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ISU, CVM Searches for New Dean

Dr. John Thomson, Dean of the ISU CVM, has announced he will retire in early 2011. A nationwide search is currently underway to name his replacement. Dr. Thomson has been a strong supporter of the need to emphasize food animal medicine and has worked to establish ISU as a leader in educating the next generation of food animal veterinarians.

As we move farther from the farm the emphasis on food animal education has declined at American veterinary colleges resulting in current and projected shortages of food animal veterinarians. Fewer veterinary colleges are targeting resources to support food animal education and it is, therefore, critical that we as food animal veterinarians show our support for the efforts of those colleges and individuals working to promote food animal medicine.

The search committee appointed to find Dr. Thomson’s replacement has placed a survey online asking for your opinion regarding the qualifications of the next Dean. I urge you to visit the survey and express your opinion. The survey can be found at The online survey closes May 5th but you can also send your comments via the web ( or you can send a letter to that email address as well. Additionally, you may nominate candidates through the web email address: