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Action Plan if H1N1 Suspected in the US Pig Herd

AASV, National Pork Board and the National Pork Producers Council worked with State Animal Health Officials (SAHO), CDC and the USDA to develop a response plan to direct actions in the event that the novel H1N1 Pandemic Influenza strain should be suspected or confirmed in a U.S. pig herd. Given the recent confirmation of pandemic H1N1 in the U.S. swine herd, it seems timely to remind veterinarians of those guidelines.

Ultimately, it was determined that the current working relationship between producers, veterinarians and state and federal animal health officials would be sufficiently robust to adequately address any suspected or confirmed novel H1N1 virus introduction into the U.S. swine herd. The SAHO will be the lead organization determining local activities as outlined in the response plan.

The SAHO would be notified of a suspected case of novel H1N1 following diagnostic testing resulting from one of the following scenarios: routine sample submissions from producers participating in the H1N1 Surveillance Program through a veterinary diagnostic laboratory, samples submitted from pigs exhibiting influenza-like clinical signs at a fair, exhibition or other point of concentration, or if linked to human cases associated with swine contact.

Following notification of a suspect case, the SAHO would work confidentially with the veterinarian and producer to investigate and monitor the pigs. If appropriate, the SAHO in collaboration with the attending veterinarian and producer would implement additional biosecurity measures designed to minimize the risk of viral spread. Samples will be submitted to the veterinary diagnostic laboratory for confirmation. If negative, the investigation is concluded and activities return to normal.

If confirmed, the diagnostic lab would notify the SAHO and the attending veterinarian who would in turn notify the producer. Pig movements from the affected herd would be restricted until the clinical signs have resolved or as approved by the SAHO. The resolution of clinical signs (barking cough, fever, anorexia, lethargy and ocular and/or nasal discharge) would be determined by the attending veterinarian. In accordance with standard operating procedures, sick animals would not be shipped to processing facilities. Recovered pigs can move normally without restriction.

Additional information can be found on the AASV website.