There are approximately 20 regional PRRS control and elimination projects in the United States in various stages of progress. Each project coordinator has his/her own approach to mapping swine production sites within a region. This project’s goal was to develop a uniform and integrated mapping service that would be available for any regional coordinators to use. Oracle was used to develop the database, and ArcGIS was used to develop the map. Maps are viewed in either ArcReader or ArcGIS online. Participating regional projects included N212MN, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania as well as a national PRRS incidence project involving 10 production systems, with a total of 300 sow sites and 1,000 grower sites. A common legend to classify PRRS status by site has been developed and is being promoted to all participating regions. We believe the mapping option serves the needs of the industry and is a valuable resource for the National Pork Board. Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Morrison, University of Minnesota
Key Points:
- Of the 20 regional PRRS control and elimination projects underway, coordinators use varying methods to map pig production sites and classify PRRS status.
- A uniform and integrated mapping service needed to be developed and made available.
- Beyond PRRS, the mapping service can assist in addressing other current and future swine health challenges.
Source: Pork Checkoff Research Review, March-April, 2013