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AASV Committees to Meet – All Members are Encouraged to Attend

The AASV’s issue-based committees will be meeting on Saturday morning before the 2019 AASV Annual meeting in Orlando, FL. All AASV members are welcome to attend any committee meeting. If you are interested in joining a committee, please feel free to contact the committee chair and express your interest. The complete committee meeting schedule is posted on the AASV Annual Meeting web site. The room assignments and agendas will be added closer to the meeting date. Committee members should plan their travel accordingly.

Recognizing that the committees form the backbone of our organization, the AASV Board of Directors has set aside Saturday morning for committee meetings. This allows adequate time for the committees to conduct a productive meeting without having to schedule around other activities. The Board relies on the committees as "issue experts" and seeks their input with regards to issues of importance to swine veterinarians. Committees are called upon to examine an issue and advise the Board on official positions the association should take or to develop additional resources to educate our membership.