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AASV Web Site Receives Makeover

If you haven’t used the AASV Web site lately, it’s time to visit After more than a year of planning and effort, the redesigned AASV Web site debuted on September 1. In addition to a cosmetic makeover, the new site features reorganized menus to provide increased visibility of, and easy access to, its vast and varied content.

The changes are most noticeable on the Web site’s home page, where a three-tabbed, rotating photo draws attention to featured news and information. To the right of the photo block, recent AASV news headlines appear, with a “More News…” link for access to previous news stories (a single click brings up older headlines one screenful at a time; a double click accesses the entire AASV news archive). Beneath the photo block, the “Quick Links” and “Advocacy” sections enable one-click access to items of particular member interest.

Links to site “essentials” are located in the top bar of the banner, in the upper right. These often-sought items include the site map, AASV contact details, the membership directory, and the password-reset utility. The real workhorse of the site, the search bar, also resides here. This valuable utility searches the content of the entire AASV Web site, including JSHAP articles, Swine Information Library papers, AASV Web pages, and news articles.

Six menu options comprise the banner’s main menu bar. Three of the options – Journal, Publications, and Meetings – are very similar to their counterparts in the former site design. The other three menus have undergone significant revision. The “AASV” menu offers access to association contact details, the membership application/renewal form, committee pages, board meeting minutes, position statements, and awards. The AASV menu also provides a link to the AASV Foundation Web page. The “Member Center” is the portal for members and students to manage AASV membership preferences, access the membership directory, and explore career services. The “Resources” menu provides easy access to online member resources – including content libraries (JSHAP, images, podcasts, videos, swine information, etc) and topical veterinary resources (swine diseases, welfare, antimicrobial use, and more). Previously, members had to log in or navigate several menus before they could “see” many of these resources – now they’re in full view and just a click away!

The revised menus are repeated throughout the inner pages of the Web site. The style of the entire site has also been updated with a new font, color palette, and center-of-the-screen format.

The effort to improve the Web site appearance and navigation was led by AASV’s Director of Communications Dr Harry Snelson, with the assistance of AASV Communications Committee Chair Dr Angie Supple, Graphic Designer Tina Smith, and AASV Associate Director Sue Schulteis. However, the real work of implementing the desired features while preserving Web site functionality across multiple browser types and versions was performed by Webmaster/ IT Specialist David Brown. Dave’s dedication to AASV’s online presence dates back to AASP’s first Web site in 1996. The last major revision of the site took place in 2002.

As always, comments and suggestions for improvements may be directed to or