Mycotoxins are naturally occurring compounds found in nearly all grain and feed products. Novus International’s Dr. Duarte Diaz is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of mycotoxins and their impact on animal performance. Dr. Diaz will conduct a webinar on mycotoxin prevalence and occurrence for members of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) on December 16, 2011, from noon to 1:00 pm. He will be joined on the webinar by Karen Lehe, DVM, DACVPM, technical service veterinarian with Novus International.
Several biological, environmental, and other factors affect mycotoxin occurrence in the food chain, including susceptibility of the crop, temperature, moisture, mechanical injury to the grain, insect and bird damage, and fungus. Conditions at harvest such as crop maturity, temperature, and moisture also play a role in mycotoxin incidence. Once harvested, how grain is stored, distributed, and processed can be a concern.
Mycotoxins affect animals in a variety of ways, each with the potential to reduce efficiency and profits. Mycotoxins alter nutrient content of feed, nutrient absorption in the animal, and nutrient metabolism. They can also alter endocrine and neuro-endocrine functions while also suppressing the immune system.
Members of AASV will be receiving an invitation from Novus to participate in the webinar. Alternatively, members can call 800-416-8493 or email for more information. Additional webinars for producers are being planned as well.
[Editor’s note: This webinar is sponsored solely by Novus International and is not a function of AASV.]