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National Pork Board Sentinel Vet Clinic Conference Call Take Home Points

The National Pork Board coordinates a group of participants called the Sentinel Veterinary Clinics (SVC). This group consists of veterinarians and laboratory diagnosticians that represent swine producing regions in the United States. The primary focus of the SVC is quarterly calls that include both veterinarians and diagnosticians. The intent of the quarterly calls is to identify potential health challenges and be able to respond to those issues. The calls also include invited guests on key health topics of interest such as the Swine Health Information Center, USDA swine staff or from other organizations such as AASV. The calls may identify and initiate a response to what veterinary practitioners are reporting. Response may be an alert of a potential health issue through e-newsletters, through other allied organizations or agencies or as other type of communications aimed at the target audience. Past swine, health topics that have triggered additional communications have included Mycobacterium avium-associated condemnations, Erysipelas outbreaks in finisher and identification of need for more specific diagnostic tests for Rotavirus. The notes listed below are a summary of the "Take home points" from the December 2016 SVC call. [Source: Pork Checkoff, 12/30/2016]

Monitor vaccine compliance and administration technique

  • Nursery case of PCV2d- 3 clinical breaks due to vaccine compliance (Time interval between 1st and 2nd shot too long and caused disease).
  • Double number of mummies- looked like a classic Parvo, but not Parvo (test neg); animals tested PCR POS for erysipelas – incidence of mummies decreased for gilts injected vs water administration for Erysipelas.
  • Clostridium case: Highlights need for proper sanitation and maintenance of injectable equipment; Scours problem in piglet eliminated after completely replacing all syringes.

Influenza A Virus – Swine (IAV-S) still active

  • IAV-S remains a year-round problem for many areas.
  • H3 relatively severe in sow farms- 50% cases have been human-like H3, but do see other viruses.
  • Reports of active IAV-S in all ages of swine – mitigation is farm and strain dependent.

PRRS clinical signs severe when no herd immunity exists

  • Introduction of strain 1-7-4 remains devastating in a previously unaffected region; some herd immunity is apparent in farms that experienced a previous outbreak.

Concerns over time from sow sales to slaughter

  • Practitioners seeing fewer Senecavirus A (SVA) cases; however, diagnostic labs still performing tests especially for cases at packing plants and sow buying stations.
  • Concern exists regarding the time from sow shipment to cull station and then to slaughter (9-10 days) and impact on infection/transmission of SVA.
  • Very important to make sure animals are free of lesions prior to shipment to cull or slaughter AND to report to your state veterinary official if lesions are identified on your farm.
  • The Swine Health Information Center is studying this issue and has resources regarding SVA.

Diagnosed a non-hemolytic K88 E coli with no toxin

  • An unusual non-hemolytic K88 Ecoli identified. Killed finishing, nursery and baby pigs- treatments included feedback and strategic medication. Clinically normal litters housed next to dead litters; signs= acute scouring and death, quieting down using a farm specific vaccine.

Be aware of unusual cases

  • Clostridium septicum: Late finisher with skin necrosis over shoulders and ears-euthanized 1.5% pigs due to several with large wounds- treated with antibiotics sprayed the skin and pens.
  • Swollen joints in gilt developer – Strep dysgalactiae cultured from joints-responded well to antibiotic treatment.
  • Paresis in suckling pigs at weaning and down to 8-10 days of age = no Selenium and low on Copper and Manganese; clinical signs abated when animals were supplemented.
  • Vaccination reaction potential: 3-5 week post-mating pregnancy losses when vaccinating for SIV or PCV – replaced syringes which did not help; multiple sites have the same issue; potential cause(s) under investigation.

If you have interest in joining the Sentinel Veterinary Clinic conference calls, please contact either Dr. Pam Zaabel at or Dr. Lisa Becton @ or at 515-223-2791.