-4 L1C variant from the United States
Alexandra Buckley

29. A comparative assessment of oral toltrazuril and injectable iron administration vs combined toltrazuril+iron injectable treatment on weaning weight, clinical signs and mortality in piglets
Cesar Caballero

30. Probability of detecting Lawsonia intracellularis by PCR in oral fluids and pooled fecal samples based on pen prevalence
Guilherme Cezar

31. Evaluation of a comprehensive platform (Pork MultiPathTM) for efficient and high throughput swine pathogen surveillance and health management
Joe Connor

32. The PRRS-resistant pig and response to vaccination
Lucina Galina Pantoja

33. Evaluation of deployable fan coverings for biocontainment of airborne swine pathogens
Erin Kettelkamp

34. Refining Senecavirus A disease occurrence estimates in the US breeding herd
Mariana Kikuti

35. Comparison of pre-castration and post-castration tongue fluids to processing fluids to monitor PRRSV in suckling pig populations
Isadora Machado

36. Evaluating stillborn presence and litter size as indicators of PRRSV detection in live piglets, and the use of stillborn tongue fluids as risk-based samples for PRRSV monitoring
Isadora Machado

37. Use of tongue tip fluids to detect swine pathogens in growing pigs
Marcello Melini

38. Practices implemented for live virus inoculation (LVI) material preparation and pathogen diversity presence in the sample
Mariamawit Zekarias Mohammed

39. Assessment of PRRSV and PEDV detection in wean-to-finish pig barns before and after manure pumping
Daniel Moraes

40. Are we ready for the next emerging disease? Defining sampling intervals for active participatory surveillance of notifiable swine pathogens in the US
Berenice Munguia-Ramirez

41. Analysis of PRRSV ORF5 lung and serum samples reveals higher rtPCR Ct values in vaccine-like strains compared to wild-type strains
Rabsa Naseer

42. Bio-exclusion practices in the US wean-to-market farms: A factor analysis across 18 production systems
Mariah Negri Musskopf

43. Enhancing PRRSV isolation from postmortem tongue fluids: Evaluation of collection protocols and cell lines
Onyekachukwu Henry Osemeke

44. Evaluating postmortem tongue fluids as a tool for monitoring PRRSV and IAV in the nursery and grow-finish phases of swine production
Onyekachukwu Henry Osemeke

45. Whole genome sequencing of E coli isolates associated with colibacillosis cases in pigs from 2015 to 2022
Rodrigo Paiva

46. Which E coli specimen and morphology are more associated with postweaning colibacillosis in pigs in the US?
Rodrigo Paiva

47. Evaluation of colostrum intake in suckling piglets in Spain
Victor Rodriguez Vega

48. How to reduce sow mortality in gestating sows
Joel Sparks

49. Use of face masks to decrease exposure to swine influenza A virus in swine farm workers
Montserrat Torremorell

50. Evaluation of gaseous ozone technology for decontaminating PRRSV and PEDV on non-porous surfaces in truck cabins
Thinh Tran Pham Tien

51. Experimental evidence of vaccine-driven evolution of PRRSV-2 in pigs-to-pigs infection chains
Kimberly VanderWaal

52. Assessment of efficacy of a porcine circovirus vaccine, type 1 – type 2 chimera (PCV2), killed virus, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (MHP) bacterin administered via a needle-free injection device (NFID) at 3 weeks of age against a relevant PCV2d challenge
Cristina Venegas Vargas

53. Influenza A vaccines and maternally derived antibodies in piglets
Kevin Vilaca

54. Effect of an electrostatic precipitator on mitigating the transmission of airborne viruses in pigs under experimental conditions
Montse Torremorell

55. Detections of human seasonal H3N2 influenza A virus reverse-zoonoses in swine during the 2022-2024 influenza season
Michael Zeller

POSTERS: Industrial Partners (#56 – #70)

56. Evaluation of the efficacy of oral vaccination with Enterisol Salmonella T/C® by gel
Joel Nerem
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

57. Effect of lactation creep feeding on pre- and postweaning performance
John Sonderman
DNA Genetics

58. Mycotoxicosis and swine inflammation and necrosis syndrome
Sara Hough

59. Management through PRRS with Swine Awake and Pulmotil AC
Brigitte Mason
Elanco Animal Health

60. A dynamic network evaluation of human, animal, and truck movement data across a swine farm system
Kent Andersen
Farm Health Guardian

61. Impact of water delivery of monoglycerides and natural extracts (First Strike Direct) on lateral PRRS 144 L1C challenge measured by mortality, morbidity, and injectable treatments
Woongbi Kwon
Furst-McNess Company

62. Synergistic effects of atrophic rhinitis and Glässer disease vaccination on pig performance
Isaac Ballarà Rodriguez

63. Evaluating microbial levels in feed mills with and without a formaldehyde-based feed mitigant
Olivia Harrison
Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health

64. Post-cervical insemination in gilts: A future perspective
Raquel Ausejo

65. Field experiences of Circumvent CML in US swine herds
James Lehman
Merck Animal Health

66. Examining fecal shedding of Lawsonia intracellularis in finishing pigs treated with water-soluble Aivlosin or lincomycin hydrochloride after an ileitis challenge and the resulting correlation on average daily gain
Nathan Winkelman
Pharmgate Animal Health

67. Impact of dietary sodium diformate in sows on suckling piglets under poor sanitary conditions
Christian Lueckstaedt
Quality Technology International – ADDCON

68. A milk-based bioactive (FxP) mitigates a severe and natural enteric disease challenge
Joel Spencer
United Animal Health

69. Compounded iron supplement used to address hurdles and needs in the field
Brian Payne
VPS – Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions

70. PCV2 prevalence and genetic diversity at processing and potential correlation with downstream performance in Canadian production systems
Ryan Tenbergen

Sunday Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
1:00 – 5:15 PM

#1 Student Seminar

Sunday Concurrent Session #1: Student Seminar
Session co-chairs: Justin Brown and Jordan Gebhardt
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 7


1:00 Retention rates of females through parity 3 in herds with high and low circulating Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Lindsey Britton, North Carolina State University

1:15 Determining the optimal infective dose of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae lung homogenate when administered by intratracheal inoculation
Daisy Cagle, North Carolina State University

1:30 Determining the ideal pH target to inhibit Escherichia coli growth in swine drinking water
Rachel Retterath, University of Minnesota

1:45 Evaluation of population and individual-based sampling methods for surveillance of porcine astrovirus type 4 in cohort of pigs during farrowing and nursery phases
Emma Zwart, Iowa State University

2:00 Could we reduce vaccine reactogenicity in pigs?
Sloane Murray, University of Guelph

2:15 Comparison of neonatal umbilical therapeutic interventions for the reduction of navel defects in downstream pigs
Matilyn Wheeler, Iowa State University

2:30 A comparison of two methods: Quantitative PCR (qPCR) vs autofluorescence technique in the diagnosis of Cystoisospora suis in a clinically affected farm treated with a new injectable combination of toltrazuril and iron for parenteral application (Forceris®)
Nicole Seebach, University of Guelph

Co-sponsored by ZOETIS

3:15 Lameness in conventional compared to organic swine finishing facilities
Elizabeth Taylor, University of Pennsylvania

3:30 The before, during, and after of emergency swine depopulation with foam
Gabriela Grant, University of Minnesota

3:45 Computationally predicted T-cell epitope trends for 30 years of wild-type PRRSV-2 strains from the USA
Julia Baker, University of Minnesota

4:00 Impact of cross-fostering on PRRSV transmission among piglets
Kristen Cleaver, Iowa State University

4:15 Investigation of a compliance marker and cost of Salmonella vaccination by gel and oral drench
Gabrielle Duhe, Louisiana State University

4:30 Comparison of cell-mediated immunity induction by two porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccines in adult breeding swine
Jacqueline Springer, University of Illinois

4:45 Comparative efficacy of water soluble tylvalosin and lincomycin hydrochloride in finishing pigs administered a Lawsonia intracellularis (Li or ileitis) oral challenge
Heejoo (Patrick) Jung, The Ohio State University

5:00 Comparison of piglet vaccination timing protocols on early nursery stress and performance
Macy Moore, Iowa State University

5:15 Session concludes

#2 Industrial Partners

Sunday Concurrent Session #2: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Katie Beckman and Deborah Murray
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 8

1:00 Antimicrobial susceptibility of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Pasteurella multocida and Streptococcus suis isolated from diseased pigs in the United States and Canada, 2013 to 2023
Michael Sweeney

1:15 CircoMatch: An immunoinformatics tool to predict and compare T cell epitopes across field viruses and vaccine strains
Dennis Foss

1:30 Application of health-focused nursery feeding strategies to support pigs facing natural porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection
Brooke Smith
Cargill Animal Nutrition

1:45 Beneficial effects of using a water dispersible organic acid/monoglyceride blend product on water quality and pig performance in a commercial nursery research barn
Mark Whitney

2:00 ProVent® ECL: A comprehensive probiotic to support swine challenged with multidrug-resistant E coli
Kyle Leistikow
United Animal Health

2:15 A Bacillus-based product, ProVent® ECL, improved piglet recovery after a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) wild-type break
Chris Puls
United Animal Health

2:30 Breeding better mothers for a free farrowing system
Jenelle Dunkelberger
Topigs Norsvin USA

Co-sponsored by ZOETIS

3:15 Inhibiting viral transmission in animal husbandry: Impact of sodium diformate alone or in combination with medium chain fatty acids: An overview
Christian Lueckstaedt
Quality Technology International – ADDCON

3:30 Effect of dietary vitamin D on PRRSV disease severity and immune response in nursery pigs
KellyGrace Keen

3:45 Serum 25OHD3 as an indicator of vitamin D status in swine and a novel testing technique to verify status
Sara Hough

4:00 Assessment of houseflies (Musca domestica) as a potential reservoir of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in swine compost facilities under field conditions
Gene Spellman
Central Life Sciences

4:15 A comparison of two different sampling methods in the quantitative PCR (qPCR) detection of Cystoisospora suis in Canadian farms
Cesar Caballero
Ceva Animal Health

4:30 Estimating PRRSV immunogenicity to four challenge strains with an in-silico T cell model
Mark Hammer
Elanco Animal Health

4:45 Pradofloxacin: A novel dual-targeting antibiotic with a low propensity for resistance selection
Joseph Blondeau
Elanco Animal Health

5:00 Session concludes

#3 Industrial Partners

Sunday Concurrent Session #3: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Brent Pepin and Marisa Rotolo
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 1-6

1:00 Creating a more robust pig
John Sonderman
DNA Genetics

1:15 Efficacy evaluation of Ingelvac PRRS MLV® against a PRRSV 1-4-4 L1C.5 variant challenge
J. D. Fiechtner
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

1:30 Evaluation of the effect of Enterisol Salmonella T/C® vaccination on the reduction of Salmonella on farm and at slaughter
Fernando Leite
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

1:45 Enhancing PCV2 control: Homologous vs heterologous vaccination in coinfection scenarios
Pablo Pineyro
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

2:00 Improving transport biosecurity and reducing risk of disease spread with biosecurity management software
Christine Mainquist-Whigham
Farm Health Guardian

2:15 Real-time feed delivery data: What might we learn about disease biosecurity/transmission from Feed Allocation Systems (FAS)?
Jordan Gebhardt
PrairiE Systems by EverAg

2:30 Sustainable use of antibiotics in boar semen production
John Quackenbush
Minitube USA

Co-sponsored by ZOETIS

3:15 What’s new with Sequivity?
Susie Knetter
Merck Animal Health

3:30 Sequivity IAV NA keeps pigs growing in the face of an early nursery IAV-S challenge
Brett O’Brien
Merck Animal Health

3:45 Critical components of a successful IAV-S stabilization program for breeding herds
Cameron Schmitt
Merck Animal Health

4:00 Florfenicol in swine drinking water: The advantages of flexible dosing for veterinarian prescriptions
Keith Bretey
VPS – Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions

4:15 The effect of feed and water consumption patterns on subsequent reproductive performance
Katie Holtz

4:30 A comprehensive vaccine approach to protect piglets from IAV-S in the face of maternal antibodies
Melissa Hensch
Phibro Animal Health

4:45 From lab to field: Integrating CASA for optimal semen dose success
Kristin Foran

5:00 Session concludes

#4 Industrial Partners

Sunday Concurrent Session #4: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Keith Erlandson and Gabi Doughan
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 10-15

1:00 Improvement in growth performance and the occurrence of ear necrosis in Vepured® vaccinated animals compared to an optimized diet against oedema disease
Ramon Jorda

1:15 Exploring biosecurity barriers: Boot bath disinfection
Gisele Ravagnani
Lanxess Biosecurity Solutions

1:30 Water biology impacts after water line cleaning and disinfection with peracetic acid
Gabi Doughan
CID Lines an Ecolab Company

1:45 Soybean meal functional compounds: The science behind observations of improved pig health and viability
Amy Petry
US Soy

2:00 Efficacy of Tilmovet® Premix for PRRS control by feed medication in weaned pigs
Ulrich Klein

2:15 Vacasan®, Huvepharma’s tulathromycin injection, administered to sows pre-farrowing to reduce sow and piglet mortality
Peter Schneider

2:30 A novel feed mitigant (FeedARMOR) in combination with hypochlorous water treatment shows additional benefit through reduced rates of sow prolapses
Fredrik Sandberg
Furst-McNess Company

Co-sponsored by ZOETIS

3:15 Correlation of intestinal lesions due to ileitis and fecal shedding of Lawsonia intraceullaris in finishing pigs treated with either water-soluble Aivlosin or lincomycin hydrochloride after an ileitis challenge
Nathan Winkelman
Pharmgate Animal Health

3:30 Responding to a sow farm PRRSV outbreak: Aivlosin treatment, planned exposure, and sampling timeline
Erin Kettelkamp
Pharmgate Animal Health

3:45 Tax reduction strategies for veterinarians
Andrew Kleis
Insight Wealth Group

4:00 Enhancing swine health: The potential of botanical extracts against PRRSV
Theresa Fossum
Phoenix Animal Wellness

4:15 Using prescription platform vaccines for control of emerging swine diseases
Keith Erlandson

4:30 Optimal iron dosing for improved growth. A review of three birth-to-market studies
Chris Olsen

4:45 Effects of second iron injection before weaning on growth performance, hematological parameters, and fecal score of pigs fed nursery diets with different dietary iron levels under natural disease challenge
Wesley Lyons

5:00 Session concludes

Speed Networking
5:30 – 6:30 PM

Location: Nob Hill A & B
The student Speed Networking event consists of a series of brief mini-networking discussions for 3rd- and 4th-year veterinary students to practice their interviewing and networking skills. It’s a great opportunity for students to interact with potential employers and colleagues. Veterinary participants do NOT have to be hiring in order to participate in this event. You can use this to screen potential candidates for jobs or preceptorships, or simply to help students become more proficient at discussions with potential employers. To participate, contact AASV Student Delegate Mallory Wilhelm ( Veterinary students, provide your name, school, and year of graduation. Veterinarians, supply your name, practice/company, and website.

Student Reception
8:30 – 11:00 PM in Golden Gate A & B

SPECIAL SESSION: Beagles and Bagels
6:30 – 7:45 AM in Yerba Buena Salon 3-6

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Location: Yerba Buena Salon 9-15

GENERAL SESSION: Be the Pig’s Champion
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Chair: Locke Karriker
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 7-8

8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
The challenges and opportunities of becoming the pig’s champion
Clayton Johnson

9:00 Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture
Who gets to be the pig’s champion?
Cara Haden

Cosponsored by VAXXINOVA

10:30 Earning the role of the pig’s champion
Daryl Olsen

11:30 Angela Baysinger Memorial Lecture
Advancing pig welfare together: Standing on the shoulders of Angela
Anna Johnson

12:30 Session concludes

AASV-AASV Foundation Luncheon
12:30 – 2:00 PM in Golden Gate A & B

Monday Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
2:00 – 5:30 PM

#1: PEDV Elimination

Co-Chairs: Marisa Rotolo and Paul Yeske
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 7

2:00 Introduction

2:15 The path toward PEDV elimination in Manitoba
Jenelle Hamblin

2:45 Estimating prevalence
Giovani Trevisan and Cesar Corzo

3:15 Comparison of elimination protocols for PED, PRRS, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Paul Yeske


4:00 Transport survey and study
Edison Magalhaes

4:20 Transport case study
Pete Thomas

4:40 PEDV elimination Q&A panel
Mary Battrell, Darin Madson, Jon Tangen, Pete Thomas

5:20 Conclusion: PEDV classification and the future of elimination

5:30 Session concludes

#2: Pig 101 on Pig One-on-One

Chair: Megan Hindman
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 1-6

2:00 Swine pharmacology update: New tools and techniques for the individual pig
Joe Smith

3:00 Basic husbandry for Wilbur, and how to navigate through individual pig advice
Joe Smith


4:00 We sent Wilbur to medical school: Describing the challenges of using swine in biomedical research
Caitlin Vonderohe

4:30 Niche production: It’s not for everyone
Pete Schneider and Trevor Schwartz

5:00 Facebook: Question and answer panel
Smith, Vonderohe, Schneider, Schwartz            

5:30 Session concludes

#3: Global Hot Topics

Chair: Perle Zhitnitskiy
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 8

2:00 African swine fever control and management challenges in the Philippines
Angel Manabat

2:30 The problem of African swine fever in pig production and the impact of the pig and meat trade
Rafał Niemyjski

3:00 African swine fever in Germany: Lessons learned
Tim Snider


4:00 Hot topics in European swine production
Vincent ter Beek

4:30 Unlocking the secrets of Streptococcus zooepidemicus
LeeAnn Peters

5:00 Brazilian swine industry: An update on actual strategies and future perspectives
Glauber Machado

5:30 Session concludes

AASV Awards Reception
6:30 PM in Golden Gate A & B

AASV Foundation Silent Auction Closes
Bid at until 7:00 PM PST

AASV Foundation Live Auction
8:30 PM in Golden Gate A & B

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Yerba Buena Salon 9-15

GENERAL SESSION: Influenza Insights
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Chair: Rebecca Robbins
Location: Yerba Buena Salon 7

8:00 Human spillover cases in swine and significance to influenza A virus ecology
Phil Gauger

8:30 Don’t be a fomite: The role of personal protective equipment (PPE) in preventing influenza A virus
Montse Torremorell

9:00 Influenza A virus in non-commercial swine and best practices for control and prevention
Andrew Bowman

9:30 Expect the unexpected: Are swine veterinarians ready for H5N1?
Scanlon Daniels


10:30 Where to begin: Selecting influenza A virus strains for a system-specific vaccine
Marie Culhane and Emily Mahan-Riggs

11:15 Ask the experts: How is a herd-specific vaccine produced?
Panel: Ben Hause and Mark Mogler

12:00 Session and meeting conclude