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Colorado Drops Import Permit Requirements for Electronic CVIs

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) – Animal Health Division has announced they no longer require an import permit for Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) submitted electronically through GlobalVetLink. This follows an earlier recognition from CDA regarding CVIs submitted electronically using the mCVI application developed at Texas A&M’s Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases. Veterinarians using either form of electronic CVI will no longer have to obtain an import entry permit from CDA. [Sources: GVL, IIAD and CDA)

CDA is making this change in response to the added efficiencies recognized through the use of electronic submission of CVI data directly into the department’s animal health information database called USAHerds. Electronic submission offers the opportunity to populate the department’s database real-time and enhances the accuracy of the process.

"Now, we can run the reports to check on movements that in the past would have been "permitted movements" which eliminates data entry on our end and additional data entry on the users’ end." says Alex Turner, DVM, Traceability Veterinarian at Colorado Department of Agriculture. "Our hope is that other states will also be able to do the same with their electronic traceability systems which would aid Colorado veterinarians that are using electronic methods to issue CVIs and would automatically deliver CVI data to our State database and theirs as well."

Additional information is available on the GlobalVetLink website and the mCVI app is available for download at the Apple App Store® and Google Play Store® for tablets and phones.