- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Veterinary Diagnostic Center has provided guidelines for submitting PEDv samples to the lab for PED diagnostics.
- KSU provided a link to a suggested protocol for feed sample collection and an evaluation of possible technologies to reduce feed contamination with PEDv.
- National Pork Board appropriated $650,000 for PEDv research, American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) also provided an additional $100,000 to investigate feed related issues. Genome Alberta is contributing $500,000 for collaborative research.
- AASV, NPB and NPPC met with feed industry representatives in March to discuss research needs relative to feed and ingredients as a potential vector for the transmission of PEDv.
- VDLs and researchers have looked at a number of PCR positive samples using bioassay and haven’t been successful showing a connection
- Sample retention questions
- Sensitivity of the bioassay – testing few animals for what may be a low (but not zero) risk of transmission
- Testing methodology questions
- Canadians were able to infect pigs using contaminated porcine blood products but not finished feeds
- Scott Dee is reporting success using bioassay and feeding pigs for a longer period of time.
- VDLs and researchers have looked at a number of PCR positive samples using bioassay and haven’t been successful showing a connection
- The New Case Report for the week ending 3/22/14 has been posted on the AASV PEDv web page. The NAHLN reports 266 positive accessions out of 825 tested at 9 Veterinary Diagnostic Labs. In addition, they adjusted last week’s number down to 291 from 296. This maintains the general downward trend in positive case submissions. No new states reported a confirmed case.