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AASV Search Engine

Have you ever wanted to know something about swine health and didn’t know where to look? If you are a member of AASV or a subscriber to the Journal of Swine Health and Production (JSHAP), you have access to a wealth of swine health knowledge online at the AASV website!

It’s as simple as logging into the AASV website. A box is available at the top of every page on the website that allows you to enter the information you’re searching for. Simply enter the information, hit enter and you have access to abstracts of all JSHAP articles, entire JSHAP articles since 1993, general information and AASV News articles. In addition, if you purchase the Swine Information CD (available only to AASV members and JSHAP subscribers), you also have online access to all the content available on the CD-ROM! That includes current and past proceedings from the AASV annual meeting, the George Young Swine Health and Management Conference, the Leman Swine Conference, the ISU Swine Disease Conference, the IPVS Congress, and the International Symposium on Swine Disease Eradication.

If you haven’t visited the website in awhile, logon and spend a little time exploring the world of swine health information and industry news that’s available to you as a member of AASV. Forgotten your username or password? No problem, there’s a box at the bottom of the homepage that allows you to reset them. Consider making your homepage so that anytime you log onto the internet the first page you see is the AASV homepage. From there you can quickly review the latest swine health and industry news items, link directly to other pages of interest to our members, search the website, access the member directory or slide library, or even access the worldwide web.

Come on, give it a try the next time you want to know something about swine health, your profession or the swine industry. Otherwise, you’ll never know what everyone else knows that you don’t know, you know?