I hope that you are all looking forward to the Annual Meeting. Here is a quick overview of the opportunities for students during the conference. Make sure that you take note of the AASV Vet Hunt described at the end of this email. See you in San Diego.
Student Breakfast
Enjoy breakfast, compliments of the AASV, on Sunday, March 9 at 6:30 am in Harbor Island I at the Sheraton San Diego hotel. Meet and visit with students and faculty advisors from veterinary colleges across the country and around the world. You will also hear a short discussion from the AASV Student Representatives.
Student Pre-conference Seminar
This year’s program features presentations by young veterinarians who understand the challenges facing new graduates entering the swine industry today. In lieu of written materials, participants will receive a CD of information and utilities assembled especially for the swine vet in training. This year’s program was designed and chaired by Drs. Brian Payne and Larry Firkins:
Sunday, March 9, 2008 8:00 am – 12:00 noon
Location: Harbor Island II
Student Poster Session
Sixteen veterinary students will present research and case studies in poster format on Sunday, March 9 in the Grande Foyer and Monday March 10 in the Pavilion. The display begins at 12:00 noon on Sunday, with the poster authors available for discussion until 1:00 pm.
Student Seminar
AASV Student Seminar on Sunday afternoon (March 9, 1:00 pm in Grande A). On the basis of submitted abstracts, 15 students have been selected to make presentations of research, case studies, and literature reviews.
Intervet Student Reception
Don’t miss the Student Reception sponsored by Intervet on Sunday, March 9 in Grande A from 8:30 – 11:00 pm. You’ll find plenty of snacks & beverages along with great entertainment. Make the most of this opportunity to interact with students, swine veterinarians, researchers, and industry representatives in an informal setting – who knows, you might line up your next externship or identify a potential job opportunity!
AASV Vet Hunt
New this year! In your registration packet you will find a list of veterinarians that are leaders in the AASV or offering student internship opportunities. You have from the time of registration until the Intervet Student Reception Sunday night to meet as many of these AASV members as you can. Have a short conversation with them and get their business card or write down some notes from your conversation. Prizes for the student members that obtain the most contacts are: First prize: Garmen nuvi 260W GPS Second prize: Diseases of Swine, Straw, 9th Edition Third prize: Custom necropsy kit