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AASV Announces Support for Premises Registration

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) recognized the importance of premises registration in a position statement adopted during their Board of Directors fall meeting in Kansas City on October 2nd.

The Board unanimously approved the following position statement supporting the USDA’s premises registration effort as "integral to an effective disease management program." The association’s leadership encourages its member veterinarians to register their premises, including veterinary clinics and livestock farms, and to promote premises registration to their livestock clients. This information will be used by state and federal animal health officials in response to an animal health emergency and to facilitate the management of disease control programs.

Veterinarians interested in registering their premises can do so by visiting the USDA’s National Animal Identification System (NAIS) website where they will find information about the NAIS and the importance of registering livestock premises and facilities associated with livestock production and animal health. The website contains an interactive map of the U.S. which will direct the user to registration materials for each individual state.

U.S. swine producers are actively pursuing premises registration as part of a comprehensive swine identification program. Pork producers announced their support of a mandatory animal identification system during the 2005 Pork Forum in Orlando, FL. Since 1989, swine moving interstate have been required to be identified as part of the PRV eradication program.

AASV Position Statement on Premises Registration

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) supports premises registration to facilitate the identification of livestock premises for the purpose of disease control programs. The AASV recognizes the importance of rapidly responding to disease outbreaks and the necessity of identifying locations housing susceptible livestock. Premises registration forms the basis of an effective disease management program. The AASV therefore urges its members to register their premises (veterinary clinics, farms, etc.) and also to promote premises registration to their livestock clients.