The UW-Extension Swine Team, in conjunction with Wisconsin Pork Association, will be hosting two webinars to provide details on the pending swine health rule that will establish herd testing requirements for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Swine Enteric Coronavirus (SECD) in Wisconsin.
Webinar 1: Introduction to the Wisconsin Swine Health Rule And Testing Background Date: Thursday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. A recording of this webinar is available at
Webinar 2: Dealing with the Challenges of a PRRS Positive Herd
Date: Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Register at:
Anyone wishing to call-in to the webinar over the phone should register using the links above and call-in information will be provided via email. If you need assistance registering for the webinars, contact the WPA office at 608-723-7551. Both webinars will be recorded and available to view at a later date.
Testing Reimbursement Program
The Wisconsin Pork Association is offering $25 grants to pork producers to help offset costs of testing for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome and Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease. The following requirements and stipulations apply:
- Producer must complete and mail reimbursement form by December 31, 2018.
- Reimbursement form must include documentation showing proof of test completion
- Proof of test can include a dated copy of a veterinary clinic bill that shows a line item for PRRS/SECD testing or a dated copy of a test report from a veterinary diagnostic lab (test results can be blacked out; proof of testing completion is all that is required for reimbursement).
- Download the Reimbursement Form Here
Rule Summary Swine moving into and within Wisconsin will have to meet new testing requirements beginning Feb. 1 according to Wisconsin State Veterinarian Dr. Paul McGraw. The new requirements are intended to help control the spread of two diseases: swine enteric corona virus disease, known as SECD, and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, or PRRS.
The goal of the rule change is to control and reduce prevalence of PRRS and SECD in the state, and to prevent spread on positive sites. A 2016 Pork Checkoff study indicated that PRRS continues to be a major drag on the U.S. pork industry – costing $580 million per year. Due to lower pig density within the state, Wisconsin has a fairly high herd health status. This rule could help improve the health of Wisconsin pigs, benefitting all producers.
The rule change will require farms with pigs to test for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Swine Enteric Corona Virus (SECD, which encompasses Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and Porcine Delta Coronavirus) when moving from one premise to another within Wisconsin, or for pigs coming into the state. The rule does not apply to pigs moved directly to slaughter. For more specific details on the testing requirements, go to
For specific situations or further questions on the rule, contact: Dr. Paul McGraw, DATCP, (608) 224-4884,; or Tammy Vaassen, Wisconsin Pork Association, (608) 723-7551,