Ontario Pork is requesting proposals for on- farm research projects pertaining to PEDv and PDCoV. Priority will be given to proposals focused on:
- Virus elimination strategies with emphasis on, but not limited to, farrow to finish operations
- Manure handling and transportation strategies
- Effective testing procedures to ensure freedom from infectious virus
DEADLINE for submissions: May 27th, 2014, 10:00 am EST. No genomic research projects will be funded. Genomic projects should be submitted to Genome Alberta.
Proposed research projects must be designed to allow completion within 6 months of funding and bi-weekly updates will be required in a format that provides timely information to the pork industry.
Proposals are to be submitted electronically in order to be considered. Only applied on-farm proposals will be considered. Funding decisions will be made by Ontario Pork. Proposals must be EMAILED to Tim Nelson at tnelson@livestockresearch.ca
Further enquiries regarding this request for proposals can be directed to Jean Howden by email jean.howden@ontariopork.on.ca or phone: 519-767-8583.