Don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate in the Pig Power Networking Event at the James D. McKean Swine Disease Conference! Can you help us out by setting the alarm clock a littler earlier that morning and coming to the networking event to interact with some of Iowa State University’s finest veterinary students?
This year the event will take place on Friday, November 2, 2018 from 6:00am – 7:30am in Room 179 Scheman Building. Breakfast will be served from 6:00am – 6:30am and then we will move into the one-hour interview session. The interview session will be a relaxed and enjoyable way to meet swine-savvy students, future interns, or even potential new employees! The program will be formatted similarly to the "speed dating" concept. You will have 3 minutes to exchange information with each student. Be sure to bring business cards to exchange! This is a great opportunity to promote your practice, recruit a new intern, and discover who is currently interested in swine medicine. Twenty students from Iowa State and the University of Illinois have signed up to attend and are looking forward to networking with you, but we need more vets!
If interested, please contact Kim Baker at by October 22, 2018!
We hope to see you in Ames on November 1st and 2nd!