Vet 2011 is a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the world’s first veterinary school in 1761 in Lyon, France. The Alfort veterinary school, near Paris, came three years later. Both were founded by Frenchman Claude Bourgelat.
Bourgelat, in collaboration with surgeons in Lyon, was instrumental in developing the concept of comparative pathobiology. World Veterinary Year would be commemorated with special events highlighting the contributions veterinary medicine has made to animal and public health. The AVMA is spearheading a national committee comprising organizations allied with the profession and government entities to coordinate events in the United States.
The Association, for its part, is considering the following:
- Hosting a one-day symposium at the 2011 AVMA Annual Convention in St. Louis titled "World Veterinary Year: 250 Years of Improving Animal and Human Health."
- Pursuing a congressional resolution and presidential proclamation declaring World Veterinary Year in 2011.
- Publishing relevant cover art and articles in JAVMA in 2011, as well as the 2011 AVMA convention newspaper.
- Posting video footage on AVMA TV about Vet 2011 and World Veterinary Year.
- Developing commemorative items and handouts with the Vet 2011 logo.
- Establishing a student exchange with the Lyon veterinary school, in conjunction with the Student AVMA.
- Using the Vet 2011 logo and the AVMA logo on the return-address labels included in the 2011 AVMA membership renewal mailings.
- Developing an exhibit booth on Vet 2011 and World Veterinary Year for use at the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference and AVMA convention.
To serve as a link for Vet 2011 events globally, the French committee is planning to produce a film on the life of Bourgelat and the birth of the veterinary profession at the end of the 18th century. The film will be offered to TV channels and event organizers. Merial has signed on to sponsor the film’s script.
Visit for more information on Vet 2011.