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Antimicrobial Use

AASV Pharmaceutical and Biologics Committee

AASV Judicious Use Guidelines — adopted by the AASV Board of Directors in August 2023.

Veterinary Feed Directive

Advocacy (including mRNA vaccines)

Extra-label Drug Use (AMDUCA)

Federal Register Notice — pdf of the official federal register notice enacting the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act of 1994 (AMDUCA)

AMDUCA and Extra-label Drug Use in Swine — A brochure providing an algorithm for the use of drugs in an extra-label manner and describing additional restrictions for the extra-label use of cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones.

AVMA: Extralabel Drug Use (ELDU) Algorithm — An online algorithm.

AMDUCA Revisited — JSHAP article describing AMDUCA in swine medicine.

ELDU Brochure — Brochure from AVMA outlining the guidelines associated with ELDU and AMDUCA.

FDA AMDUCA website — Resource information from the FDA regarding AMDUCA.

AVMA AMDUCA website — Resources from AVMA regarding AMDUCA compliance.

ELDU–Resource for Veterinarians — Article written by FDA as a guidance document to aid veterinarians in understanding extra-label drug use requirements. The article discusses 5 key points: VCPR, general conditions for ELDU, conditions for ELDU in food-producing animals, compounding and drugs prohibited from ELDU.

Pain mitigation — FDA letter confirming the extra-label use of FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of pain resulting from surgical procedures such as castration and tail docking.

Ponazuril, Diclazuril, and Toltrazuril Use in Swine and Cattle in the United States — A joint statement from the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) Pharmaceutical Issues Committee and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) Committee on Pharmaceutical and Biologic Issues on the use of ponazuril, diclazuril, and toltrazuril in swine and cattle in the United States (August 2022). Access limited to AASV members.

Guidance Regarding Use of Aspirin Products in Lactating Dairy Cattle

Resource Links

ARS Sow Residue Study — This is a pdf of a presentation given by ARS researcher Dr David Smith outlining the results of a study funded by the National Pork Board examining penicillin G procaine residues in cull sow tissues.

Swine In-Feed Use Estimates — The estimates presented here were constructed to accurately reflect available data related to production practices, and to provide an example of a scientific approach to estimating use of compounds in production animals. This study was coordinated by AASV.

AASV Recommendations to Meet MRL Requirements of U.S. Pork — Developed by the AASV Pharmaceutical Issues Committee, this document offers recommendations regarding the use of antimicrobials in pigs producing pork for export.

OIE Drug List for Swine (Compiled by the AASV Pharm. committee)

FDA Approved Topicals — This spreadsheet lists the FDA approved products for the topical treatment of wounds in animals.

Animal Drugs @ FDA — FDA database of all approved veterinary drugs. This web site replaces FDA’s “Database of Approved Animal Drug Products,” or Green Book, and is updated monthly. The application allows users to search for detailed descriptions of all FDA-approved animal drugs.

GRAS Database — Searchable database listing compounds designated by FDA as Generally Recoginized As Safe (GRAS).

Animal Drug Withdrawal Periods — Database listing the animal drug withdrawal periods by product.

Danish Experience — This brochure explains what happened when Denmark banned the subtherapeutic use of antibiotic growth promotants in pork production. The reader will learn why growth promotants were banned, what was the result of the ban, if antibiotic use in animals actually decreased and the effect this had on human health.

TAKE CARE — Use Antibiotics Responsibly — This brochure has frequently asked questions about the industry’s judicious antibiotic use program. The brochure describes the Take Care-Use Antibiotics Responsibly program, its relevance to the industry, its development, guidelines and principles. The brochure is a quick primer on the Take Care-Use Antibiotics Responsibly program.

Antibiotic Use in Pork Production: Frequently Asked Questions — This brochure explains the use of antibiotics in the pork industry.

Preventing Sick Pigs: An Ethical Responsibility — This fact sheet, published in collaboration with the National Pork Board, explains the importance of disease prevention and the justification for the use of antibiotics to prevent disease.

Prevention Uses for Antibiotics — This flyer, developed by the AASV Pharmaceutical Issues Committee, describes how swine veterinarians use antibiotics to prevent disease in swine herds.

Antimicrobial Use in Veterinary Practice — Resources from the AVMA