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“Students Score Prizes with Swine Knowledge at AASV “”Trivia”” Event”

Fifty-nine veterinary students from 12 universities participated in the first annual AASV Student Trivia Event, held on Saturday, February 28 at the 2015 AASV Annual Meeting in Orlando. The fun, educational competition was organized by the AASV Student Recruitment Committee and sponsored by Merck Animal Health.

Several teams of students pre-registered for the event, and additional students formed teams on-site. Each group of 4 or 5 students invented a creative team name, and one team even came outfitted in (pink!) team t-shirts.

Emcee Dr. Jon Van Blarcom used a PowerPoint presentation to simultaneously quiz the 14 teams of students with 50 swine-related questions divided into 3 rounds. Each team conferred as a group to complete the answer sheets for the three rounds. After each round, Dr. Jana Morgan and Emily Mahan-Riggs (AASV Alternate Student Delegate) worked behind the scenes to score the answer sheets. The competition was strong, with the final, bonus round of questions determining the team placings announced the following evening during the Merck Student Reception.

With a total score of 41.5 points (out of 50 possible), “The Modge-Podge Crew of Misfits” received rattle paddles for their third place finish in the competition. The team’s members – Colleen Crozier, Jessica Davenport, Kylie Glisson, Amanda Jara, and Thomas Wurtz – collectively represented North Carolina State University, the University of Georgia, and Washington State University. Iowa State University’s “Cyclone Dream Team” of Levi Johnson, Caleb Robb, Chris Sievers, and Joel Sparks edged into second place with a score of 42 and were presented with Carhart jackets for their efforts. Top honors and copies of Diseases of Swine were awarded to University of Minnesota students Jon Ertl, Ethan Spronk, Katie Wedel, and Ben Wier, whose team, “I’m Just Here So I Don’t Get Fined,” achieved a score of 43.

Several questions for the event were generously supplied by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. Questions were also prepared by Drs. Nathan Schaefer, Pete Schneider, Kent Schwartz, Chase Stahl, and Jon Van Blarcom. Sponsor Merck Animal Health provided the prizes and supplied snacks and beverages for the participants. The event organizers were pleased with the participation in this inaugural event, and plans are already under way for the second annual AASV Student Trivia Event next year in New Orleans.