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AVMA Seeks Volunteers for Advisory Panels

The AVMA is seeking volunteers to participate in an 18-month pilot project to evaluate a change in their current organizational structure that would reduce the number of councils and committees by replacing them with two advisory panels. While the AASV leadership supports the current structure and is concerned that the proposed design could result in further marginalization of the livestock sector, it is important that AASV is represented on these two pilot panels. For that reason, we encourage anyone interested to self-nominate for one or both of the panels. Additional information on each panel is available on the AVMA web site: Regulatory Advisory Panel and Practice Advisory Panel. Nominations are due to AVMA by May 26. Nomination forms and instructions are available on the AVMA Volunteer Opportunities webpage. If you do decide to self-nominate, please notify the AASV office ( so we can develop a list of nominees.

AVMA’s design would be for the advisory panels to be broad in their charge, and the participants would possess a collective skill set. The panels would convene ad hoc issue-focused groups, drawing on a pool of busy members with expertise in specific subject matters.

A new forum made up of veterinary organizations would provide input to the advisory panels regarding issues of particular interest to specific segments of the profession. Also under consideration is a new Issues Management Team that would help process all the issues coming to the AVMA and then route the issues to the advisory panels.

The pilot program begins with the formation of a Practice Advisory Panel and a Regulatory Advisory Panel. These panels will draw on certain existing councils and committees as a pool of experts. Some of the panels’ participants will be representatives from these councils and committees. The remaining participants will be appointed following an open call for volunteers.

The AVMA plans to implement the pilot program beginning in July. Members may provide their thoughts by emailing