Read the latest Foreign Animal Disease Preparation Bulletin brought to you by the Pork Checkoff, in collaboration with the National Pork Producers Council, Swine Health Information Center, USDA, and AASV.
Headlines include:
- World Animal Health Groups Band Together Against ASF
- Commercially Available Cell Line Rapidly Detects ASF Virus
- Latvia and Slovakia Record First ASF Cases in 2020
- Spanish Report Cites Ongoing EU Hurdles to ASF Eradication
- Are Wild Boars Really to Blame?
- Webinars for Iowa Producers Working Toward Economic Recovery
- AgView to Debut in November
- Keeping Pigs and People Healthy at Pig Shows
- Herd Depopulation and Carcass Disposal Info
- ASF Present in Over 50 Countries
- African Swine Fever Risk Calls for Action
- FAD Resources from Pork Checkoff and Other Industry Partners
For more information:
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