Is your farm ready for a foreign animal disease? What can you do to prepare yourself and your farms? Planning ahead for an outbreak may reduce some of the stress for you and your employees while preparing the appropriate actions for your operation. Workshops to help pork producers prepare via the Secure Pork Supply plan will be available starting July 29th, hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center in collaboration with the Iowa Pork Producers Association and the Center for Food Security and Public Health.
In the event of an African swine fever (ASF), foot and mouth disease (FMD), or classical swine fever (CSF) outbreak in the United States, state and federal regulatory officials will temporarily restrict animal movement to slow or stop the spread of these foreign animal diseases. If your animals are located in a disease control area, you will need to meet certain criteria (for example, movement records and biosecurity measures in place) in order to request a permit to move your animals. Guidance for requesting movement permits can be found in the Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan.
Iowa State University Swine Extension wants to help producers understand what the state and federal response might include, how the resources in the SPS Plan can help producers prepare, and what you can implement now to protect your operation. If we can help individual producers prepare, the industry as a whole is more prepared.
A variety of interactive workshops, webinars, and individual assistance on enhanced biosecurity plans and site maps are available. Two workshops will be offered: FAD Prep 101 and FAD Prep 201. FAD Prep 101 will last 2 hours and will cover what to expect during a foreign animal disease outbreak and response, mass depopulation and disposal options, and a brief introduction to the SPS Plan. FAD Prep 201 will last 3 hours and will explain the resources in the SPS Plan, how to write your personalized enhanced biosecurity plan, train caretakers in biosecurity, keep the required movement records and monitor for clinical signs consistent with an FAD outbreak. Individual or small group assistance with developing an SPS plan for your operation will also be available and can be scheduled upon request.
Workshops are scheduled for the following dates and locations (FAD Prep 101 will be from 10am-noon, and FAD Prep 201 will be from 12:30-3:30 pm; FAD Prep 101 is a pre-requisite for 201):
July 29th, Le Mars, Iowa
July 30th, Independence, Iowa
August 6th, Garner, Iowa
August 7th, Washington, Iowa
August 13, Marshalltown, Iowa
Sign up for workshops here. For more information about the workshops, visit our website at You can also subscribe to receive updates about future workshops, Secure Pork Supply, and African swine fever. For questions, or to schedule a workshop, individual, or group plan assistance, email Amanda Chipman or contact your ISU Swine Field Specialist.