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ISU-VDL Defines Reporting Procedure

The Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory’s “default procedure” will be to provide the submitting veterinarian’s name and phone contact information along with the PEDV and/or PDCoV PCR positive test results, type of farm site, and PIN (when available) that are required to be reported in accordance with the USDA’s Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease (SECD) Federal Order. However, the ISU-VDL will continue to honor the requests of VDL clients (submitting veterinarians) who do not want to serve as the initial point of contact by reporting the PIN as the primary point of contact to the USDA and/or state veterinary officials.

Reporting the PIN or alternate premises-specific location based identifier is a specific requirement in the USDA’s SECD Federal Order dated June 5, 2014. PEDV and PDCoV PCR positive cases from non-farm locations are not reported to the USDA.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact Drs. Katie Woodard (VDL Client Outreach and Education) or myself (Rodger Main) by e-mail ( or ) or phone (515-294-1950) at the ISU VDL.

Source: ISU-VDL