Abstracts are now being accepted for the 7th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases 2015 (ISERPD2015), and should be submitted via the ISERPD2015 website: http://emerging2015.com/abstract.html by December 22, 2014. Direct inquiries to "Paper Submission Office of ISERPD2015" at iserpd2015-p@ics-inc.co.jp. The conference, to be held June 21-24, 2015, in Kyoto, Japan, is organized by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, the Japan Pig Veterinary Society, and the Japanese Association of Swine Veterinarians (JASV).
The slogan of ISERPD2015 Kyoto is "Global collaboration on controlling emerging and re-emerging pig diseases: From Asia towards the world." The scientific program will cover current economically significant diseases in swine worldwide (PRRS, PED, influenza, PCVAD, etc.), as well as transboundary infectious animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease (FMD), African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever (CSF), etc.