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AASV Foundation Leman, Heritage Fellows Recognized

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation (AASVF) is committed to fund research, scholarships, externships, tuition grants, and other programs and activities that benefit the profession of swine veterinary medicine. The Foundation relies on the generous support of donors to fulfill this commitment.

During the recent AASV Foundation "Luncheon" held February 28, 2021, during the virtual AASV Annual Meeting, AASVF chair Dr Lisa Tokach announced new Leman and Heritage fellows.

This year, Drs Larry Coleman and W. Shamus Brown were recognized as Leman Fellows. Drs Brad and Eileen Thacker were recognized as Heritage Fellows. Four Star Veterinary Service honored and memorialized the late Dr Dale Hendrickson as a Heritage Fellow.


Named for the late industry leader and former AASV president Dr Allen D. Leman, this giving program confers the title of Leman Fellow upon those who make a contribution of $1000 or more to the foundation endowment.


The Heritage Fellow program recognizes contributions of $5000 or more. In addition to monetary donations, other giving options such as life insurance policies, estate bequests, and retirement plan assets may be used.


If you are ready to lend your support and help build the endowment to ensure future support of the swine veterinary profession, visit or contact the foundation by phone, 515-465-5255, or email,