The AASV is pleased to announce the program for the Student Seminar at the 56th AASV Annual Meeting, to be held in San Francisco, California. Forty-two veterinary students from 15 universities submitted abstracts for consideration. A panel of six veterinarians from private practice, industry, and academia reviewed and scored the abstracts to select 15 for oral presentation and 26 for poster presentation at the meeting. A grant from the Zoetis Foundation supports $750 awards for the students selected to participate in the oral session and $500 awards for the poster presenters.
At the meeting, the students’ oral presentations will be judged to determine the recipients of AASV Foundation scholarships, including the $5000 top student presenter scholarship supported by the grant from the Zoetis Foundation and 14 additional scholarships from $500 to $2500 funded by Elanco Animal Health.
The Student Seminar, co-chaired by Drs Justin Brown and Jordan Gebhardt, will take place Sunday, March 2, from 1:00 to 5:15 pm. The scholarship awards will be announced during the AASV-AASV Foundation luncheon on Monday, March 3. The schedule for the students’ oral presentations follows, and joins the full conference program online at
1:00 Retention rates of females through parity 3 in herds with high and low circulating Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Lindsey Britton, North Carolina State University
1:15 Determining the optimal infective dose of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae lung homogenate when administered by intratracheal inoculation
Daisy Cagle, North Carolina State University
1:30 Determining the ideal pH target to inhibit Escherichia coli growth in swine drinking water
Rachel Retterath, University of Minnesota
1:45 Evaluation of population and individual-based sampling methods for surveillance of porcine astrovirus type 4 in cohort of pigs during farrowing and nursery phases
Emma Zwart, Iowa State University
2:00 Could we reduce vaccine reactogenicity in pigs?
Sloane Murray, University of Guelph
2:15 Comparison of neonatal umbilical therapeutic interventions for the reduction of navel defects in downstream pigs
Matilyn Wheeler, Iowa State University
2:30 A comparison of two methods: Quantitative PCR (qPCR) vs autofluorescence technique in the diagnostic of Cystoisospora suis in a clinically affected farm treated with a new injectable combination of toltrazuril and iron for parenteral application (Forceris®)
Nicole Seebach, University of Guelph
Co-sponsored by ZOETIS
3:15 Lameness in conventional compared to organic swine finishing facilities
Elizabeth Taylor, University of Pennsylvania
3:30 The before, during, and after of emergency swine depopulation with foam
Gabriela Grant, University of Minnesota
3:45 Computationally predicted T-cell epitope trends for 30 years of wild-type PRRSV-2 strains from the USA
Julia Baker, University of Minnesota
4:00 Impact of cross-fostering on PRRSV transmission among piglets
Kristen Cleaver, Iowa State University
4:15 Investigation of a compliance marker and cost of Salmonella vaccination by gel and oral drench
Gabrielle Duhe, Louisiana State University
4:30 Comparison of cell-mediated immunity induction by two porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccines in adult breeding swine
Jacqueline Springer, University of Illinois
4:45 Comparative efficacy of water soluble tylvalosin and lincomycin hydrochloride in finishing pigs administered a Lawsonia intracellularis (Li or ileitis) oral challenge
Heejoo (Patrick) Jung, The Ohio State University
5:00 Comparison of piglet vaccination timing protocols on early nursery stress and performance
Macy Moore, Iowa State University
5:15 Session concludes